1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 家の鍵を無くしたケビン
2022-09-03 12:14



Okay, all right. I'm just gonna give it a buffer. All right, welcome to Kevin's English
Room Podcast! The reason why we did that at the very beginning is because we've been having
audio problems, you know, again. The problem never ends. We're using such a sophisticated
machine and it never stops. Why? Why? We've got this high quality microphones. I know.
It's high quality, what do you call it? Audio mixer. Mixer. Tascam. And we're using an Apple
product. Yeah. What can go wrong here? I'm sure you guys are aware of our recent audio
shitty quality of this little, at the very beginning of the podcast. I'm so sorry about
that guys. It's not Kevin who did that. Yeah, it's the machine. It's the machine. It wasn't
he did that like, I didn't do that. Man. Not his fault. You've got one hell of a long ass
microphone. Yeah. That is a very long mic stand. That's another problem. Yeah, that
is such a long microphone stand. It's like, well not as double as mine, but like 0.5?
Yeah. Well this part is, you know, unnecessary at all. Yeah, you've got an unnecessary part
right there that's lengthening your mic stand. Yeah. What's up with that, right? Yeah. What's
up with that? Maybe just, you know. Hold it? Yeah. Yeah? Well like, I can maybe. I don't
know. I don't know. Because you know, since you've tried it. True. Didn't work. Oh, how
about if I just take this out? Yeah, if you can. Right, so that was a problem. Yeah. Can't
take it out. It's really hard. I can't take it out. Yeah. Nope. Yeah. Nope. Okay. Can't
do it. So this. No problem. Wow. Okay. Alright. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. How was
your day man? How was your day? Oh great. Or your week? Week, right. We did play football
together. Oh yes we did. Yes we did. And. It's getting more and more intense and I love
it. Yeah. See, I was sad at the field that I couldn't play well. I mean, I couldn't move
my body as I wanted. Because we played some sort of a game, right? Yeah. Two on one. Yeah.
You brought the goal for us. Yeah, the two goals, yeah. Yeah. And we played a simple game
of two on one. Yeah. It was fun. It was fun. It was really like, I loved it. Yeah. It was
the thing that I wanted. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you were disappointed? I mean, I couldn't
play as I wanted to play. So my body is, you know, I completely felt that, you know, my
like abilities now it's like gone. So I have to, you know, bring that back. So not only
your power, like your. Yeah, like the power of course, muscles, powers, techniques, you
know, the touches and also like the, you know, stamina is gone. Stamina is gone. Completely
gone. Yeah. I couldn't like just chase you. You were too tired? Yeah, I was too tired.
It was just, oh, come on. Yeah. Imagine I played like 90 minutes the full game. That
would have been devastating. You know, much larger, you know, play field. You know, that
would be devastating. Yeah. And now I couldn't chase you in that small, just tiny field.
It was like a fourth of a field. Yeah. Or even smaller, I guess. Yeah. Eighth of a field,
right? I was sad. I mean, that's why we're doing this on a regular basis, right? That's
why we're doing it every, every, we're trying every week. That's why we're doing twice a
month right now. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Take back those old days. To bring back the old days.
Yeah. Exactly right. That's right. We'll get there. Yeah. Yeah. Sure we'll get there. Yeah.
And I'm feeling you're getting better at playing football, no? It's good. It's good.
It's good. Like I remember the first day you, you even couldn't like kick the ball. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah. You know. Right. I feel like, um, I still do need to work on my formation.
Okay. You know? The form? Yeah. The kicking form? Like the proper way to kick. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. I still need to work on that. But like, I feel like I'm getting more and more capable.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Doing more things. Yeah. What I surprised at was the, the, the ball
control. You really good at ball controlling. Oh, when we did the two on one? Or yeah, well
like just in general. Simple passes, you know. Oh, thank you. Yeah, it was just, we just
kick the balls to you like normally. And you can just control that. Control those balls.
Okay. You don't afraid those, you know, balls. Well, yeah, I guess I'd never had any trouble.
Yeah. With the, you know, to aiming of the, the direction of the ball. Yeah. Cause actually
that's the, you know, the biggest, you know, barrier for beginners. I see. It's easier
just kick the balls. You don't have to, you know, it's just you, you kick the ball and
that's all. But you know, control the ball is kind of scary, difficult. But yeah, from
the beginning you did really better than I, you know, imagined. So that's, that's good
to hear. Yeah. I'm happy to hear that. I'm, I'm glad I got to, I got that feedback. Yeah.
