1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. トイレのデッドスペース..
2022-01-29 10:16



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
this program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou anchor we are using
an app called anchor to create and distribute this Kevin's English room
podcast anchor has all the features you need when you're starting out your very
own podcast and we actually started episode one from an app using anchor
yeah actually yeah it is we actually all right we're not just you know
promoting this it's not we are actually using from day one that was yeah it's
free you can download it on Google Play or on the App Store so check that out if
you're interested yeah that wasn't all right all right okay just a very very
like it's got this atmosphere you know we love the voice messages right love it
you're right today so we're gonna we're gonna do a voice message cool yeah
because we've been getting a lot of those thanks thanks all right hopefully
this is uh we haven't done this yet because we always forget yeah right we
always forget if we've covered this or not but hopefully we haven't here we go
hi Kevin hi Yama-chan I'm enjoying listening to this program this is the
first time to send a message like this so bit nervous last two programs were
very funny thank you I could have stopped laughing thank you I've only
known Kevin's English room for a month I love Nick's ALT and Japanese high-level
lessons and also thanks for the useful phrases I've studied studying English
but I haven't used the F word yet so I need to try anyway I'm looking forward
to watching and listening more and more take care bye bye wow thank you you know
I I love the fact that she just came here and said like like thank you for the
content and like I appreciate it we appreciate that too yeah just as much
thank you thank you so much yeah that was just pure kindness and heartwarming
so nice love it love it love it love it thank you all right shall we go on to
the next one yes yes all righty and next one is Arubire-san okay thank you
Kevin-san, Yama-chan, Konnichiwa. Konnichiwa. Wait, wait, wait. What a clear voice!
That is a very clear voice! That's what I thought too. That's amazing. That's... is it the microphone or is it her
potential voice or both? Yeah. That I... right from from what we're hearing it's
very clear you know I hope the listeners can can feel this too from our shitty
microphone maybe you know this microphone is really terrible possibly
it's very possible all right
This is Arubireo, who is taking a shower in English. Thank you for your time.
I think it's also the way she talks yeah true she has like this like narrative
kind of way of speaking which makes it very easy to hear yeah yeah really
proper Japanese right right
I just listened to a news program from the second generation of the Japanese National TV program on December 5th.
Now I'm starting to think it's a news program.
Okay, let's just go back.
I was thinking about Tiny Herses. When Kevin first started living in Japan,
didn't you think that Japanese houses and rooms were too small compared to the US?
In the video, Yama-chan said that the toilet in Kevin's house is packed and it's really small.
I thought that Kevin was having a hard time because the bathroom in his house in the US is really big.
If you don't mind, I would be happy to hear your thoughts on the differences in the house situation between Japan and the US.
All right, thank you.
So what she's talking about is that I'm doing a show on NHK and on that show we talked about a
different program on NHK called Tiny Houses.
It shows how small the Japanese houses are and how the Japanese...
What a program is that?
It's not a diss program.
It shows what skills are being used to utilize the limited space that Japan has to offer.
Even if it's a very limited space, there's professionals that make it feel like it's a big room.
For example, by adding a window, like a small window on the ceiling or adding this transparent wall.
It makes it feel like it's a room but you feel the depth.
And all those skills that are being applied in the houses of Japan.
It shows about that.
So it's not only saying Japan is a really small country and their houses are really tiny.
No, that's not what it's saying.
It's more of a positive note.
Yes, yes.
So that's what she's talking about.
Okay, okay.
So you were on the program and saying Japanese houses are really tiny.
Okay, no, I was not on the program.
You're not on the program?
I was not on the program.
I was on a radio show talking about the program.
Ah, okay.
Which I was not on.
Is that true?
What is true?
Did you feel that Japanese houses are really small when you first come to Japan?
I felt like...
Actually I didn't feel anything.
I just thought that this was a natural thing.
It's obvious to me.
The US has more land mass while Japan has more limited.
And it's more dense.
Kanagawa-Tokyo is more dense.
So I kind of knew how it was going to play out.
But in hindsight I feel like...
If anything, the US has...
They're overusing the spaces.
What do you mean overusing?
Because almost every house has this one room that no family member is using.
Ah, okay.
It's just like...
You can take it down.
I feel like there's always this one room that's being wasted.
And I feel like...
I feel like Japan is using the room just right.
I mean, yeah.
Using every single room.
As a desk space professional, the US houses...
If you have a room full of desk space, that's fucked up.
There's something wrong about that.
You know?
The one room itself is a whole desk space.
Yes, a desk space itself.
I can't live with it.
Probably won't be able to deal with it.
Yeah, I like Japan.
I don't think that it's too small or anything.
I mean, I would...
Will I move to a little bit bigger room?
I would appreciate that.
I can live with it.
But I don't hate it.
I'm doing just fine.
What about the bathroom?
Yeah, I mean...
She mentioned that...
The first question is...
The American bathroom is bigger than Japanese one?
Oh yeah.
What about it?
From my perspective, you are kind of...
Putting so many...
Almost too many things into the bathroom.
You're talking about the toilet or the shower?
The toilet.
The toilet.
The place.
Is that...
In your mind...
Bathroom should be bigger than this?
Or is it your perfect...
Well, bathroom, I feel like...
I would...
Bigger than that would be nice.
That would be nice if it's bigger.
But I don't...
No, I don't need a Zetaku anymore.
That's enough.
But if it's bigger, yeah, I can put more space.
I feel like...
I can...
Provide breathing air for the toilet.
Because right now...
Shelves are overwhelming the toilets.
I can be a little bit nicer to the toilet.
If I had more room.
Provide more care.
To that guy.
To that guy.
He's all crammed up in there.
There it is.
Thanks for listening guys.

