1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんプレゼンツ: バターコ..
2022-09-05 11:40

山ちゃんプレゼンツ: バターコーヒーダイエット!


Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Hey guys, okay, yeah, what's up with the mic
Microphone it's fucking tall as fuck
That's all of an old trip this
Yeah, this one so tall. Yeah yours. You're tall as well. Yeah, are you okay with that?
Yeah, I did like this and I feel like I've my back is so straight now. Yeah, oh, you're
You're putting him down right so right. Oh
How's it going man? Right good. It was so chilly today
No, no, not that cool really
She for me. It felt so good. I felt like a
You know fall. Yeah, you know, yeah, it's coming now. You didn't feel cool
I mean, I feel it's getting cooler, but still too hot. Yeah, I mean not that chilly tomorrow's a
More cooler they say really? Yeah, and then after that it's back to Sanjou
Again, you know, yeah, Sanjou rock. Oh, yeah. Oh
Crazy, right? Okay, so it's not like
Summer's end. Nope. Nope. It's just temporarily saying pereral
winter sorry
Autumn yeah wind. Okay. Yeah, okay
Well, I can't I kind of feel it's it's it's good to hear that. Yeah, I miss summer. Yeah shiny
Okay, right, right, right. So yeah, I think the sun's not here. That's why it was so cool. Yeah cloudy. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, that's why okay. Yeah
How's your body how's your diet how your food? Yeah, I gotta tell you something. Okay. Oh this jeans
Yeah right here. Yeah, it's black jeans. I bought this a half a year ago after you go. Okay, and it I think I told you
This before yeah, it's got space
Now I now have to wear a belt Wow
Well, I mean it wouldn't come off but like if I want to keep my jeans at this desirable yeah level I
Need a belt man. Wow. So that means that the diet has shown progress, right?
Congrats, congrats to me. Thank you. Super. Thank you. Congratulations
Thank you. So I guess my I'm the type of body. Yeah that starts losing
Yeah for my legs, I guess. Okay, because my my muffin top is still kind of here. Oh
Yeah, yeah can hear that
Okay, yeah, so from the legs you're losing your way yeah
When I bought it, it was a perfect. It was a teddy. Yeah now it's kind of loose. Okay, so I
Guess that's a proof that it's a shield program. Okay, great. So you still continue doing your
16 hours. Um, I so
Three days ago. I have officially decided that I would give up on my 16-hour diet
Okay, but after wearing the jeans, yeah, I was like, okay, maybe yeah, I should have continued this you should have continued
As in like I will not I will I will
Try to feel hungry as much as possible
Okay, meaning like if I'm not that hungry, I will skip breakfast
Okay, skip the meal and I'll wait until I'm actually kind of hungry so that I would give my body
Yeah, you know the backup time like the recovery time
Okay, what I decided to do try to have a time to rest. Yes
Stomach things. Yes. Oh, great. That is what I will do. Oh, great. I did
Right. Yeah
And that's good to hear that you showing progress. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, great. Yeah, yeah
right, so
I still gotta figure out how to
Lose my yeah muffin top though. Yeah
If you have if you guys have any other yeah, okay
Okay, let me let me tell that yes, please new thing. Oh, yes. Yeah. Yes, please. Um recently I started
Butter coffee
Butter coffee. Yeah, have you ever heard of it? Never heard. Okay. It's like I guess it's like a
Pop up thing like one year ago. Okay, yeah go but I found written. Okay. Yeah, I do this
Tried okay. It's like I started just one more week ago. Okay. This is a brand new thing
So I you know haven't you don't know if it's gonna work or not, but it's just you know, just information for you
Okay, um, it's uh
Basically, it's a coffee with a butter and oil and you mix it
Delicious. Yeah, that sounds good. Yeah, it's just delicious
I guess you like that because you love those, you know, yeah milky buttery oily stuff. Yeah. Yeah, so um
But this thing is you have to first of all you make coffee
Whatever the coffee is okay, and then you prepare the grass-fed
Butter grass-fed butter. Yeah, make sure that you get grass-fed butter. Okay, because it contains much more Omega
Three things, okay compared to usual butters, okay way more so you gotta
Check that grass-fed butter. Okay, and then after that you you buy
MCT oil
MCT oil. Okay, that's a
Certain type of oil
That's that you concentrate those grass-fed butter and make it oil
Form liquid form. Oh, oh no. No that concentrate those coconut oil
Okay, coconut coconut butter or coconut oil. Okay, like pure liquid form and then you can get MCT oil
Okay, and that contains so many
Great things. All right, and that can
Effectively lose your
Really fat really? Yeah, that's what um by consuming in butter and oil
Yeah, because that those are like one of the top things to avoid, right? Yeah
Yes, I I'm not buying it
At this point, I don't know. Yeah, I'm trying. Yeah, you should try that
At least or like yeah those videos maybe right right right so many books and videos about those
Coffee because he was puffed like one or two years ago. It was trend thing. So um, the thing is
There's us two
Types of oil. Okay people make them mixed up and okay saying as in one
Civil, okay, there's a two symbols in in this world. Okay. One was um
But simple the bachelor. Okay. Yeah, what was good?
