1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 音楽のジャンル「Alternative..
2021-02-24 18:27


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast! (Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding)
Cute sound. Yeah, cute sound.
I tried to do the distortion voice. Oh, I didn't notice. Sorry brother. It's okay. Because I'll do it again. Okay.
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Yeah, is that distorted? Like, it's...
Is that... Was that not distorted? Like, it's just...
You know... Okay.
Like, for me, distortion means that the high...
You know, high frequency...
You know, the voice includes the high frequency...ness.
High frequencies. And for me, distortion is...
Boosts all that high frequency up.
You know? So that sounds like light and...
Powerful. Like, light and bright. Okay. You know?
That was... So what I did was nothing similar to that.
Like, it was...
Boost some...
You know, heavy part of your voice. Right? I did, I did.
Yeah, so it's like, kind of like...
It's not same compared to Yuuri-san's voice. A little...
Yes. Different, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's more like...
How to say that? It's more like...
It's more violent.
It's more like a... Maybe death voice?
Oh yeah, maybe, maybe.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's also distorted.
So, yeah. Kind of... One kind of distorted voice, for sure.
Yeah. What's going on? Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
But you can control that.
Yeah. I can do like a death voice. Did you know that?
Wow. Tell me something to say and I'll make it duffy.
After dark. After duck? Dark. After dark? Yeah.
After dark. Yeah. Wow.
Amazing, right? It doesn't hurt. After dark.
Thank you. Thank you.
It doesn't hurt your throat, no? After dark.
Yeah, okay. I know that part. I'm asking you a question.
Okay. It doesn't hurt?
It... It hurts.
Oh, it hurts? Yeah, it hurts.
Oh, then you shouldn't do that. I shouldn't do that. I know. I know. I know.
Can you say "avocado"? With a death voice?
If it hurts. Okay. So I shouldn't make you say that.
Right. So many times.
Sorry about that. No problem.
Can you say "Kevin's in your room" podcast? Sure.
Kevin's in my room podcast!
Yeah. Oh, it hurts. I'm definitely getting stings.
Stings on my tongue. Okay, let's stop this. Yeah, sure.
Oh, can you say... Yeah.
I'm not gonna stop you.
It's still bad. I don't wanna make you hurt.
Alright. What do we got?
Okay, so we've got a...
Actually a...
I've got a telephone from Mei-san.
And she... Right. That telephone, right?
Yeah. Of course. Old-fashioned telephone.
Old-fashioned telephone. Like, you know, the black one.
Yeah! Like, dial. Yeah, the black one.
Yeah, the one you spin.
I know you got the old ones. I know.
And she told me in a really distorted voice.
With a really distorted... With a very distorted voice.
[imitating voice]
[imitating voice]
That was cute. It was cute. Okay.
It was good for you, baby.
I would go to...
You should drink water. Yeah, I can drink water.
One would be...
Lala Land. Oh, okay.
Yeah. And what would you like to do in that?
I would like to go to that museum and fly.
Okay, yeah.
I would, like, suddenly, immediately start flying.
You know. Yeah.
That looks like... Enjoyable. Having fun.
That seems enjoyable, right? Fun.
I mean, it seems like Emma Watson... Not Emma Watson.
Emma... Emma Stone. Emma Stone.
And what was the other guy?
Ryan Gosling? Ryan Gosling.
Ryan. It seems they had fun, right?
They had a great time up in the air. Yeah.
Ryan kind of dancing in space.
Like, gently landing on the floor.
Yeah. He was the most gentle landing.
Yeah, so, like, that seems fun.
Yeah. You know?
So, yeah. Lala Land.
I want to do that. Okay.
I want to sit next to Peter Pan on that big... Big... Big van?
Big van. Big van.
The... The tower. The tower. The clock. The clock, right?
I want to sit next to Peter Pan.
Why? You know, in that, like...
The little thingy? Yeah.
Why do you want to do that?
Well, because the night view is amazing.
I'm assuming, you know? Okay.
In London's city night view. Yes.
Yes. Yeah. I want to do that.
And, uh...
You know, it seems fairly magical.
Right. Right.
I would also want to, uh...
Do you have anything?
Wow. That was...
A funky question.
Right. It was like a... It's like...
It's like I'm like LeBron, you know? Yeah.
I'm about to go here.
Like, it seems like I'm about to go here. Yeah.
But, like... I pass.
No looking.
Uh... Harry Potter.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Right. That's... Right.
Very popular. Right.
You can actually do that in a universal city, you know?
There's actually a ride that picks you up in the air.
Yeah. That's right.
You feel like you're in the Harry Potter world.
That's not real magic.
No. No. No.
I'm not talking that.
You're not talking about that?
You're not talking about the snitch? No.
You're not talking about the... Yeah, the snitch?
Yeah. You're not talking about that?
The real one, yeah. I'm talking about that.
But it's a ride.
Roller coaster things. No. No. No.
Wait. Do you wanna...
What scene of Harry Potter do you wanna be in?
Not the scene.
Not the scene? What do you mean?
I wanna just be in that world.
Use the magic.
Use the magical ability of mine.
You wanna use the magic stick?
Yeah. Stick.
You know, I wanna avoid meeting...
That guy.
Those guys, right? Yeah.
Right. Oh, I shouldn't say that.
What are you worried about?
No. I shouldn't say that name.
What are you worried about?
Person who cannot be pronounced.
The name. Okay.
I shouldn't say that.
Was Roy a character? Roy?
Malfoy was Malfoy.
You don't know Malfoy.
