1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 生まれ変わったらどの家電にな..
2023-04-12 10:56



Introductions and Friendships
Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast. Oh guys, okay
Are you looking for the DMS? Yeah. All right. All right. That's one
That wasn't it was it huh? That wasn't the right one was it mmm. Did you change the M? Yeah
Yeah, it was difficult to answer like huh?
Yeah, yeah, okay
Kevin-san, Yamachan, konnichiwa. Konnichiwa. I'm Rudy. I always enjoy watching YouTube and podcasts.
I've been a high school senior since this spring, but I have a very good friend who I've been friends with since high school.
Oh my god, you guys are gonna be buddies for life. Yeah. Wow.
Wow, that is amazing. That's impressive. Wow
Unbelievable that's a that's a friend for life
That is absolutely amazing. Yeah, that's a buddy for life. Yeah, true. Wow
The Tragic Fate of Suihanki
I understand this. Suihanki. Really? Yeah, cuz it smells always good
So the reason why I don't want to be a suihanki, okay, is because you're sometimes forgotten
like you're forgotten of like yeah
Gohan taketa. But like you forgot to put it in the fridge. Yeah, you know
Sometimes yeah, right takitate you scoop it on the chawan. Yeah, and then you close it, right?
Yeah, and then boom you forget right? That's sad. That's sad. Like the next day you look at it. Yeah
Shit. Yeah
It's on home. Yeah, for like 14 hours or something. Oh wow. That's bad. That's very sad
I don't want that to happen in my life if you were suihanki. Yeah that then that would be miserable
Right, that's that must be so painful. You know, it's a painful. Yeah, 14 hours of home. Yeah, that's bad
You're not gonna even eat them, right?
True you just smell it and you can't eat them. You just true. That's true. That's a total
No, that's actually torture. That's true. That's true
Do you sometimes forget to?
Wash that little top part
You don't want to talk about right I understand take that little top part off little yeah that ring thing, right? Yeah
That's sad too
Okay, so it's gotta be an object yeah, let's do object okay, yeah no like creatures only creatures
It's gotta be an object like a cut in or something. Okay
Cotton or something. Yeah, cut it. Okay. Let's do cut it. Yeah
Okay, I know what I want to be yeah, yeah
That's the code no, no, yeah, you got to choose them wisely. Yeah, I got to do them carefully careful, you know
I'm thinking like taking it very seriously, right? Yeah, you're gonna be that caught in for years
Yeah, right, so you don't want to choose something weird, you know
You don't want to choose anything geared
Okay, okay
That's difficult very difficult question. Yeah
Is there anything or you can know so let's also choose the cut in that we don't want to be
Okay, that's this easy. All right. Okay, let's go with the the kind of that you don't okay that okay
My yeah, I got give it to me. Okay, so Ziki
Really, you know, they're so tricky
difficult and so Ziki life you you you know, you need to
Draw every single dust in the floor. That's true in that guy and
Face will be like, you know rolling on the floor and you have to you know, hey, that's true. I think you're near that's true
That's difficult
In that sense, yeah, I've just chosen my
Number one. I don't want to be cut in. Okay, that's
Iron Oh for clothing. Okay. Why?
Because your face is smashed against a cloth
All the time, right? All right. That's that's such a bully. Yeah. Yeah, and it's very hot
Yeah, it's really hot. Sometimes they torture you with water like
True yeah, right. So that's those students. That's our number ones. I understand that. Yeah
Well, this is very difficult for me, yeah, what's yours okay, so my number one yeah is um
You mean
Then keep up then keep up the Yawakashi photo. Yeah, like the father or something like that
Why because it's so powerful like, you know
Is it so powerful? You're just
Like you're applying so much pressure to the water. Mm-hmm to the point where you're changing the boiling point. Yeah, right, which is
It's so manly
It's very manly like you need a lot of power. Yeah, you need a lot of force. Yeah. Yeah like
Like when you're cooking, huh? Like when it's boiling yeah, no one can disturb that bitch, right like that, right that fucker is
Doing this thing. Yeah, no one
He's not letting anybody
Yeah, touch him right when he's doing that thing. Yeah, everybody needs to wait him. Yeah for needs to wait him
right and um, I
Think that's kind of cool. Okay
Yeah, but isn't it sad when like for example you want to make
Cup ramen or whatever. Yeah, you put it water. Yeah, make it hot and then use it and
This I'm oh god inside. That is so sad then
Nobody cares about that. Oh my god, that is so sad and getting cold out cold. That is so true
It's like it's like you go pee
Then you have a little bit left and you just like stuck with a little bit of pee inside you
And you have to live that live with that for like five hours. That's so sad
When the toilets right there, yeah, yeah, wow, that's sad that's very sad. Yeah, it's very sad
That's true. Right. Do you have what's your what's your number one? I'd say
Here's Raya, okay. Why?
Cuz it just smells nice I see always like but you're
I see the wind is blowing away the smell. Don't you think? Yeah, right
So you're all you're always drawing away the smell and you don't you don't ever get to smell it, right?
You rather smell the bird from the from the inside
In the heater which smells kind of weird and it's very hot. Yeah, it's very hot. Oh, then I'll say I'm
Senpuky what about this senpuky? Okay, how come cuz it's like I'm
So in summertime, okay
Everybody loves you like oh, I need senpuky. Sure. It's senpuky and all you need to do is just like this
Just like do this
Yeah, right. That's true. Yeah, sometimes the little kid kid come to you and says like ah to me
That's cute. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, and all you're doing is this right? Yeah
What I do is just like this and it's so easy. It's such an easy life. Yeah, sometimes people poop
Paper in front of you
That's just you get these hair extensions. Yeah, it's like a shadow, you know
That's true. Yeah, that's so true. Yeah, sure
But you'll feel insecure when daisang comes in
Comes in the room you're like you're like so useless and so insecure. Oh
My god, oh no, they're not gonna want me anymore
Right and also winter time you have to wait right winter times really tough
Hibernation and bears
Well, you're gonna go like hibernation mode is when you what you have to do like you have to like yeah
Bear right sad do bears hibernate. Yeah. Oh, thank you. Thank God
Alright, thanks for sitting guys