course, sorry, I forget the names I forget all the names about this at name certain. Okay one was like like a
Good one. But you forgot
And one shibu is kind of kind of artificial shibus. Okay, like a
The ones you can find in cash ponds or like margarines or those
RC I see that one's
Artificial oils and the other one was natural oils. Okay, and it's expensive
Okay, it's not widespread
mmm in like the product
Products, yeah like those food and okay, but and also you can heat it so it's not for you know
Cookings well in time anyways, um
Those natural shibus. Mm-hmm. I
Really good for you
They contain so many you have not added any information with it. Yeah. Yeah
You that you you gave me no additional information
Okay, let me be yes, please yes. Yes. Yes, please. Yes father information. Yes. Yes. Yes. I I want that so in natural
oils, okay, they can you know, they contains
Mmm, and so many types of good things in it. Okay, so that that those things burns your
That's it that's it you didn't add any information man
My knowledge level has not moved a bit see in your body
Like the brain. Okay, it's made
From oils is basically that's oil. I mean shibu brains are shibu. Oh
Really? Yeah, and also so many shibus are used when you bring
Hormones hormone, okay, you so so shibus are really necessary for your body
Oh, so taking good shibus is good really good for your body
You know, it felt like the information was going somewhere. That's really valuable
Like at the end it's always comes comes back to like it's good
Sorry, I should have you know
Rechecked and studied every no details so that makes more, you know
Informative but anyways, um, it's good for you. Okay. Yeah. I'll check that out. Does it have to be coffee?
Can it be something else like the teas or miss or yeah, yes, but you shouldn't take those oils with
Toast at the same time you shouldn't add sugars or like
maybe not like okome or like
bread, okay, how about milk
Maybe not maybe not so I was thinking latte but um, no, I'm not sure no sure
Yeah, I'll do the value at least you add, you know, but thousand oil so you can get milky taste. Yeah, that's true
Maybe all right. Yeah, I'll make it for you when you come to my place. Okay?
Yeah, just someday. Yeah, you say you can try that. Do you have the grass-fed butter in the MCT oil?
Yeah, because I've tried you. Oh, right. We excited in that. Yeah. Yeah. It's good. What do you mean?
Yeah, yeah. Oh, I mean not sweet
Okay, okay, just like a coffee and you add some milk like cook. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
It's not sweet. Oh, I see. It's not like lattes but got it. Yeah. All right
I mean worth a shot worth a try. Yeah, right. Yeah, you never know. Oh, yeah
And maybe you can find those things in a cafe or some true maybe yeah
All right. Yeah. Thanks for the info. Yeah
Yeah, yeah
Thanks for sending guys. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Okay the video just I
Yeah, if you're gonna check out the video it's gonna it's gonna be cut off. Yeah
Right in the middle of our closing. So yeah, but don't worry about that. I don't worry about that. Yeah
Just this matters all the time. Yeah. Bye. Bye guys

