1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 関東に引っ越したのでおすす..
2021-07-05 11:19


Pizza Slice.

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast
My friend who moved to Tokyo recently, okay
Her name is Haruka 27. Mm-hmm
And she moved to Tokyo? And you see her friend? Yeah. Okay. We met yesterday. Okay, that's all right yesterday
That was quick. Yeah, not yesterday this morning this morning. Okay this afternoon
This afternoon like several hours ago. Yeah. Okay, that's quick. So this is
What she told me okay personally personally to you. Yes. Yes face to face. Yeah
This is from Haruka 27. All right
podcast up request
That's what she told. Okay. Yeah, she told you as if it was like a title. Yeah of a message. Yes, okay. Hi
She said that yeah, okay, I just moved to Tokyo from Kansai area last week
Okay, so I want you guys to teach somewhere you read you recommend like restaurants and cafes in Tokyo
Or somewhere nearby looking forward to the next episode
how to cut 27
She said looking forward to the next episode right in front of your face, okay, I believe you
Well, thank you how to cut 27, thank you
Okay, so this is just move from from Kansai to Tokyo. Mm-hmm
So, um any great place to visit right? Yeah, yeah restaurants and cafe, I've got yeah, I've got several
No for real though
It's a place called pizza slice. Oh, yeah, that's a real yeah, yeah, yeah, right
It's a how like what like maybe less than 10 minutes. Yeah walk from Shibuya
Not I wouldn't say close to Shibuya station. It would you might have to like walk a little bit
Yeah, but no more than 10 minutes. I think
It's a New York style pizza place. Yeah
terrible customer service
but but the food is good the atmosphere is okay, yeah, and the
The price is nice. It's good. It's a good price as in terms of like cheap, right? It's
But get ready for that terrible customer service
Be ready American style. I don't know that's a little bit too bossy for me. I feel like I don't I don't know
That's an American style
Never experienced that the real American style customer services. No, we don't know about that
I know I feel like I feel people in the US they do slack off but like I don't
know if that's the type of
Like slack it off. I don't feel like a different I feel a different vibe there like
Like they hate their jobs, but they love to talk to customers, right? I feel like in in pizza site
They just they just hate you
They just don't
Yeah, yeah
I feel like they love their co-workers, but hate their customers is how I feel and in that pizza shop
But good taste so I can't so that's a yeah
Yeah, if you have good customer service, I would love that place even more. That's a thing to improve on
So if you listen to the podcast, there's a slice yeah, what if they are you know
I mean I love pizza slice, you know. Yeah. Yeah. I love their customers
All right, any other place
Hungry Tigers, you know hungry tigers. Yeah, yeah
humbug, but um
Recently their humbug is a little bit. I feel dry
Their nikuji has been like not doing his thing. All right a little bit dry
But their sauce that you put on top of the humbug
It was amazing. It was like the first time I ate that was when the hamburger the humbug was still like really juicy
It was the the the tastiest
Meal I've ever eaten in my life. That's what I thought when I first
Placed it in my mouth. That's why literally that's what I thought
Shout out to my my good friend Fogo-chan. He introduced me to that place. I went to Yokohama place
It was heaven Wow
In a building. Yeah, it was more more and more. Yeah, and
Recommend that place
But I hope that the the one equals juicy still, you know
I've been noticing they spend it's been getting a little bit drier and drier
Go to men is my my still my favorite. Okay, okay ramen. That's ramen shop. Yes, Yokohama
And we're not to me die. Maybe there's one in Tokyo area. I don't know. Yeah
You got something
Several places, okay, but those place are where I go
Right, so if you if you publicize that right, yeah
Yeah, so we awkward. Yeah
Okay, how about how about can you introduce to a place that where you don't go but know that there it's good
Know that people may enjoy
Because you've been working for an agency right travel agency, right right like in general like what people enjoy there, okay, I was
Working in a travel agency, but I made a trip for the foreign people got it. So it's it's especially Japanese
Yeah, so it's like Japanese
Yeah, you know
Right. I understand from the edge what they enjoy and what we enjoy is a little different
but uh
Go patchy patchy. Okay. Is that a Japanese?
It's great Japanese atmosphere
Yeah, okay restaurant well sounds expensive though
You know the kill bill movie yes
Kill bill bill. Yeah was
Shoot it up. Really?
George Bush, I guess George Bush George Bush. Yeah
Was invited to the one?
So that's a kind of
Famous race was like a good Michelin-level
Michelin class restaurants, but it's not that like expensive place
It's casual that we can we can go like as well. I mean sometimes
How much do you think it would cost like for just two for just two for yeah
If we eat and drink together
You mind okay, that's a good place. That's a pretty good. Yeah
not that like
Like ridiculous not a ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah high price. Yeah, just
Acceptably high
The Starbucks Meguro Rosalie the grocery. Yeah, okay good experience there
And coffee my mayor. Oh, yeah, if you like coffee
All right, it's very expensive but
Okay, okay. Okay. They're a friend. Okay, okay
But this is very expensive place more expensive. Yeah. Oh, yeah
It's very expensive. How much would the price range be? You know, I'm gonna say it's mine. Oh, yeah
You know those kind of one glass of wine like sunset. Yeah those
Ridiculous right? Yeah, but it tastes good, right? Yeah, I guess because I've never been there. Okay, but it's popular and famous
Have you been to a Michelin restaurant before? Yeah. All right
I want you to talk to me about that on the next episode because I want to hear the story
I've never been to it. Okay, so I want to hear the experience
like very huge
Grandmas own thing. Oh, I'm more like a
You know what?
There's a to to miss around one is like the mission
Okay, got it got it just like a like a sub Michelin Michelin junior
Someday you might be a full-grown man. Yeah, right. Yeah. Okay. I'm ramen shop. Oh, okay
You've been there, yeah
Yeah, do you think it's worth talking in the episode or is it pretty flat like not that
You didn't have a very bumpy ride just really normal. Yeah, just no more. I went to actually on
Japanese restaurant, which was to start at a
actual Michelin, okay and
Wait, that's like that's a you yeah, you've been there before. Yeah. Okay. Oh, let's talk to me about that. Okay, right
Oh, thanks for listening guys. Bye. Bye

