1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Ed Sheeranのアクセントについて
2021-02-05 17:29

Ed Sheeranのアクセントについて

Jyu know what?
Yep, all right mmm
All right, welcome back to another episode of the Kevin's English room
Finally we've got a B. Yeah. Yeah, it's about time. Okay, we put the B in there. Yeah
This is the Kevin's the right is it grammatically correct? It's put the B in there. Yeah. Yeah, it's correct
Yes, I mean if it's famous, I mean
What if you in Paris people they they speak a
French no, sorry
British accent
Right in Paris and in Paris, right in France. They right if they were to speak English, it would be a British accent
Yes, I
I was watching a interview video of Ed Sheeran
Yeah, and he his accent was a little bit interesting to me the way he said, you know what he says
You know what?
He put the jump in there. I was like, what kind of accident is that? Wow
Have you noticed that like no have you ever seen has can I can I can I can I can I can I?
Yeah, yeah, can I okay can I can I yeah, yeah, okay got it got it
Breakfast club, you know breakfast club
What was that
You don't know breakfast club that's I think we open up a studio. Yeah. Can I uh, yeah, okay
Breakfast, okay breakfast club
And Sheeran but it's like a breakfast club is an interview show. Okay. Yeah. Oh
No, you know that do you recognize
He the way he says Jenna what it was interesting like
Jackson style
What no, no not like that. I like that
Okay, right business I think just there's temptations that are there whether it be drink whether it be drugs whether it be girls
you know, they're they're always there and
you have to kind of
Literally that I say in the song every day, you know fast forward this
You see all the time there'll be times when you it looks quite attractive and you might wander over to the frivet
And then you just have to remind yourself that it's not like into it
Any any of the above like drink drugs? No, it was you know
I kind of had that line in there and that I could be right and nobody wants to see that I don't see the interest
You come so I kind of people's line where you know in my in my home country. He says it so frequently
He's quite hard to go outside and so don't get like a final from the shop or something. I feel like
Really did he say that there are certain instances where you know, nothing
There are certain
Instances where you know, nothing is perfect. No, it's not this
You know, what is the phrase I want to show you?
There's always things that are wrong with it and with famous certain things that I would take out but then
You just have to find about my most of that song was me right about
I kind of like had a well-in-success for five years and it didn't really know how
I was gonna sort my life out which friends I could trust and where I should live and like if my family were like
All right, and should I be going to all your show really please?
I'm taking a year out of that and just balancing it all out and now I'm gonna go
Right there
Right, yeah
Joke and laugh what makes you so grounded? Um, you know what I come from
You know
Right. Is that familiar? Do you do you say Janelle?
No, you know, you know, you know
Juno right
No, there is no and really no there is no and oh you just look joking laugh. What makes you so grounded?
Um, you know what I come from. Yeah, there is no and it's right, you know, he says it. You know Wow
So I was really you just look joking laugh. What makes you so grounded? Um, you know, I come from a very very very
Interesting right? Yeah, I wonder where he grew up Poland. No, no
He was born
That doesn't mean he grew up there
Early years and careers in London born in United Kingdom
And stayed there I guess yeah, he stayed in UK
Sounds like what kind of I was wondering like
Do you what about his accent do you think his accent is a small town in the middle of nowhere in in Suffolk in
England and oh Jesus. What's that? You like little boozy? Yeah. Okay. This is his liquor. I've never tried it
So I figured Lucy juice, right? Yes. I'm here and we never tried it. We're gonna try it. Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah. No, I come from a very small town. I've got a friendship group. Yeah, like it's quite British. I can't tell like
Inside British. I'm sure there's accents inside British is different. I can't tell apart whether
Yeah from your perspective you do find something interesting about this. Actually, I don't I'm not a professional about that
things but
No, I come from a very small town I've got like the way he said no like
No, no, yeah, it's quite British now and one thing is he don't he doesn't pronounce T sound like I'm a very small town
I've got a friendship. Oh, I've got I've got yeah. Yeah, I've got that's one type of the British. It's a
Like cockney sound really
But you know, it was a queen the right British I've got what is the Queen British, you know that the
The Queen's English more elegant
It is said more like they exist that the Queen's English is one of the the
You know the elegant
Yeah, the
Upper class English. Is that what it's saying? So but mm-hmm
But it's not actually like that. It's just yeah, like it's a little old
But still it's said that it's elegant and you know, because it's Queen's English
Uh-huh. Oh, let's see the quiz English thing. Yeah
Joe what the MMA can I
Shopping mechanical pencil. Do you speak even long life brings wisdom?
