1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. トランポリンでエクササイ..
2022-02-17 11:06



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast good morning good morning morning
this program is brought to you by yeah Kimi no Koyo Todokeyo anchor we are
using an app called anchor to create and distribute this podcast mm-hmm it's got
all the features you need to start your very own podcast nice it's free you can
download it off of Google Play or on the App Store yeah so and so we're very
excited to hearing your very first episode through anchor yeah thank you
all right all right mm-hmm so we've got our message from there's no name actually
okay but hi Kevin San Yama-san hi I'm a Michiko sorry it's all from okay we got
me to go fun I remember Kevin said that you want to know some exercises you can
burn lots of calories yes get sweaty down by yourself yes and enjoyable yes
yes please there are two activities that I recommend you all right okay one better
it better not be scotch shoe the first one is trampoline oh okay trampoline okay
it's it's trampoline trampoline okay it's really fun to jump just jump and even
more exciting if you challenge to do some tricks true I've never done any
trick yeah I think jumping on a trampoline is perfect exercise exercise
because it's really fun and it's really tiring no good way true true yeah true
so the next one that I recommend is sport climbing like right like bouldering
yeah those things it's not something like a cardio exercise but it's great to
do alone actually I myself something sometimes go to the climbing gym alone
why don't you consider doing these exercises thank you for reading in the
message yeah PS I can't pronounce trampoline very well so can you teach me
how to pronounce it yeah sure it's a trampoline trampoline okay trampoline
okay thank you well first of all it's with the wall rock climbing yes wall
sports climbing right yeah I don't know the differences but yeah but sports
climbing I feel like it needs to be cardiovascular so I feel like that's
more of like mmm you miss Anso mm-hmm no so that's a no-no yeah and the
trampoline I like it yeah idea however yeah where am I gonna go for a
trampoline exercise right I don't know anywhere trampolines that's true yeah
now that John has a space on the roof right yeah he has a space on the roof
yes that's true that's all I and that's all I'm asking so you just need to buy
some huge trampoline mm-hmm and put it but on the roof yes that's a good idea
that's a good idea you'll be like really high I'll be very very high really high
right I'm on top of the building yeah right but try not to fall fall out that
would be scary yes like if I try to do like a trick like a backflip and then I
accidentally like that's the next thing you notice you're falling out of the
building right we just got a scary
true that's true yeah it's not a good idea yeah I feel like if I if I'd like
jump on top of the building for really too long if some people are gonna be
get like call the police or something yeah a little scary right sure there's a
man trying to jump on yeah yeah yeah oh you just can buy trampoline and put it
in your room yeah like small ass trampolines right yeah like a one-person
trampoline yeah like how are you gonna do tricks with that right how you gonna do a
backflip on those true right yeah but you can you can use your your ceiling you
jump and you you know if you touch the ceiling like this and you jump and you
can touch the ceiling and ceiling tricks right if I touch the ceiling and do a
backflip or something yeah right you can walk the ceiling like this like a
spider-man okay like a two-second spider yeah yeah yeah yeah that's cool that's
cool right but you know I don't I don't know man I feel like it's just too
dangerous I don't know if I'll land in the same spot yeah it's true right it's a
little dangerous there yeah hmm from planes like I know this place called
Tom Demy Tom Demy right it's a huge trampoline park oh you see one of those
right that's cool it's it's it's um it's in Shiba okay it's in a mall it's in a
mall yeah it's inside a mall you know what a kid's danya is right yeah it's
like similar that it's like a huge concept store kind of thing it's got so
many trampoline wow so many types of trampoline no there's one like 90 like
it's an a it's an L-shaped trampoline so you can like you can like bounce
yourself off the wall Wow yeah sounds really fun yeah I yeah I
actually want their ones yeah yeah with um Maruchan much okay
Coco okay yeah and it was fun yeah yeah well Maruchan and Yukako I guess they
are really bad at using trampolines no well I mean you got was actually good
really yeah I mean she was in yeah gymnastics yeah true yeah so she had the
balance and everything yeah true but Maruchan was yeah I can easily imagine
he is that you know the coolest yeah he did the coolest move yes like an
unimaginable yeah yeah yeah I mean with his high voice and everything it's so
yeah it was yeah he was he was enjoying it he was having yeah his life yeah
true yeah yeah well yeah Maruchan is a friend by the way yeah we love we met
him oh my god god okay I know this guy but I can't touch him right now because
yeah sorry I have to like quiet him yeah yeah yeah he has a friend who has a very
high voice yeah he's a guy but he's a guy very very high like Michael Jackson
yeah Michael Jackson high or like Fox right and he's he's a good guy yeah yeah
yes and yeah we asked all three we love them yeah so yeah sure oh that sounds
great yeah so you go there yeah we went there
during your like university yeah then you can go there and do some exercises
like every day it's like three thousand yen every entry I think oh yeah I don't
think it's feasible sure yeah yeah I still need something better right now
what I'm doing is I'm just running running yeah I hate running but I'm
that's the only yeah that's the only solution I've come up with that's
feasible yeah doable so yeah so if you can find something fun exactly that's
exactly the best other than just just battling against myself mmm like pain
right if you run like let's say that your goal is to run for 30 minutes okay
right don't you think that the last like 10 seconds is like it's just like 10
times more suffering yeah because you can see the clock mm-hmm like counting
down every second yeah it feels like the last few seconds are just food like
several minutes or like you focus more on the time okay and like you feel more
pain and you feel like ah there's more oh really don't you think so no like
last 10 seconds are fun to me oh it's coming up in like 10 9 you know oh wow
that's different so it's more like to me is the last part is the easiest part
really the beginning is hard to me wow very opposite the beginning is most very
easy because you can see the time that saying you need to like 25 second 25
minutes run oh it's too long oh really at the beginning I could just forget
about the time okay and just focus on like thinking about something else okay
I can keep my mind away from the time because I'll know that even if I even if
I wander off to another place I would still have enough time okay right if near
the end I'd have to look at the time to make sure that I end in 30 minutes ah
okay just it just more time on my mind it's more difficult okay more more like
more of me recognizing that there's more huh okay can you just set a timer so
that the running machine will stop automatically by that by itself oh you
can do that yeah like 30 minutes so that you don't need to think about the time
yeah okay that's better maybe I guess it's better yeah you can I guess you can
adjust the up from the exercise button yes right like there's the yeah like
the core setting yeah yeah okay yeah all right okay thanks for sitting guys thank

