1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 梅雨シーズンの就寝中のエアコ..
2023-07-20 09:32


この独特な角度を ....
So I guess it's like almost coming to an end. I think well, I believe so but hopefully hmm
You know, it's humid as fuck out here. All right, I
Don't like it. Yeah me too. Every day. I wake up. I'm like, oh my god. This is devastating. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so humid
Like hot high temperature isn't that and not annoying to me. Mm-hmm
Humidity is terrible. Nah
Did you say this is the worst season of all to you, yeah, yeah, yeah terrible, right, right. Yeah, right
Let's sunny day today. So yeah, it's sunny feels good. Yeah
Still a little bit humid but when you compare to you know, two or three days ago, yeah
How do you so when I sleep
Recently, I turn the AC on
The just model. Okay, and I set a timer for like three four hour. Okay hours
How do you how do you sleep? How do you do with like your things when you sleep?
Yeah, anything special? So I still haven't decided what I should be doing
Yeah, I I do different kinds of you know, I did all do different sorts of like
You try miles every day
Yesterday I did
Put the label on and then I set the temperature. Yeah, and then I
Changed the Jido. Uh-huh
Changed the Jido. So like it's always
Yeah, that is that too? Yeah, and it's um, I didn't put a timer on I just left it on the whole night
Yeah that I did I did it once or like the other day. I kept on the just mode. Yeah turned on the whole time
Seven decided like it's it's it's never perfect. Yeah, it's never perfect. Yes. It's either too cold
Yeah, humid and hot and I I can never get to the perfect one, right? Oh, okay, you know
Yeah, me too. So I'm always like thinking is this the best way right to do and I sleep but right
Yeah, I know. I know right so it should be like you're still like label. Yeah, like Jido, right?
What should I say a timer or not?
Do you think the Jido?
Sensor on the air con is accurate. I
Never think it's accurate. All right
Like how could this and this be the same temperature is aimed for the same temperature. It doesn't make sense
Yeah, like it gets freaking hot right where it gets really hot, right? Sorry, it gets freaking hot or really cold. Yeah
Well, it's still the same target temperature for like how the fuck that happened
What's going on, yeah, I agree that happens right yeah when you said like 20 need you look at oh, yeah
It's it's it's always not the same, right? It's never the same. Yeah, it's sometimes feel like 28. Yeah
Sometimes it's like 24
Right. Yeah
That's my recent
like problem, what's your
Pajama, like how how how?
Unclothed are you? I mean I wear
So recently I wear like usual t-shirt. Okay, which which isn't like the usual t-shirt actually, it's it's it's very thin
Mm-hmm. It's it's it's like a bit old. Okay, like worn out. Yeah
Yeah, it's it's still too good to throw it away. Yeah, but you're not gonna wear for like the everyday
Shopping, right? Yeah. Yeah. Oh
Like football t-shirt like football jersey. Ah, it's more like a breathable. Yeah. Yeah, and then
I wear
It's like a
Breathable like long sleeve like the one in Uniqlo city. Yes
Yeah, kind of yeah, wait what no they have it what do you mean they don't they have a local stay kind of
Where that's I know statistical is there. Yeah. Okay. I know they have said it on Uniqlo
But it's always as pair like statistic. Oh, no, I'll stick don't they have like a two
major kind of like sleepwear shit like
Static. Oh, yeah. Wait, hold on. Do they have to I think so go stick
All right, I guess I was wrong. They don't have it. They don't have it. I
Guess it's just a cool stick. Yeah. Yeah. All right. They have static one. Like yeah, no more ski
No, I'm the one of that never heard that Japanese name. All right, forget it. Yeah. Yeah
So it's kind of statistical thing. Mm-hmm. It's it's very breathable and
Light right? Yeah, it's a little bit below your knees. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is that comfortable? Yeah
very comfortable
Yeah, oh it's choice for now for me, right? Okay. It's not the one that
I bought from Uniqlo. It's actually a football with
like a
Jersey kind of oh really? Yeah, but it's good. It's just like statistical. Mm-hmm sportswear. Yeah
Yeah, so I'm right now wearing um, just underwear straight-up underwear. Mm-hmm
Yeah, I I bought like the the boxer type yeah boxer type as in like the
American right the
Yeah, yeah, I forgot which one the American was but like the it's like the bigger one. It's a yes a bigger one
It's a loose one. Yeah, I wear that at night and then I just wear that through the whole day
I sometimes even take out the trash with that
Yeah, what about the?
Tops hops. Yeah, a simple t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt. Yeah, nothing special. Mm-hmm some teachers from Uniqlo. Yeah
That's what I do, right and sometimes I'll do the no-sleeve the tank top. Ah
That I bought several weeks ago
Yeah, yeah
It's okay. That's a good choice. I yeah, yeah me too. I once slept with only the the boxer. Uh-huh
That's comfortable but to me like bit like
So I put an AC on and then wore that box out
Yes, that big cold to me in the morning. I was like
Cold right the wind does directly. Yeah, right. Yeah, let's feel cold in the night
right, I get it, but
Still trying like trying to find the best way. Mm-hmm
Mm-hmm to sleep during this season. Yeah, I get it. Yeah
I'm also thinking about you know, how it's so humid
Our hairs get very like
Yeah, messy messy and everything, right? It's like a ciggy everything
I've come to a point where like I don't know what to do with my hair anymore. You know, I cut my own hair, right?
Yeah, I'm actually now considering to go to a professional
Like a oh, oh really get myself a like a fresh look. Yeah
Yeah, well you should yeah unlock doors. Yeah
I'm considering that right now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, cuz when I go to those
Salons. Mm-hmm. They
Like look my hair isn't that curly today. It's not curly at all
Yeah, cuz I guess they so I I went there
I'm I have very curly hair and during this season that very annoying and then they would like I see and then
they're gonna cut like I don't know this professional way somehow they
Kind of do that shit. Yeah and make it like
Easier for me to like Wow. Yeah, so I guess they can help you I guess. Yeah, it's nice
Yeah, yeah, so that is something that I might do right, right, right, right, right, right
But yeah, seven minutes. All right. Yeah. Thanks listening guys. Yeah. Bye. Bye

