1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 最近覚えた韓国語みんな聞いて
2022-09-02 11:25



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast right guys hello right so mm-hmm
hold on oh okay this one my name is sorry go ahead
konnichiwa konnichiwa this I don't know why by I I was about to say my name is
Jasmine when it didn't say it at all no it's written in Japanese but I was about
to read it in English you know Wow a natural translate yeah
konnichiwa jasmine desu
itsumo jitensha ni nori nagara shadowing shite hontou ni speaking nori
nori nora kagura I like to do that too I listen to Korean podcast and I do that
like riding a bicycle like yeah it's a little dangerous I don't recommend it I
can't it's my jiten shanina gara shadowing shite hontou ni speaking nori
kagura got the jikan shikan shika aimasen hey ohana no namae ga aruka to
yuu episode oki te watashi no namae ni tsuite zutto nayan de iru koto ga aru no
de toriyakete itaketa ureshii desu okay watashi mo eigo to france
go benkyou shiteite okay okay aru no hatsu on ni nayamasa rete orimasu
okay soko de watashi wa rion to iu no desu ga rion rion san
ri o n yes hiragana de kaku to ri o n san ne to iu no desu ga eigo ni suru to rion
rion yeah okay ee my eigo de hatsu no suru to rion
rion ni naru shi france go de hatsu on ga dekinai desu okay you can
like a rion okay ee na no de ee france ni rion to iu machi ga aru nda kedo rion
to iu machi no you ni that spelled out like a r y o n
okay rion okay rion ni shite shimaou ka moshiku wa namae no yurai rion san to iu
o namae no yurai kara jasmine that means jasmine so okay jasmine ni shite shimaou ka
jiko shoukai suru toki ni mayotteimasu ryuugakusei to koryuu suru to maikai kikikaesare
ru ka kikitorenai kara oboeru ki mo nasaso ni nagasarete shimaimasu
nara hodo watashi kara suru ba spell teki ni wa rion
demo rion demo kikoe wa issho na no de ii yasui ho
de itte moraereba ii no desu ga sore tte hen nanode shou ka
mata kou iu baai ni wa eigo fransu go de dono yori setsumei shita ra ii deshou ka
itsumo contenta arigatou gozaimasu kore kara mo ganbatte kudasai
ahh thank you oh thank you
so what if she writes her name r y o n like the city rion
okay so how do you pronounce it in english
that would be rion to yeah okay rion
hmm yeah rion
yeah rion we want to make it sound like rion right
yeah rion rion
rion yeah that's impossible yeah that's impossible so we're gonna have to do rion
okay okay rion rion
it's rion we can't do that okay
we can't do that okay rion
yeah l l yeah
e okay o n
is that rion that i think it's rion oh it's not rion
no because l e o is rio okay right okay yeah okay rion with an n at the end it's rion okay
so she should write l e o n yes okay yes okay yeah okay
okay huh but if she went to france then okay if she writes l e o n okay that will be rion
really rion yeah so can you change can you think about different one okay sure yeah the
one we can use both both countries yeah all right rion how about how about how about uh
lee like what line is that lot so if you if you write l i then you pronounce lie yes
okay so the only you can only do l e do lee okay how about l e e okay l e e hyphen on
o n leon how about that sounds like korean name true leon okay how would you how would
you pronounce l e e hyphen o n in france oh there's a no wait there's a i don't know
no idea i've never met that situation like le but um for example like levi's okay or
like uh there's a football player called lee something okay they pronounced lee okay okay
so so how do they write that how i guess that's le and then they they know how to pronounce
that uh-huh because it's a typical name right le is it yeah they don't pronounce
yeah the so that can be assuming that they know how to pronounce le then how about o
n would they pronounce it as on yeah oh how would they do it oh well then i guess it's
closer yeah leon leon leon yeah yeah oh great so in english is leon leon okay and in france
it's the own that's so much closer oh that's great than ryan yeah yeah it's true it's true
right oh great le-on yeah i'm sorry but i'm not sure about le okay got it but yeah anyways
yeah but that's the closest we've got i guess that's quite similar to dion in japanese so
okay right wow it looks it doesn't look like a korean name yeah the le yeah or a chinese
name yeah like tanaka leone yeah sounds like a korean name yeah okay yeah yeah right uh
yeah but always you know a difficult topic you know those pronunciations yeah right by
the way i've been practicing some of my korean oh yeah i i made a i made a note of um oh the
so i've been doing shadowing okay okay i've been listening to korean radio yeah and uh
i've been catching some of the most frequently pronounced ones yeah yeah and like oh i've
heard this word yeah oh i've heard this word before yeah and i i started i started writing
them down that's great uh some of the ones that i picked up yeah was uh okay okay
okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay
okay okay wait i've already said that yeah yeah uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah what what i don't know that that means oh my god oh really i don't know that i didn't
know that okay okay okay okay okay okay so you know the meanings uh i it's not memorized
okay okay but it's i have the meaning written down so i can check whenever i have to oh
great great great great yeah oh that's great how much of that did you know did you know
most of them yeah except that oh my god uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what i'm most
surprised is that you knew most of the words here yeah well yeah did you study korean
nah you just did the listening thing yeah yeah but i went to korea oh two weeks that's
true yeah but two weeks though right yeah did you actually had time to study the meaning
of the words or did you naturally catch what it means yeah naturally catch how the fuck
does that possible yeah but it's it's just like you did it's the same thing did you ever
look it up no no but you just naturally understood what it means yeah how is that possible though
you know situation and kind of can't get that you know wow but basically that's you know
that's the same thing same way is that like when you went to korea it's so when you went
to korea did you before you went to korea did you knew do you think that you would have
known the meaning of this no so it's within that two weeks time frame that you caught
you caught up all this meaning yeah but i maybe not quite within two weeks of course
like after i came back to japan maybe yeah wow that's that's kind of hard to believe
still at this point you know i've been i've been with you for such a long time yeah very
hard to believe i don't know that you that's possible yeah yeah see but i can my men you
know the ability of memorization is weak actually yeah you said that right yeah so if i hear
that you know those words frequently then i can catch them but what's that oh my god
sis on your sister yeah yeah those things if i listen one time and i know i don't remember
i can't remember that but it's after if it's being repeated yeah then you'd start to understand
repeat that and in front of me okay okay but i can understand that but do you have to look
it up like so 10 minutes from now i might say sis on here and then you're like oh god
i forgot the meaning and then do you have to look it up or do you just let it go i mean
if you say that use that word on the spot on the situation then i can you guess it yeah
oh that was that that one what if you can't guess it i just remember that i just i just
you know the sound just coming into me and just floating around got it but you don't
know the meaning you just you have the fact that he said it yeah that's the only information
and the situation is in me and yeah i know that sound that kind of meaning is what's
that oh and then next time i meet that sound and ah this might be here it is yeah wow see
the situation maybe yeah that's the way right yeah but uh i feel like i'm on the right track
this is good right yeah yeah great all right wow okay thanks for sitting guys thank you

