1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. デッドスペース・パラ..
2022-01-17 11:59


The Dead-space Paradox

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So, we got so many messages.
I know!
Over text, over voice message and everything.
So many!
To my Line.
To your Line.
To my Telephone.
To my Instagram.
To my Snapchat.
You have a Snapchat account?
Yeah, to my...
LinkedIn. Everywhere!
This is from Mi-san.
I think Mi-san would be surprised.
Because it's really long time ago.
That she sent us a message.
For us, the first...
Topic request.
That we're going to cover.
Right? In 2022.
Yeah, Mi-san.
Kevin-san, Yamachan-san, Kake-chan-san.
I always enjoy my commuting time.
Sorry about that.
This is my first time sending a message.
Sorry, it's not voice message.
When is this?
It's 12th December.
Oh, okay. Not bad!
Not bad.
Yeah, it's not bad.
It still hasn't been a month.
Yeah, it's just one month ago.
Do you have any particular spots you like in your room?
For example, you like the fluffy sofa.
Or you like the color combination.
In your case, you like the flat floor.
Oh, yes!
You know me!
I'm happy to hear that.
I'm looking forward to hearing your avocado growing.
By the way, I like to go to shrines.
I like to go to the shrine.
I like to go to the shrine.
There is a place where I can see the shrine's chief and the pamphlet I received.
It's like a power spot.
It's my favorite place.
It's getting cold.
Please take care of your health and keep up the good work.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We're not in your room today, so I don't know how your avocado is growing.
How is your avocado?
They are big now.
They are too big now.
So I changed the glass to a different one.
A bigger one.
But it's not soil, right? It's water.
It needs to be bigger?
The roots?
I have a plant.
A little plant.
It's a chili pepper.
I remember asking you for advice.
And it died.
I went on a vacation.
I gave it a lot of water.
When I came back, it was just...
Just disappointing.
It was shocking.
Oh, that's sad.
I even had a name for him.
Oh, really?
I called him... What was it?
I had a name for him.
Terry was the bug that was in my room.
Which I tried to kill.
But I couldn't. And I lost him.
I named him Terry.
Why Terry?
It just came to me.
Probably Terry.
I forgot his name.
You named that bug?
Yeah, I named him Terry.
That you wanted to kill?
But I found him in my closet.
He was just sleeping in there.
He made it?
No, he was dead.
Oh, he was already dead?
Yeah, he was dead.
F*ck, I forgot his name.
You don't even remember his name.
I know.
I took care of him every day.
Look at that water spray thingy.
I used that to feed him.
No, not Jerry.
Or Philippa.
I forgot.
It was Philip or Philippa.
I think it's Philip.
It was Philip.
We planted five seeds.
Three of them bloomed.
And they didn't survive.
They didn't survive.
Because they were like really small.
And you know, newborn.
Right, right, right.
It was delicate.
That's true.
It's really kind of difficult when you go out.
Like for a vacation.
Or a trip.
You know, I was in my parents' house.
At this, you know,
Shogatsu vacation.
It was kind of like almost one week.
You said you were worried about that.
I put a little kind of bottle machine.
So that you put that into the vase.
And you know,
You can water.
So they are,
They survived.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, they survived.
But from the looks of your face, it probably wasn't...
Yeah, you know, it's not like
100% they're
Lively living.
They are kind of,
Yeah, like getting small a little bit.
But they survived.
But they recover.
So now I'm watering like every day.
And feeding them.
And cuddling them every day.
Of course that helps.
And I'm telling them that I love them.
Which I actually read on an
article that it would help plants.
Really? Is that true?
Yeah, the experiment was like two plants.
One completely ignored.
Or like they bashed on them.
Like, fuck you.
The other, you just told them they loved them.
Oh, really?
Yeah, like I love you. I'm going to take care of you for the rest of my life.
You're my number one, whatever.
And the one that's loved, grew healthier.
It was an actual experiment.
Is that true?
That's true. That's true. I actually read it.
On an article.
Which the source is, I have no idea if it's relevant or not.
I don't know if it's credible or not.
So you have any...
Of course, the debt space, right?
The utilization of debt space.
Look at this.
What is it? Rack. Metal rack, right?
It's tall as fuck, right?
I found like the tallest one.
They're all, you know, going so high.
And look at this.
Yeah, so you put two tansu.
Two tansu and like another box on top of it.
Which is filled with
so many...
I know.
It's almost to the ceiling, you know?
So high.
Yeah, it's just, you know,
it's just utilization of the debt space.
Utilization of debt space.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I still need to do a lot better job at it.
Oh, really?
There's so many debt spaces.
Well, the first thing is above the bed.
There's this huge space that's not being used.
Above the bed.
Above the bed.
I mean, yeah, because you sleep on the bed.
I know.
But you never stand on the bed.
Which means that you don't need space this high.
Yeah, you don't.
You don't jump on bed sometimes?
No one jumps on bed, man.
No one does. Only kids do.
See, like, you're never gonna use it.
And nor will the sofa.
You're not gonna use it.
I will never stand on top of the sofa.
Which means that the ceiling is too high.
Is that too high to you?
If there was a little Shuno space on top,
that would be great.
Oh, really?
I think it's kind of, you know,
Having this space
above the sofa.
Actually, you know,
I'm making too much, you know,
Shuno space.
To the point that some places are kind of empty.
Like, I'm making too much of them.
I don't have anything to put
on the Shuno.
So, like, I don't...
It's kind of like...
Yeah, look at this place.
There's empty, there's empty space here.
Now that's become a desk space.
We gotta do something about that.
You made your own
desk space by yourself.
My own desk space?
To resolve my desk space to begin with.
Wow. You have to buy something
I know, like, to utilize.
It's a desk space paradox.
Desk space paradox.
The more desk space you try to kill,
the more spaces you're gonna have.
And you're gonna run out of things to
put on the desk space, and you're gonna create your own desk space.
That's the desk space paradox.
How about you? You have, like, a
Kodawari for your room?
Yeah. Oh, it's...
We're gonna be talking in the next episode.
Alright, sure, let's do that.
Alright. So, Yano-chan will tell us his
Kodawari's on the room in the next episode.
Bye bye.

