welcome to Kevin's English from podcast second yeah it's got information all
right secret information secret information on here all right okay so
mm-hmm this one all right are you looking to the DMs for me I'm trying
yeah all right thank you this is from a Amy son Amy son okay so
Yamasama Kevin sama Oh Konnichiwa Amy desu
Watashi no message yonde kurete arigatou gozaimasu
mm-hmm tsugi no hi wa kaisha de arigatou gozaimashita
okay tsugi no hi ni wa kaisha de yama-chan ga watashi no namae wo yonda to oosawagi
deshita okay anoato no dekigoto kiite kudasai masuka? jitsuwa kaisha ni Kevin
oshi no Kebiko ga ite okay yoku kr no hanashi wo shiteimasu
oosawagi shita hi no kaeri kebiko ni watashi wa kaisha de uiteiru
jouzu ni shigoto ga dekinakute tsurai to uchiake raremashita
kebiko wa yamako de aru watashi no koto wo
okay that's the way they got it
kebiko wa yamako de aru watashi no koto wo kono hito nara ieru kamo to omotte kureta no
kamo shiremasen ureshikatta desu Kevin san
kanojo ni kibarashi ni naru koto ya genki ni naru tabemono wo oshiete agete kudasai
tteyuu mo yorokobu to omimasu kebiko wa ayami san to iimasu
以前kebino san ga fuzakete because of me to itteimashita ga watashitachi ni totte wa
hontou desu o soraka kore wo kiteiru subete no hito ni tottemo
watashi wa yamachan oshi no yamako ni nari eigo skill ga sugoi nobimashita
kebiko wa genki de akarui kevin san ni akogarezu to ienakatta nayami wo taiyani hanasu yuuki
wo motemashita demo sugoi koto desu
tamatama kiteita jinsei no tenki wa itsudatta no kai de
kono podcast ga dareka no tenki ni naru kamo ne to itteita koto wo futo omoidashimashita
kono podcast ni geshya wo haraitai kurai desu
kouzou oshiete kuremasen ka?
yes there you go
we'll save mine after yours
mitsubishi ufj sumitomo
what was that?
sumitomo ginko
sumitomo golden ginko
tokushu kouzou
i don't know
yoshimura shiten
that's mine
that's your ko then
just leave cash
just leave like a pile of cash under the hachiko mae
you know there's a dog right?
leave the pile of cash under between the teeth of the dog
i don't know if you can fit
if you can't fit just place them right underneath it okay?
then someone's gonna pick that up
no i'll tell you when
the exact timing
the exact time
how about um
how about tomorrow
tomorrow 8 o 7 sharp
8 o 7 sharp right
if it's 8 o clock there's so many machiyawas people
so like 7 minutes after they all left
so like 8 o 7 sharp
what was her name?
the kebiko san
ayami san
ayami san
ayami san what i would do
is i would um go to seijoishi
get myself a cheesecake factory's cheesecake
what's that?
do you know cheesecake factory?
oh no
cheesecake factory is a
factory that make cheesecake?
no not quite
um is a chain store
chain uh dessert shop in the u.s
it's very famous
it's like one of the biggest
baked maybe dessert shops
cheesecake factory?
