1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. DMで頂いた英語系の質問に答え..
2020-08-16 14:10


All right, yo John yes, I'm welcome back to another episode of
Kevin's English in podcast
I'm sorry, but I can do I can't do the jingle today. Why not because we're in it in a kind of restroom
Yeah, we are in today. Yeah, we are and you know, I'm feeling like I shouldn't speak loud
Yeah, I mean I shouldn't sing like
Yeah, but you can do it like, you know whisper kind of voice. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's sexy. Wait, what right?
Okay, I could whisper. All right
You want you want right? Oh next time next time. All right. No, no next time. So
What are you drinking it? I'm drinking this. Um
Ginger ale. Oh and it was like the fuzz it was really weird. I never had this experience like why it
The moment it went in my mouth
The fuzz like came out through my nose and it was like this really weird kind of fuzzy kind of feeling. What about taste?
It tastes just fine. So the problem is ginger. It's the fuzziness. Yeah, that was like it was funny
I don't maybe because I'm my stomach is empty and
Maybe I don't know why I don't know what happened there
But do you think that because it's expensive ginger ale maybe maybe doesn't make a difference like the fuzz is like more
Like what more fine fuzz what I mean fine like that's true. The bowls are like little like smaller maybe
So small
God, okay. It got me
It's got me
So, okay, what are we doing today? All right, so so actually I
Have some letters from our listeners. Yes. Thank you very much guys. So I always appreciate the DMs
Yes, yes, so there's few questions. Mm-hmm
So I'm gonna ask you yes go ahead on behalf of them. Okay, so the question number one
Kai guy knows Koshia light. Oh, God. I'm friendly now boom man. They made about the radical mass
America no boom. Ka toshite friendly Nikai. So how about IIですか?
That's it yes, yes
So the answer is yes, so I think the best answer would be to
Answer them back in the same polite same friendliness level. I guess okay, right like you don't want to you don't want to reply to them
With with like the highest salute kind of kind of contacts like that would just that would be like rejecting their friendliness, right?
So you'd want to you want to get back to them with the same level friendliness. Okay, right?
So that's down sir. That would be the answer. Okay
So if they if like someone sent you a message with with like emoji emoji, right?
You should use get back with emoji. Oh, right. It's not something I'm polite. It's not I'm glad at all
Okay, no, not even if it's in the business situation is that right? Okay, if it's a business situation, it would probably like
Make the situation less sensitive like it would be okay if if you're if it's the president of your company
You know get mails you with a very friendly letter with all the emojis, right?
and if it's in a business context, it wouldn't really be a problem if you answer it with no emojis just
Straight up text just you know black and white text. It wouldn't really if it's a business
It wouldn't matter as much as if it was like a private mail private mail
You'd be more sensitive against those kinds of things like emotions matter, right?
but if it's business like
You just have to tell them what you need to tell them and that's right. That's that's really it
So just like you in Japan you get the kind of the same feeling right when you're in Japan, don't you think so?
Yeah, but in Japan, you know, I have to write in in very keigo way
Yeah, but like if your boss yeah, it's the president of your company
Direct mails you and be like hey, like how you doing?
Are you doing everything okay with like a peace sign kind of like the emoji very friendly kind of thing
But I think I have to reply as as much as I I can be you know, why why like he's
He's stepping up
Yeah, he wants to like his leveling with you, right?
Yeah, like don't you think that you might you'd want to get back to him with the same kind of friendly like you want to
answer that
That friendly. Yeah, maybe I will use some some kakubara. Uh-huh things like that off a little bit Frank
Phrases, you know, but I think I can't use emojis. Uh-huh, you know not be kind of
Yo, right, right, right, right, right, maybe it's Japanese style. Uh-huh
Right, like I mean
First of all, like in a business context, I don't think a president would be like yo, what up?
That's true. I'm a man. I don't think that would happen. Like I'm
Interpreting this as like hey guys, how you doing? Okay. Hope you guys are doing well
Our company's doing this this this that like I'm really expecting a lot from you guys. I'm like, yeah
I think like nature like you know, like if it was
that kind of right that kind of like
Right easy this right right easy talk kind of thing then it would make sense to yeah
Reply back to him with the same
right this year, right, right I
Agree with you that
So the answer is yes. Yes. Okay, so the question number two I
Net the series the Colombian no Tomodachi guy mass
Chat to state a saigo knee piece
To it the car was a lot of this guy. What are you mean? That's got so that means
peace means ice
In Japanese, I think the closest word would be
Kids that same piece like this. No, it's um, I
Think it's
Right kind of peace not the two-finger piece the same the same meaning. I think so
Didn't know that. Yeah
So in Japan when people do this the the double hand to finger piece
Yeah, the kind of sign does that mean like the world piece piece kind of piece?