I'd like to think so. We're gonna watch a speech
She gave and I'm gonna break down her pronunciation sound by sound and show you how to speak like the poshest person in the world
If you ready, let's do this
The intro is so long. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah, it is called
Once in Royal David City, okay
Feature he's interrupting man. Oh
My god
Well, he's breaking down every single accent, yeah
Not this video then there's another example of the sound on the Y at the end of a wet so and
Like, you know, there's so many variation inside the United Kingdom, yeah
You know
And also one
There another huge one is Cockney Cockney. Yes, it's a labor
English really is a more practical like more like but it's now more popular like like you know more modern
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, like, you know 100 years ago. Maybe that Queen's English is
You know
the model English
People believed that this is the coolest right accent, right? Right, right, but now it's being changed
Like there's a culture shift. Yeah
You sound like there's so many like celebrity people and they wonder one direction like
David Beckham maybe
Using Cockney accent so that people but now thinks that that's a cool
The pop culture. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, let me let me just listen to the the old
What's called?
Parole system
Recognizes the pain to victims and their families caused by offenders refusing to disclose information
relating to their crimes a
New duty will be placed on public sector bodies
Ensuring they work together to address serious violence. Yeah. Yeah, I police officers
To me it just sounds like a normal British accent. I want to see how that's different from a I'll get then cockney
I'm sorry
Me accent
Don't want like the tutorial I just yeah
I just wanna make all this guy. Yeah, he's come out guy saying got over and over again
So I guess Adele is cockney accent must be yeah Adele Adele
Maybe this is it. Yeah, let's go back
Really can help this sentence is grammatically
We were doing like loads of duets in the studio like this mucking around singing like all different types of songs
What what do you miss from your former life?
just the light
innocence of it, I think I mean not that I'm terrible or anything like that, but
just the lack of responsibility and
basically living someone else's life while living around because you know
You leave your parents lives your guardians lives and they take care of all the re-boring stuff
I feel like this is so much harder to listen to
It's a lot the the first one the Queen's English was so much easier to like understand without
Needing to like actually put your ears up. But like this is just a little bit harder
- it's just it's just not it's just a little bit unnatural for me. Yeah quite different from yeah, I can accent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I
Definitely felt the difference between the Queen accent and like yeah
Wow, right. Yeah, I see I see. I think basically they don't pronounce T sound like this one's
responsibility yeah the responsibility that what was like
Got that, you know that got that got responsibility
Responsibility yeah my computer. Let's listen to responsibility
And they take care of all the re-boring stuff and while you just live a life with your friends and it doesn't have that many consequences
So I think the lack of responsibility I really miss enough
By who was a Queen's English I think responsibility must be T
You get T in there
Yeah, almost the one D's interview
Harry Styles
Harry Styles
Well, he wasn't Dunkirk
There's a movie Christopher Nolan's movie
Maybe this
And that's kind of why I came out here and I started with kid up on
So sweet creature was the first song we did that was like in my first
Writing sessions when I kind of started like because up until that point
I've done a lot of sessions with different people and I
Tried to write with as many different people as possible just to feel like
Just to like learn. I just wanted to learn it was like
the best way I've ever heard
songwriting described as like
It's kind of like surfing in that
You can prep this getting up on the board as much as you want and sometimes the wave just doesn't come
Or the wave comes but you haven't practiced getting up on the board
And yeah, it was I did kind of feel the similarities between Adele
But like this felt a little bit more easier to understand like maybe maybe it was the tone
Maybe it was like the real relaxed kind of atmosphere that made it easier
Accent is little strong. Yeah
It's very serious about World War two
But I don't have a ton of time because I'm going to a full party and I just I need kind of one word answers
Like I don't need you to go off and on about your acting and how you get American language
Yeah, we'll see for themselves and decide whether or not they think you're qualified. That works for me. So you're British
And why did you the one answer kind of interviews I don't know
Is this an actual airport? Yeah
Talk much yeah
All right, look
This stuff is about luck and I do think I do believe like some people make their own look
But I wasn't like a solo artist so it was all for me. Yeah
I really want you to get there. Hi, I see what's up
Don't want to see if the soloist thing will work out before I take were you insulted when Simon first said you up?
Yeah, that's interesting. You got yeah
Yeah, I just want to introduce you to the general what kind of accident
You know what?
So this is a little yes
You know what? It's really cool. So you know what? Yeah, I understand that
You know what? That's what I thought so, you know what? Yeah makes sense. We should end the podcast
What it would do the closing with a British style of course, why not what right why not um
With my pleasure with your pleasure. Of course what I'm really excited for the next episode
like you know what
British people will be upset. Yeah
Goodbye guys