yeah it's cheesecake factory
so not only cheesecake
uh i yeah i think they do all kinds of like stuff
oh never heard of that name before
uh factory
cheesecake factory
right here cheesecake factory
it's it looks delicious
that's the brand logo
oh it looks um expensive to me
um no
a little bit more expensive than the ones you find at the grocery store
but i mean i wouldn't it's not that out of reach
you know um i've actually never been to that place
but you can purchase at the seijoishi
yeah i found one actually yesterday
yes at seijoishi there's a cheesecake factory cheesecake
and i was oh my god i wanted to eat this
i bought it it was good
so i recommend that
oh great
this is the cheesecake i ate right here
this cheesecake it looks so good
yeah it looks so good
it's so soft and juicy
okay yeah
is that a baked one or like
i don't know if it's baked or not
no i don't think it's baked
i don't think so
they are cheesecake then
or go to um
karudy and go get yourself a um
pepperidge farm cookie
yeah that cookie is really nice
i would go from ilano they have it
um just grab yourself that
uh also grab yourself maybe a like a cup of coffee tea whatever drink to go with it
and just have a nice netflix time
do that
yeah this cheesecake they sell apparently they sell sandwiches and burgers
yeah like not only dessert things but also like foods
yeah it's like tci fridays but like fancy desserts
um do you have this um the physical store in japan
nope no i don't think so never seen it
never seen it
so it's
let me check it
seijouishi is the only place you can find it
yeah i think i think so
either amazon buy like the frozen cake or seijouishi is what i'm what i'm what is the
information i'm getting
so that's the genki ni naru tabemono
yes i would do that i just get myself desserts sugar
sugar yeah
highly recommended
yeah and what about genki ni naru koto is that watching netflix
oh i i did this yesterday okay
i went to the park i went to like a really big park
you know how yesterday was really sunny
oh yeah it was cloudy at the am and then the pm is like all boom sun right
yeah yeah yeah
didn't we have like heavy really heavy rain just a moment
uh right we did but uh around three yeah right around two going in right now i gone yeah
i went to a park i went just i just laid down under the sun with with music wow earphones
on like a like a guitar music yeah it was so quiet right i did that for like an hour
oh that's nice and it like fully recharged like it felt like all the problem i had was
like not a big deal for i recommend that oh that's nice it's really i love that yeah i
love that feels so good wow yeah and i had a dm saying that kevin son did were you riding
your bicycle to this park i think i saw you yep that's yep that's me but i'm not gonna
yep just gonna not answer any of that question but yeah hope nobody sees sees you like saw
you yeah lying on the you know ground not not now i mean not i haven't gotten any of
that information yet yeah oh that's a good one yeah i love that too yeah yeah that's
nice what do you do if you want to like like refresh refresh recharge your whatever it
is um um um um onsen ah also good yeah love that go don't send like uh not far places
but like uh you know hako name uh-huh like um like the one in chiba or like you can find
tokyo too if you want to yeah go on send and do you care if it's like a super sento or
like a tendon on thin or not does that matter a little bit yeah but if it feels good then
good yeah yeah i prefer the uh the one in the the nature side uh-huh like a carnet like
a cone is yeah not like you know in the building and like at the hotel yeah yeah yeah yeah
probably the one in that like really in the middle of wood yeah close to the you know
ocean side right that i can like dip myself in just you know i think nothing right feel
the yeah minus the yeah yeah yeah that's what i do yeah yeah that's i like that too yeah
and also i um go to the riverside and i drink coffee sit at the riverside and how do you
find a seat at the river like what do you do sit on a rock um you can find the place
oh like a bench or something uh yeah you can well of course it depends on the river but
i can sometimes you can find a bench or like um good rock to sit on like a gigantic yeah
flat rock like flat looking like sweet like that oh so it's like a yeah i can your butt
can fit there yeah wow sometimes or like uh you know the um riverside you know the uh
the glass riverside okay like uh oh uh yeah like this ah uh yeah those yeah that's that's
also right so like we're both like nature like oriented right yeah yeah that's true
maybe we want something nature maybe yeah that's why you want to go to the country nature
side yeah yeah the uh you're gonna do the uh yeah yeah yeah you you want something you
know yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good thing yeah it's like basic happiness yeah i feel
like you know the most core part of happiness like being healthy and you know yeah yeah
sure maybe we tend to be like addicted all right okay sorry we're back i accidentally
i accidentally um long pressed the home button and called up siri okay and then the audio
just stopped okay recording but we're back yeah i'm back um we're talking about the basic
basic happiness yeah yeah you're we're too yeah maybe you know we are like maybe the
human beings right now is too addicted to those digital smartphones there are things
yeah and especially we are i mean you are you know tick tock influence i always you
know in the trenches yeah like right in the middle completely yeah yeah maybe too you
know surrounded yeah by those absolutely yeah yeah so maybe now you want to go some uh the
countryside and yeah i think that's i think some of that is in me yeah like yeah yeah
true you are the in the middle of the you know the world the tornado yeah okay thanks
for listening guys thank you