1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. これには絶対お金払いたくない!
2022-03-21 12:47



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
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We're very excited to hear your first episode.
Yeah. Thanks, man.
Okay. Alright, alright.
Is that something that you want to talk about?
Um... No, I'm good.
Okay. No, I'm good.
You were coming this way a little bit.
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
It was funny because I was looking at the videos
and every time when we start, it's like this.
And every episode it's like...
Like that. It just moves to the side.
Yeah. Okay.
Alright. Okay.
Do you have anything you want to talk about, man?
Oh, what are you doing, Amchon?
No, my hair looks ugly on this camera.
No, you don't!
Your hair don't look ugly!
Maybe the camera is...
You know, your phone has bad quality camera.
No, no, no, no. That's on you, man.
Do you want to arrange it a little bit?
You want to like mix it up or something?
What do you mean?
Yeah, like...
Get it messy and then change it again.
Leave it like, you know, as they want to be.
Okay, got it.
It's not like organized at all.
How about like if you do this?
And then like fix it again.
With your hand. Like hand comb it.
But after you like mash it up,
you'll get some different like style?
What about this?
No, actually I used the kind of gel today.
Oh, that's why.
It's, you know, kind of settled.
That's why maybe.
It looks a little...
more exploded than usual to me.
I wonder why.
On the camera, yeah.
Not only the camera.
Yeah, not only the camera, but like for real.
Maybe the...
Maybe if you do this,
maybe if you like pull up the camera,
it'll... Oh, man, the mic.
Maybe this will change, you know?
Is it?
Oh, that.
Maybe no.
Maybe not? Maybe the hair itself.
Your hair itself? Yeah.
I don't know why, but...
Well, I mean, your hair is uncontrollable, right?
Yeah. It's always out of control.
Well, it's okay, but...
Okay. Actually, I don't...
That much. You don't care, right?
I know. Yeah.
How's your hair?
My hair?
Did I tell you that I...
I've given up on
going to the salon?
You know, after I've done the magazine thing.
Oh, yes, yes.
I thought about going.
Yeah. I thought about going to a professional,
but too expensive, so I ended up doing it myself.
But it's okay.
Yeah. It's okay, actually.
It looks nice.
Yeah. It looks...
It's not that noticeable. Look at the back here.
You know?
It's good.
Back here? Yeah.
It's a little straight and everything.
Amazing skill. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All right.
let me talk about the message
that we've got.
Yes, please.
Hello, Kevin.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
My name is Romi.
I love your podcast. Is that Romi?
Let me...
I love your podcast.
This is the second week.
Wow. Thank you.
But it's written in two weeks.
What do you...
Is that...
Is that just typo? I don't know.
I don't know.
But yeah.
I always enjoy listening to your podcast.
Listening to your podcast.
It's like we're forcing you to listen.
I'm listening to your podcast
and having a lunch alone at Shake Shack.
I was told it was 2,409 yen.
I froze for a moment.
I sat down and checked the receipt.
I felt like I was at the McDonald's.
That happens.
The price and calories are high.
I'm eating while shaking a little,
but it's delicious, so I'm okay.
So, I have a question for you.
What do you want to spend money on?
Or what do you not want to spend money on?
For example, if you like coffee beans,
you can spend money on them.
I don't think you want to spend money
on beauty salons.
I'd be happy if you could make it a topic.
Your conversation is full of natural phrases.
It's the best.
I'll continue to support you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's a good question.
Never been asked that question.
Yeah, it's true.
It's a new question.
Like, I would...
Unnecessary expenses, I hate.
Okay, for example?
Yeah, for example...
Like, it really doesn't matter what the price is.
If it's unnecessary.
For example...
If it's sunny, and if I can walk,
I would not go on the train for one station.
So that's unnecessary to you.
Yeah, if it's not heavy,
or if I'm comfortable walking,
then I would rather walk.
That's not necessary.
I would not pay for a subscription service
that I'm not using anymore.
I hate that.
Yeah, like...
Yeah, like if I'm not using...
If I'm not using, for example, like a...
Like a Dropbox, right?
Monthly fee, I'm not using it anymore,
I would just immediately just...
I would not spend money on...
Like, fancy foods...
Fancy foods.
Isn't something that I would not eat every day.
Like, I am still young enough to be comfortable with...
With a cup noodle for a meal.
So, I...
I do not want to eat out every day.
Like, I sometimes just want to cook rice,
and have like a retorto curry, and that's it.
Like, that's...
Tamago kake gohan.
Yeah, yeah.
If I eat out every day, I feel uncomfortable.
Like, "Oh, I'm spending too much."
I would pay extra for...
Recently, milk.
I buy my milk from a 150 to a 200 yen milk.
I don't buy milk, so...
Yeah, it's one of the more expensive ones, I guess.
Oh, the good quality milk then.
I guess.
But I love milk.
I drink them every day.
I guess, you know, things like, you know, like a MacBook Pro,
I would probably spend a little extra for a little bit of an upgrade.
A little bit of more of a hard drive space.
It's harder to find ones that I would upgrade,
and just be okay with a downgraded version.
What about you, man?
Something in your mind?
Food, maybe?
Food? Yeah.
What, like, uh...
Going out, eating in?
Or like, the ingredients?
Would you rather have, like, organic vegetables?
You know, spend that little extra dollar to get a...
Yeah, in that way.
But, you know, not that, that, you know, organic,
the very high quality, not those, but...
Just, you know...
If, like...
You know, um...
I'm okay for paying for the ingredients.
Like, I don't want to, um...
You know, like, buying...
Like, eating cup noodles every day
so that I can save money, you know, not that way.
I just want to eat, like, healthy and fresh food in that way.
That's, you know, not...
It's for health.
Yeah, not for the, you know, fancy, you know, organic.
You know, not those, but...
You're not a foodie.
Or, like...
What's one expense that you fucking hate?
That you can't live with?
That you just would hate to pay for?
Do you have one?
Oh, yeah.
Sometimes moving fees.
Oh, I don't like that, too.
Moving fee.
Now I'm starting to think...
I hope my...
I hope they don't watch this.
I hope they don't watch it.
So basically, you don't like paying for what you can do by yourself, right?
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Like moving.
It's a little tough, but you can...
You actually can, you know, do it by yourself.
And you can walk, and you can cut.
That's right, that's right.
That's right, yeah.
All right.
That's 12 minutes.
That was a long one.
Like a 10-minute plus, and a 12-minute...
Sorry, guys, it was a little bit long, but...
But, you know, had not much inside.
That's the thing about this show.
It's always going like this.
All right. Thanks for listening, guys.

