1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 新マイク導入だあああ!!
2021-07-13 10:14



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hi guys!
You're back from a huge road trip.
Yes, yes. A crazy road trip journey from Osaka.
From Osaka. Yesterday midnight you left Osaka, right?
And then drove all night.
And right now it's like 10.30am right now in your house.
I just arrived like 10 minutes ago, 15 minutes ago.
And you told me that...
Yeah, I actually arrived like 30 minutes ago at my house.
I just took a shower and just brushed my teeth.
I prepared and here I am.
I'm a little bit messed up.
But I'm okay. I'm fine.
Crazy but it sounds actually fun.
Yeah, it was fun.
It does sound very adventurous.
Like on the spot, like spontaneous.
Yeah, like the stupid boys.
It was stupid actually.
That's the fun part about being an adult, you know.
Acting like kids.
Like we were saying that, well actually we can go anywhere we want.
You feel like you have endless possibilities.
Yeah, that's good.
We were trying to reach to the Kagoshima actually.
Kagoshima is like...
Where is it? Is it all the way to...
Before we go any further, you've already had it on you.
Got some huge updates here in this Kevin's English Room podcast.
We bought a new microphone.
That is crazy.
It's a pin mic, yeah?
I've checked and I've already told you this.
We are a number 6...
Top number 6 Japanese podcast in this country.
Which is unbelievable.
With that high ranking, we've been recording.
We have not spent a yen.
We have not spent a yen on this podcast.
I've been using this iPhone that I've always had.
And then I put a little cushion underneath it.
And that's all I do.
But you know what? I finally made the, you know...
Main action, you know?
That is great.
I took the initiative to actually start investing in this podcast.
It's a pin mic, but like a...
1,300 yen.
Not that much.
Great quality.
I'm gonna try it on, okay?
Actually, we haven't been connected.
Right now, this is the old way.
So it's just sound as always.
And right now, I'm gonna plug it in now, okay?
Okay, right now.
It's on now.
I think you should feel the difference.
Yeah, I hope so.
I hope so.
I'm gonna pause once and then check the audio, okay?
Okay, I checked the audio.
My voice was so much closer.
I feel like...
We'll continue.
I hope you guys enjoy this new audio quality.
This would really come in handy, especially if we record outside.
There's like different, like if there's radio coming out, like the street noise.
The restaurant.
The background music and stuff like that.
We can do this on the street, right?
Besides the fact that we need to be connected.
Yes, we're connected wirely.
Yeah, with you.
Which is...
It's kind of gay.
But it's very nice.
It's really nice.
Definitely gay.
It makes me feel like I'm a professional radio podcaster or DJ.
I think we are a professional, you know, podcaster.
Oh, really?
We're right up above TBS radio.
I think we are a professional.
We just haven't made any money from this.
I don't know how you look at it.
Well, thank you.
That is great.
The last time we met, you told me that you were going to have a great news.
The next podcast recording day.
I was excited to tell you that this is our huge update.
You were like wondering, "Oh, do we have a sponsor?"
Do we have a sponsor so that you can support our podcast?
We'll see.
So tell me more about your little trip to Osaka.
Well, the original plan was going on a camp actually.
But it's rainy.
So we decided not to do those activities outside.
We decided to go as far as we can.
So we had three choices.
One is go to Osaka.
And the other was go to Kanazawa and eat sushi and return.
And the third one was try to go to Kagoshima, Sakurajima.
Which is impossible actually.
Yeah, it's impossible.
Yeah, so we decided to go to Osaka.
Actually, we decided to try to go to Osaka.
So we didn't, you know...
You didn't make it there.
Yeah, we needed to get there actually.
If we had fun, just stop anywhere, any place.
That's no problem, you know.
Try to head to Osaka.
But on the way, we noticed that one of our friends living in Nara, which was on our way.
So we called him.
Like, "Hey, are you still in Nara?
And you've got any plan tonight?"
And he was like, "What?"
Well, no, but...
And we were like, "Okay, I'm coming to your house."
And what?
I can imagine the voice.
And we met him.
It was like three years.
Three years ever since.
Yeah, like two years.
How was he? Was he good?
Healthy and all?
He's a tori-shimari-yaku right now.
Oh, fuck.
He's a tori-shimari-yaku.
His family company, right?
He's a tori-shimari-yaku.
And I've got a card, but he's something kikaku shitsucho.
He hasn't been changed at all.
Wait, so before he entered his family company, he used to work for a gaming company.
Yeah, programming.
Has the job changed?
What is he doing right now?
He said that almost everything.
Because he's going to be a shacho-san.
So he needs to train everything.
It's more about K.A. and shit like that.
He's doing K.A.
He's doing marketing, advertisement, and a little bit of jinji.
And of course he can program, so he made some homepages and things like those things.
He was healthy.
He was healthy looking.
He has not many friends in Nara.
He told me, he said that he's a little bit lonely.
Because he can't meet with friends like we are doing right now.
But he was happy that we met together and had dinner.
That's good.
Was he still with his girl?
Yeah, same girl.
Same girl.
Are they getting married?
They've been together for quite a long time now.
Yes, yes.
They are going to be.
But we're not sure.
We're not sure about this, so we can't say this in public.
But anyway, he told me that she's going to be moved to Nara.
Oh really?
And this year or a few months later.
So if that happens, they're probably going to be married, right?
They're taking a step.
Taking steps, huh?
Yes, yes, yes.
A lot of people are...
Okay, that's a...
Yes, yes, yes.
So, hope you guys like the new mic.
Yes, how's our new audio quality?
Please give us feedback.
Yeah, hope our voice sounds like a little more...
Yeah, yeah.
Thanks for listening, guys.

