1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 最近恥ずかしくてコンビニ..
2022-03-08 09:26



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Yama-chan noticed what I said.
If you take a look at Amazon Podcast, our exclusive version of the program,
at the ending I said, "That was Kevin's English Room Podcast, and on to Kevin's English Room Podcast!"
Which, when I should have said, "That was Kevin's English Room Podcast plus, and now on to Kevin's English Room Podcast!"
Yes, yes, yes.
It never ends, you know?
It's a loop.
That's funny.
Alright, this program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todokeo, Anchor!
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Alright. Cool.
Did it.
So today we've got a message from Yu-san.
Thank you!
She has no space to be here!
Right, she doesn't have any space.
Yeah, but, nickname Yu.
Yu and san.
Yeah, Yu-san.
"Watashi ga itte iru biyoushitsu dewa, dorinku wo dashite kureru saabisu ga arimasu."
"Watashi wa kouhi mo ko-cha mo nomenai no desu ga, sore ga bareru to hazukashii node."
It's okay!
"Itsumo chotto mayou furi wo shite, kyou wa aete mitai na funki wo dashite kara, ringo juusu wo tanonimasu."
"O futari wa tsuui mie wo hatte shimau koto tte arimasu ka?"
Oh, that's cute.
That's actually kind of cute.
To go for an apple juice, you know?
That's kind of cute.
Yeah, apple juice for today.
That's cute.
Can't drink tea, huh?
Isn't that kind of rare? To not be able to drink tea?
So like, green tea doesn't work for her maybe then?
I guess.
Well, "kouhi mo ko-cha mo nomenai no desu ga."
"Kou-cha ka." So it's like, maybe green tea is okay.
Only like, those English breakfasts, like Earl Grey and shit like that.
So, "mie wo haru."
Do you have any?
Ah, "mie wo haru, ne."
Like, I don't know if this is "mie wo haru."
But like, when I go to a grocery store,
I can't...
I tend to not want to go to the cashier with only one small pack of gum or something like that.
Why is that?
I don't know, because it's like, with a convenience store I'm so comfortable with just a little piece of item to buy.
But if it's at a grocery store, it's just so much harder. It's just so much pressure.
You feel the pressure?
Yeah, I feel the pressure to get more, to add more on the cart.
I don't know, I somehow feel the pressure to like, I have to have more items.
To buy.
Okay. From who?
Like, general society?
I don't know why.
Even if it's not crowded?
If it's not crowded, it's easier.
Okay. If it's crowded, that's difficult for you.
It's difficult for me.
Standing in the line, having just one piece.
Maybe it's not pressure, or maybe it's more like, I don't want to waste my time.
If I just wanted this one item, I could just go to a convenience store and just get it without lining up.
Maybe that's the mentality, that's the thought process I'm having.
Maybe that's it.
But like, it is a fact that I tend to like,
I want to buy only one item when I go to a store, especially when it's crowded.
I've never...
Never felt that way.
Well, I've never felt that way, but I actually have never been in the situation like,
I want to buy just one piece at those supermarkets.
For example, if you're strolling around town, and you find a supermarket,
like, "Oh, maybe I should check this place out."
And then I go in there and be like, "Oh, that's a great looking chocolate, right? Maybe I should buy one."
And then I hesitate.
That's what happens.
Oh, wait, but the line's kind of long.
Maybe I'll not buy it.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, then that's just, you never want to waste your time.
Yeah, yes.
Maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, true.
Another Miyoharu kind of thing is,
Sentai, you used to work at a Starbucks.
Like, I kind of know what kind of Starbucks drink I want.
And like, all the customizations that I can do.
Like, there's nearly like a hack for it.
Like, you can make a drink so much more like, chocolatey-er.
By doing this, right?
But it's not common for people to do that.
What happens is, I go to the cashier, like the counter,
and I order my drink, but like, I kind of hesitate.
Like, I kind of,
I kind of Miyoharu, and want to do like, these normal drinks.
Oh, I'll just have a, I'll just have a tall-size Starbucks latte, that's all.
That's me Miyoharってる.
Well, like, in reality, what I want to do is,
let me have a tall-size ice, a soy latte,
no ice, extra soy, make it like,
make it like, add an almond syrup on it and all that shit,
that makes it so much better.
But I just, I don't know, I kind of Miyoharu.
Is that, is that,
I just go with, I'll just have a latte.
Is that Miyoharu?
Yeah, I know it's kind of weird, I know that sounds weird.
Is it cooler, too?
For me, it's, yeah, it's cooler.
For me, it's cooler that I don't,
that I don't, I don't, I don't give a fuck about my drink.
It's just so much cooler.
I don't give a fuck about my drink.
I just need a drink, I just need a latte, that's all, just give it to me.
When in reality, I just want to drink all this, like,
I just want to add all this customization and shit.
Yeah, that's, yeah.
Can I move on?
Of course, of course, go ahead.
Can you, I, it's, recently what I've been feeling,
is I'm Miyoharu, and I can't buy ice cream at supermarkets.
I don't know why, but I'm like, I'm a little bit embarrassed of like,
Why is that?
I'm a little bit embarrassed of like, standing in front of like, the ice cream section,
like looking, glancing down, and like, deciding what I want.
When the employees kind of look at me,
I'm kind of like, oh, that's a little embarrassing, like, me,
wanting to like, get ice cream, like, it's a little too cute for me, like,
so it's a little bit embarrassing, and I'm like,
yeah, I tend to not do that anymore.
Then you cannot buy those ice creams anymore.
I buy it at places where, like, the machine cashiers were, right?
Like the Mujin Reji?
That's where I buy them.
Oh, you got a phone call.
This is, okay.
Not relevant.
I'm not sure if it's mie or not, but I mean, if you mie no haru,
that means you make yourself, you know, be looked, you know, even cooler.
I am making myself look cooler by not pondering in front of the ice cream section,
like a little boy.
Well, that makes sense.
All right.
Like when you are sleeping in the train,
and sometimes you miss the station that you should, you know, get off.
And I noticed, and I do like this.
Man, I do that too.
I do that too.
Like, damn it, I do that too.
Yeah, like, even if it's like closing, not rushing.
I do that. I would do that too.
That's what I would do.
I know. That's what I would do.
Like, because you don't want to be seen of like, oh, I got to leave.
And like standing up and then the doors closing.
That's embarrassing, right?
That's what I do.
100%. I do that too.
All right. Thanks for listening, guys.