Experienced soccer player. Yeah, I do. I do. So yeah. And also you looked like professionals.
Yeah. You've been saying that since day one. Right? I don't know why. Maybe you're like
my gym clothes. Yeah. Gym clothes. Gym clothes. My, yeah. I guess your legs. Yeah. Legs are,
you know, really muscle. Yeah. I don't know why I have such a muscular, where, where do
you call this? It's not the thigh, right? It's the, yeah. The, I don't know. I don't
know why where I got that muscle from, but I don't, people tell me that I have a very
muscular. Yeah. Fuku-ra-hagi. Yeah. So you got that fuku-ra-hagi in short pants and the,
you know, socks on it. What? It looks like like the professionals and yeah. I mean, that's
cool. Yeah. That's, that's good. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. What about your days? My,
uh, yesterday. Yeah. I went to a wedding. I attended a wedding. Oh, Yamakane. Remember
Yamakane? Oh, recorded the video. Oh, how is that? We did not use that. Okay. Yeah.
There were a lot of things, you know, a lot of, yeah, like that and that video wasn't
used. Okay. So I'm sorry. No, no, no, no. It's better. I guess. Yeah. I thought, I thought
so too. Yeah. That's a great choice. Yeah. It was a good choice. Good for us too. Yeah.
Um, but, uh, uh, Yamakane, my good friend, the first friend that I made, uh, after first
coming here to Japan. Oh, that's important. High school. Yeah. He, uh, old friend of mine
and uh, got married. Uh, very, uh, very happy atmosphere. Great. Uh, came home back to my
house and realized that I have lost the key to my house somewhere along the wedding. It
was either, no, I, um, I got on a taxi. Okay. It was at a hotel, right? And I got in the
taxi. I remember getting my key out and then putting it in my pocket because like, Oh,
I'm probably gonna look for my key. Why don't I just put, put it in my pocket and put it
there. And that was the last time I remember seeing my key. It's dropped out. Maybe. Yeah.
Probably, um, it fell off, fell off, fell out of my pocket. Um, taxi and then train
and then walk from my station to my house. I, um, re-walked every step, but it wasn't
there. I called the taxi company. Uh, they said they couldn't find it. Oh, really? I
called the Jr company. They said they can find it. I went to the local police, uh, office
and they said they didn't have it. Okay. So, nope. How did you do that then after that?
Getting in, I, uh, I had to contact my Oya. Oh, yeah. And then he opened it for me. Oh,
but, uh, and I had a, I have a spare key. So that's, I'm living with my spare key, but
I don't have my, my first key. It's somewhere out there in the world. Okay. And, well, you
were lucky it wasn't like late night. Yeah, that's true. It was a 5 p.m. Oh, so right.
Yeah. Not so late. Yeah. Wow. So I had to walk around in my, my suits, right? I had
to go back to the station. I looked around everywhere and I walked around the Jr station.
I went all the way back to the wedding, kaijo, walked around there and it was all sweaty
and shit. Yeah. You couldn't even change. Right. The one day that I was wearing leather shoes.
Oh, the one day that I wore leather shoes is the time that I lost my key. That's unfortunate.
So bad. Yeah. I was happy, happy that my friend got married. Yeah, of course. All of a sudden
that that drop like devastation. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, uh, yeah, I'll still be on the
lookout for my key. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you're going to give me a call if I find it. If you
find the key, please. Yeah. Give us a message. Right. D. D. M. E. The silver one. No, it's
not a silver one. It's actually a, uh, it's a card key. It's a card key. Yeah. If you
find a card key, there's so many DMD. M. E. Okay. And if you got it right, we'll DM you
back. Okay. And you can hand it to me. It's, it's likely that I lost it in, um, Tamachi
station. That's the wedding party. It's Tamachi station. And then after that I got on, uh,
that blue, blue, blue, blue. It's not Yamanote line. Ah, Keihin Tohokusen. Yeah. I got on
the Keihin Tohokusen line. Okay. So if you, if you happen to find that card key, DM me
and send me a picture and we'll, we'll verify. Yeah. Man. Or just go to the police station.
Yeah. Yeah. Or just go to the police station. Maybe that's better. Yeah. All right. Okay.
Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye.