Are you okay with dealing with Malfoy?
Yeah. I'm okay.
You're okay?
I'm not... I won't be a friend of his.
But just okay.
Okay. Just okay.
Seeing him in a school.
There was this one really pretty Asian girl.
I think. Cho Chan.
Cho Chan? Like I haven't gone that far.
You know how like each episode is so wide... like open.
As in like...
Three years after...
There's a next one coming out.
I forget the old one.
I'm the kind of person who has to understand everything that happens before.
Or otherwise I can't see them.
Now you can see the whole series.
Right. But it takes such a long time.
I need energy to do that.
I haven't gotten to that.
I've only been like...
So far I've done like three episodes.
And then I lost it.
So I know that the... whatever that Asian girl is like...
It's probably like much far ahead.
It's like I need some catching up to do.
Cho Chan.
Cho Chan seems pretty.
Okay. Yeah.
She's okay?
I mean... No, no, no. She's pretty.
I'm not saying she's okay.
I was just agreed.
Is she Japanese?
No. Cho Chan must be Chinese.
I thought it was like...
I didn't think that an Asian person would be...
would be kissing Harry Potter.
So that's kind of like...
That was a fresh scene to me.
Some Asian people getting some spotlights.
Amazing, right?
With the BTS thing.
I know that Cho Chan was...
happened way earlier than that.
The K-pop movement.
But having that Asian scene is like...
Like, let's go.
Let's go.
I know you're not in the...
You're in the pop culture, right?
The wide pop culture world.
In the metal music. Do you know metal music?
Metal that using distorted...
Yes, yes, yes. I know.
There's a music genre, right?
Yeah, there's so many... not so many, but...
Japanese metal band...
Oh, really?
It's really hitting in that...
Conquering all the metal scene in the whole wide world.
The only one I know is Babymetal.
Yeah, Babymetal was the...
the born...
of the Japanese...
metal band.
Yeah, yeah, right.
Which is going out...
in the world.
But there's a band-maid...
called Band-maid.
Like, maid-san...
wearing their fashion and do real...
real metal...
They're worn by male artists, I'm assuming.
Female. All female.
It was five female girls band.
That's what's hitting.
They hit like number two...
old child.
No, it was...
I think it was a whole...
daily child.
That's amazing.
Number two...
It's not that famous in whole pop culture.
But they are really famous in the metal.
The subcultures.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I guess the Japanese anime culture...
is affecting it.
Since they're maids, you know?
The maids are really popular amongst the Japanese...
anime culture, right?
Maybe that's related?
Yeah, it's called kawaii culture.
So the mix of like the...
heavy metal style...
versus like the kawaii kind of...
is an interesting mix, I guess.
Yeah, like the baby metal is the kind of same thing.
Right, right, you're right.
Small cute girls singing...
down like that. Very, very interesting mix, right?
Yeah, and also...
I don't even know about the...
80s or 80s...
it's called city pops.
It's really famous in the...
whole wide world now.
In the music world.
What do you mean? Can you say that again?
Like the 80s...
Japanese pop songs...
such as...
It's an "s" not an "h".
80s or...
Or 70s.
So all J-pop?
Yeah. At the time...
that was called city pop.
Or new music. In Japan?
In Japan. It's all written in...
Japanese musicians.
Like Yamashita Tatsuro...
or Takeuchi Maria...
and all the famous Japanese...
you know, pop songs.
And now it's kind of...
The whole world is loving...
the old J-pop music.
But not in Japan.
It's kind of strange to me.
But it's...
I feel like...
over the past...
10 years, I feel like...
the global...
music trend...
has gone from a very...
melody based...
to a more beat based.
Hip hop based.
R&B based.
Recently I've started to see...
going back to a...
melody based music.
Like BTS...
and all the other sub-cultural things...
coming in play.
Do you think that's there?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean...
hip hop is getting huge right now.
Like all those beats and...
rap and hip hop singing.
Yeah. But also like R&B and...
Funk, you know.
What was that? Dynamite.
Funk and also hip hop a little bit.
So it's kind of mixed.
It's called funk.
Dynamite is a funk music.
It's like...
cutting the guitars.
Hip hop and funk...
They're all mixed up.
It's a mixture of everything.
Like Ariana is R&B and hip hop mixed.
How would you call...
music work like...
Shawn Mendes?
What do you call the genre?
Like Wonder.
You know Wonder?
I wonder if I'm being real.
What are these genres?
What is an alternative music?
means alternative to the pops.
First of all, the word alternative...
a replacement, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I don't understand what they mean.
Like isn't that...
Doesn't that depend on what you're trying to alternate?
I mean...
the alternate music players...
saying that this is going to be the...
alternate of...
the current pops music scene.
So it's like saying the new generation.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So they always have to try new things.
So meaning that the alternative...
genre would change.
Depending on the age.
It has no certain type.
I mean certain like...
beat style, certain chord style.
It's not...
There's no typical things...
is the definition.
Should be the...
the alternative of the current pop music.
I see.
So I guess like there is no genre that really fits into this kind of genre?
You could say?
Back in time they were called alternative rock.
It was kind of...
rock still, but...
using so many...
like experimental...
sounds like...
You know, that's kind of...
And they have to try...
So like...
innovative music.
Right, right. That's right.
Innovative. That's a good word.
I think we're way off.
We need to do some better.
We need to do a better job with timekeeping, you know?
Yeah, right.
We do, we do. We absolutely do.
Maybe keep some... set a timer?
Maybe. I'll try to bring a timer next time.
Alright. Thanks for listening, guys.

