1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 韓国語ポッドキャストにリニュ..
2023-03-15 11:05



Welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast.
You need a little chair fix. Fake.
No, I had to put, I had to fix the chair.
Okay. I needed to scootch in a little bit. That's why. Yeah.
I thought you did like fake. I'm not feeling that musical.
I'm not that musically talented to do that.
Alright. I've got a message. Okay. It's like a, it's a voice.
Oh, okay. Okay. Let's go.
Hi Kevin, Yama-chan-san. I'm Sarah and this is my first time sending a voice message.
And actually I've sent a written message before, but it hasn't been introduced yet.
And I figured maybe if I send it in a voice message version,
there's a higher possibility of you reading it. So that's what I'm trying.
So first of all, thank you so much for all the interesting and very enjoyable contents that you upload every day.
I really enjoy listening to the podcast as well as watching YouTube videos and all the other contents too.
So I really appreciate it. And I feel like my English got much better after I started listening to the podcast.
I love how she ended that.
It's actually into three parts. The second one.
And so thank you. And whenever people say this, like after I started listening to the podcast, my English got better.
You guys go either way. Either you go, yeah, it's all us.
It's us. Or you guys go like, is it really us?
Like, does your English get better only by listening to this podcast?
Like you guys go either way, right? And but I really do mean it.
Like it's all you because I couldn't speak English like this before I listened to the podcast.
And I started listening to you like three months ago and it got much more fluent.
So thank you so much. Last one. OK. Yeah.
And there's another thing that I want to express my gratitude on, which is thank you for giving me Genki every day.
And whenever I feel down, I always say Kevin's English room podcast in my mind.
And I feel much better. I feel much Genki here. So that's what I do.
But that sometimes doesn't work. So in that case, I always say like Sarah's sleepy room podcast plus or Sarah's hungry room.
And it's like 10 p.m. but still got a work room podcast.
And I feel much Genki here. I don't know why, but it's like a magical phrase for me.
Yeah. So thank you so much. Love you. Bye.
I don't know how that logic works. I don't know how that arrangement would work on making you feel better.
Like, I don't know how the titling of the arrangement would help out in any way. But thank you. Thank you, though.
Thank you. Kind message. Yeah. Thank you so much. Wow.
How is it that a lot of people are saying that listening to this podcast has helped them improve their English?
I'm very grateful for that. Yeah. And I'm so happy that you guys are finding value out of this.
But how is it that so many people are doing that? But at the same time, I'm watching a Korean video all the time and I still can't speak Korean.
I feel like we've gone through this like 20 times. We've talked about this like 20, 60 times and still haven't found an answer.
Are you still watching it? I am still watching a lot of Korean videos. Every day? Not every day.
I've started. I'm trying a lot of things. What I'm doing right now is I'm watching a kids program, like a kids show on Netflix.
There's this something. It's a kids Korean show. The conversations are much easier, much slower, much easier, clear, simple.
You understand the story just by without even language. It's simple.
Moving in a situation. He's gone. They're finding him. Right? So I'm doing that.
Are you watching it like every day or like how frequent do you watch it?
I'm going to be very honest. I watch Korean conversation videos, for example, like interview videos.
Like the K-pop stars? Yeah, interview videos or the comedy shows.
Or like that or like Korean news, the kids TV shows. Those are kind of like the main kind of content.
My go-to kind of content when I go for Korean listening.
I'm finding all that. That gives it like one. I would do like three or four times a week.
Well, that's pretty much. Pretty much. Not bad, right? Yeah, it's not bad. Not bad.
No, I thought you were going to say like once, you know, two weeks or like something like that.
No. Oh, really? Three times a week. The duration could be from 10 minutes to 40 minutes.
Yeah. I mean, this podcast is like about 10 minutes. So it's quite exact.
Right. And yeah, that's my current status of three to four times a week. Changing status of my current Korean listening style.
Okay. Yeah, but that's not bad. Not bad, right? Yeah. Not bad.
As in like learning. Right. Right. Wow.
I'm getting more of the flows in. Oh, that's great. Yeah, the flows. I am just I feel like selling.
Oh, that's that's important. I feel the vibes of the Korean. Oh, so much.
Yeah. Now you can kind of like speak it. That I can't. Like I can't.
Yeah, of course. You need time. But but it's like at least you're getting better and like, you know, right? Right.
You need time, I think, especially from just the very beginning. How about this?
Let's get a Korean guy in here and then do an episode all in Korean and see how we do.
You can kind of vibe out the Korean, right? Yeah. You can kind of like, yeah, at least better than me. I'm sure.
I'm sure. Yeah. Maybe. Like your your theory.
Yeah. Is that when you're suddenly put in this Korean situation, you start to fully maximize.
Yeah. You've built up. Right. Yeah. Your theory. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Then if we.
Invite some Korean. Yeah. Like if we if we put ourselves in a fully Korean environment.
Yeah. Then. My Korean would excel. Yeah. Right. For sure. All right. We should do that.
Transform this podcast into a Korean podcast.
For my personal. Yeah. My personal benefits. Yeah. But what about making friends and like like Korean friends?
I don't have any Korean friends. You make Korean friends.
You make friends. I have one Korean friend. Oh, that was in our circle. Same circle. Oh, right. You know, Somi. You remember her?
Yeah, I do. She's in Atlanta now. Do you know she was in Atlanta? I didn't know it. That's where I'm from. Why is she in Atlanta?
What a coincidence. But yeah, you can you can find some friends in Japan. Yeah.
How do you make a Korean friend?
You can just go to the Korean restaurant shop and like, hi. And start something like. How do you do that?
You can just go and start conversations. How do you? OK. Yeah. I just want to learn Korean.
So can you look? I've I am not that experienced at making street friends. I want to ask your advice on how to do that.
Yeah. Go to a shop. Yeah. What kind of shop? How do you know that there's going to be a Korean person in a shop?
A Korean restaurant, for example. OK. There's one Korean shop right over there. I know there's one right there.
I'm going to go over there. OK, then do what? OK, let's say I find a group of Korean guys or Korean girls. All right. What do I do?
Do I just sit next to them and be like, yeah, yeah, that's fucking weird. It's not weird.
Hey guys, that's fucking awkward. I mean, if you start conversation like, hey, that's weird. That's weird, of course.
But maybe I mean, groups are, you know, sometimes difficult. But if they're drunk, it's really easy to get in.
Like, I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see. So when you go. The drunker the better. You can easily be a friend.
You naturally get into it. I want to dig deeper on that on the next episode. I am kind of interested.
And then some of the some of the options I could take when approaching this topic. See you in the next episode.
Thank you.

