1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんの今行きたいカフェ
2021-03-13 12:52



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast
That was a cheer in our
We're still here at the
Cafe called factory. Yes in Shibuya. Is this Shibuya? Oh, yeah. I'm with the sundown
Still haven't gotten used to the extremely chill atmosphere. Yeah. Yeah
So I'm used to the McDonald's of the world. So like yep still trying to act cool
BGMs are different. Mm-hmm
Usually in McDonald's they they have like this little radio
McDonald's radio like yeah, they do
It's like, um, I don't know she's a he
They do they do that we they do have the musics but like in between they've got the little radios
So, yeah
Recommending you some news. Yes. Yes the new happy meal new kids meal
So, um actually, um
Speaking of happy meal got a little big smile on there. All right, let's dig in. Thank you
My father yeah sent me a text the other day
He was like, oh congratulations on your new money. And also I heard your podcast you forgot about right the
Shonin Q president you and he told me you gave me a
business backpack, right I I then I remembered like he
He's been saying that he wanted a a backpack where you can it's like a three-way where you can hold it in your hand
but at the same time you can do a shoulder or like a
Actually, like, you know back back. Yeah back back kind of style. And yeah, I remember giving him that
That was like yeah, he told me that so like a you can I guess I
Love butter chicken curries. Yeah
Love it. Love it
Amazing. Yeah. Yeah, perfect. It's sweet and it's the one this is the one
Nice my
So, how often did you go here when it was at your highest
Not that often actually once in a week
Twice in a week. Okay, so we're good twice a week, which is that's a lot actually, you know, like every day. Yeah
I can't get some I wrote a little myself to your room in here
What's that yes and three seats here
Do you go to our cafes do you adventure and look for new cafes? Yeah
Finding new places
Sometimes I do research on the on the Internet
Travel to new cafe. Yeah, it might be surprising you but yeah, I thought you were like all kind of serendipity guys
Stroll around maybe run into something new
sometimes I do
Read on the magazine
Is there a cafe that you're looking into that you might want to go in the future if you have the chance
I have a list you have a list nice
Is it all like Kanto area I think so
So I kind of visited
That I wanted to go when I lived in Kyoto, okay, the Kansai area, okay, okay
Use my list
My to do list to do list and it's in it's in line. Yeah. Wow. I
Have a use of line. Okay. Okay. I
Mean, you know, there's like a to-do list app
But down, but you know, maybe it's default in in your phone. You know, no, I don't
Familiar with lines. Oh, so one is Sazan Beach. I got a car. I'm guessing it's like Chigasaki or something
Right. Yeah, no, it's Sazan Beach
I'm gonna place in Chigasaki right and the other other one is quite a good of course. No, no, it's it's I think it's on
Around here. Okay, what the sandal?
The last one is a little bit of a coffee. No, no
That's how many how many sounds most that's right. Yeah. Oh, okay. I mean
There were some more like but you I went there
Delete you saw Shintori Kashi. Yeah. Yeah
How do you
How do you what
What was it that?
Why did it make that on the list? Like what was it about the cafe that got you into it? Was it like the
the cold awari for the beans or I
atmosphere or these were on the
Bookshop and happily
Magazine, you know, it was about the gardening. Mm-hmm. And those three cafes have
like beautiful gardens and that was a
You know talk shoe nice the cafe's with gardens nice nice nice and I got it
Got it. Got it. Got it. Yeah
That's why I picked up
I see I see
Like strolling around
By me place I do I do like strolling around
but um, the thing is I'm a little embarrassed to say but I
I really go for like
Go for saving money, you know, like I've got ingredients at my house
I've got the total two queries at my house, which I can which I can finish my dinner with like 200 yen
and if I can actually like economically that makes more sense to me like
strolling around and looking at places is really nice, but I don't really go into I don't really have like the
the courage or the
financial and American
They actually go in it. Yeah
Kind of agree with you. But if I can make the same thing, mm-hmm. I won't go. Yeah. Yes
Especially if it's yourself, right like if I'm with somebody
That makes more sense like you like it's good to have the atmosphere
Well, like if it was like just yourself, I I wouldn't really care, you know, so
Okay, these butter chicken curds are really good Wow really good
I'm so happy
Mm-hmm, you're right. So I like this. Oh, you don't think it's spicy
Yeah, I do feel just a slice of yeah. Yeah, it's a little spicy though
But not too much for you. That's great
Right, right
Have you had the butter chicken curry from the
Mujiru Shiroin? No, it's one of the like number one hits. Yeah, it's pretty good
Right the packaged goods. Yeah
I think you have a really huge
Mujiru Shiroin in your station, right? Yeah
I went to the oven and bought some little things
But I've never bought that. Not the curry
I tried to put there was an option for me to put ads
on the podcast using anchor
But I don't think it worked out
So like I had to put it I had to chop up the episode in half and then put a little put the ad in between
But like the ad spot is kind of like a free space so like if anyone's there to buy the app
And space someone would but I don't think no one bought it. I don't think so
So I put it was the first time to put an ad on there
So I was like, hey guys, sorry to cut you off guys
I'm gonna there might or might not be an ad running. I got yeah
I put that there and then maybe there so there was there probably wasn't an ad running
He's like me just randomly coming in just like disrupting it. It's gone
Right. Yeah
and I think I
Think we have to record we are gonna have to be the ones that record like actually read that
There's gonna be a script that's sent to our
Smartphone it's like okay. So here's your ad read this and then we read it and it's gonna be in the middle of the podcast
Like a mid roll. Okay. Yeah
Yeah, and it's yeah, it's uh, we should do this in order to sustain the
Podcast yeah, right, right
This was a really slow episode a lot of people are like we you know how we talk
like we
Sometimes we do a very like complex deep
kind of
Episode where we talk about our passion or work and sometimes we talk really fast
But some of some episodes we talk really slowly like right now or like we stroll around
Whatever it's like Shinjuku stuff like that and a lot of people do enjoy the slow-paced kind of yeah
Because it's really easier to understand
So like I think a lot of people really would enjoy these kinds of those food and I really hope you guys did so
There you go. All right. Thanks for saying guys
Bye. Bye