Right. Is that what there's no like like you're feeling peace. Oh
Like I didn't know that and happy and peace sign
Oh, I think so, but I'm not sure but so it's just it's like your script panel. My god
I'm nice, but I don't know it's like
How can I say a little bit like by thing yeah kind of like by it's a
It's a phrase you use to not make the conversation like awkward or uncomfortable
trying to end it like
Like it's a little disappointing when conversations end right like it's by putting peace or like peace out kind of
Word, okay. I think peace peace out or reason it comes like peace out
I like when when you meet somebody like an actual world like when you actually meet somebody you
Like I think it really comes from like the hood like the ghetto kind of places like when they believe they'd be like peace out
Oh, okay. Kind of like their okay language, right? I think that that comes from peace out. Okay
that's all right, so it'd be like
Just goodbye. Okay, so it's a little like a good bye. Have a nice day. Right? Look it's a friendly. Goodbye. Okay, okay
So the answer is it's a friendly. Goodbye. Yeah, he's
That's cool. Yeah, it is. Yes, but you don't I don't think many people use that anymore. Oh, what do you mean? Oh, yeah
All right. So the next question, okay, I'm fine. Oh, I'm fine. Thank you. Toka. I'm fine
Thanks, no, ka. Thank you to cut. Thanks. Nashi de kou. I'm fine
Okay, then you know to put the tailみたい not to make a kanji in a row to you for you to get on the bus
Go home to this car. So is she saying
Just on fine. Yes is a problem if it's on fine. Thank you. It wouldn't be a problem. I think I
Know I think I'm fine and I'm fine. Thank you. Both has a very similar
Nuance of like okay, leave me alone. Oh, really? Yes. Yes, I'm fine
Like I think she's saying she was she is saying like when you are asked like do you want?
Hi, I got a time off. I'm so
I've had a little bit. I don't know
Possibly straight. It's like do you want flaky things? No, I got a lot of a bite
Yeah, I like this little flaky things on this. What do you mean?
Flaky things right on the that's a side of the plate. Whatever that is like crabs. It smells like crabs
It's cut us me. I think
Never had
So, um, look when you asked like yeah, do you want some and I'm fine
Is that gonna be and well I
Using I'm fine
Just I'm fine itself would feel like it's a little bit
Unpolite. Mm-hmm. No, it does. I do feel a little bit of the leave me alone kind of nuance. Mm-hmm
if you say like
No, I'm fine, thanks
You know if there's a no, I'm fine. Thanks. I I think it would be just fine if you say it like that
Right, so if it if it was without thanks, mm-hmm, that will be a little bit
No, I don't think so but it still does depend on the way you say it
More than just right like just if it was like I'm fine
That would you can feel it right?
You feel that like you're not very welcome right kind of thing. You're saying leave me alone. Don't care about me, right?
But if it was like I'm fine
Right, you feel a little bit less, you know less of that tension right and in the new ones, right?
so I think a better way would just be like
No, thanks. It's okay. Okay, I like that. Okay, that's okay for no. Thanks or
Appreciate it, but I'm okay. I'm good. I'm okay. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I think that'll be a better way of
Can I have a bite sure it's good then it's delicious. Yeah. Thank you
Do you like
You like Italian food like I do I do I do I like pasta. Mm-hmm. I
Always buy it on the back. Mm-hmm. Yeah as you said before
How's that
Pretty good. Mm-hmm. Yeah
All right
So move on to the next question
So the last question, okay, mm-hmm
That's a good question by the way, okay, okay
Nantoka dekita no
Kikita ito Kimmy a go de do natural ni ya ba ii no ka wa karima sen
Nantoka dekita. De ba
Ginko iketa no oka ne orose. Ta no
They use it's most I can eat
Kono hito wa doshite mo can you o kako kene shite could you needすると思っちゃう
Nahana, soすると could you go to the bank?
Yuto kinko ni itte kuremasen kaって言ってることになっちゃうとなるね
That would be um, were you able to
All right, were you able to go to the bank? Okay, were you able to
Blah blah blah, okay
Well, thank you. Yeah
Easy one. Yeah, it's pretty easy for you. So the answer is were you able to okay?
That's the be able to no kako keteいうことだよねそういうことから
Okay. Well, thank you. Mm-hmm
You go for another one. Oh
Okay, then we're and the or not
No, no. All right
Okay, if you like this episode this was a new style kind of right
It wasn't really like a conversation with Yamachan is more like answer the questions from the GM kind of like if you liked it
please uh
give us a
Any review right on our DMS if it's really really good question
Yeah, we think we have to like use ten minutes. Mm-hmm 15 minutes. Yeah, I
Think we would go on YouTube videos
Right, right if it's like a really really in-depth kind of question, right? Right, we
We do that specifically on right
Well, thanks again for listening guys
Bye. Bye

