1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Oftenは「オフン」or「オフト..
2021-11-01 11:22



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Okay, so we are using an app called anchored to create and distribute this podcast in this episodes
You can find this app on the App Store or Google Play. So please try downloading them if you're interested. Yeah, it's free
Yes, and it's free. It's really easy
You just upload your you know recordings on the app and then click the the high shin button. Yeah, then it distributes
Oh, yeah, this is a high shin distribute button and then it gets it out to all the major
Platform the podcast platforms. Yep. All right, and that was a
Kimi no koi wo tomokero. I got yes, okay
our first
Sponsored episode. This is a yes. This is a huge moment. That was huge one. Yeah
Yeah, and then and it only took two tries. Yeah
The first one was like
Yeah, hey I have a
Proposal oh sure about the the phrase Kimi no koi wo tomokero. Okay, that's it. That's at a fixed phrase
Yeah, that's a brand
Tagline yeah tagline. So what do you say like I saw he super dry kind of kind of that bad style, you know
Yeah, like a really
Like a D. Yeah, because the last one was Anka
It's written in of course in alphabet and you can say it in
Native way true. So true. I guess that's
More, you know, let me try cool
Wait, yeah
Kimi no koi wo tomokero right? No, that was a little I'm sure right? Okay
Kimi no koi wo now the little Kimi no koi wo tomokero anchor. Oh cool
It's a I wanted to do it better. Uh-huh. Okay. Try it. Of course. Of course. Of course
Kimi no Kimi no koi wo tomokero Kimi no koi wo tomokero. I like this. Okay. Kimi no koi wo tomokero anchor
Yeah, I'm not fully yeah, what about like
More like rock star style. Okay. Yeah, like I said, he's super the right kind of
raspiness like little
Yeah, okay
No, like like polite way it's a little like more like
In power on it, okay. Yeah, Kimi no koi wo tomokero anchor
Yeah, I don't know I don't know if anchor would be satisfied with that one of course they will they should
Was nice
I'm afraid that like the the tentosha for the this anchor
Sponsorship was gonna be like I can't be said. I don't know that was a little
That was a little um, yeah a little weird with the episode on the first one there
Maybe we should stop the partnership. Yeah, I think we should end this, you know
Your mic okay man, yeah, sorry is just I'm gonna get it for you. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so
We put it here last time. It was right here. Yeah. Okay. Yeah
Okay. All right. So what have you got here? Okay
this is gonna be
Marino san marina san. Yes. Okay from marina san
Kimi san yama-chan san konnichiwa. Konnichiwa marina desu. Konnichiwa
totuzen desu ga
himpan ni toka yoku naninani suru
No yokutte a go de nante yuun deshita ke
Oから始まって n で終わる単語なのです
Tonight say it again
Yeah often
What often?
That's it. Can you say it slowly again?
Often okay. Thank you very much. Is that what she wrote? Yeah, that's what she wrote. Whoa
Sorry for the weird way of talking. I'm sorry. I might be a little too late but
I was wondering if you could talk about the pronunciation of OFTEN. So I sent a DM. Okay, I pronounce OFTEN as
I think most people in Japan pronounce OFEN in junior high school or university.
I've heard native pronunciation in podcasts
like in America or Canada, and I've come to think that many people pronounce OFTEN as OFTEN.
Which one do you pronounce? Which one is cooler?
Is there any other word that has multiple pronunciation types? Is there any episode where you have to talk about pronunciation in the past?
I'd be happy if you could tell me.
By the way, I'm thinking of changing it to OFTEN.
If Kevin and Yama-chan are OFEN, I'm going to change it to OFEN.
I thought it was the other way around. I thought the Japanese
Education system taught people to read it OFTEN, but it's not? It's OFEN in Japan. It's weird.
OFEN or OFTEN, they're both absolutely fine. They're just
At the same level. Yeah of like native levelness, native Englishness, you know what I'm saying?
So like and there really isn't no cool way. I don't think. I just don't have a different image of the two.
Like if you say OFEN or OFTEN, it's just the same exact image I feel like. But I guess I say OFTEN more
Because it's
easier for the listener to understand, I think.
Yeah, okay. I just selfishly do that. That's all.
How do you say it?
OFEN. I learn OFEN in Japan.
And I sometimes say OFTEN.
So you're an OFEN and I'm an OFTEN. Yeah. Okay, but they're both like
They're both like equal. Yeah. Yeah, the image itself is equal too. Okay.
So you don't have to be so sensitive like which one you're saying, I think. Yeah. Yeah.
It's important matter. Yeah. Yeah.
If you are OFTEN or OFEN.
Did I just say that it's not important?
It's really important.
It's a conflict between two groups.
It doesn't make a difference?
I mean you yourself said that you say both. So you're just contradicting yourself.
Do we have any other words that are spelled the same but read differently? Okay.
It's rare actually. Yeah. One spell in two ways. Yeah.
Like A or A.
Okay, okay. Like a piano or a piano right or A. Okay.
I've explained that when you say A it adds just a little bit of like emphasis. Just a little bit though.
Yeah, but it's not that different. So like you don't have to worry about it.
Either one's okay.
Like I feel like there's a lot of difference with the British and the English version, right?
Yeah, the pronunciation is different.
So little accent, pronunciation are different.
The words are intertwined I feel like.
And like some words are like pronounced in a British way in the US.
And made it really like difficult.
Oh, that's how you say it. Is that correct?
I guess that was the British way. Okay. Okay.
So you're saying it the English way. Okay. I got that.
It's a little confusing there sometimes.
By the way, when you say English way.
Which country are you?
Oh yeah, there you go.
I'm sorry. American.
Yeah, yeah.
That's why the British people get pissed.
Yeah, because there's no British English.
Yeah, I know.
What is British English?
Yeah, I know. I know.
I know you get pissed for that. I know.
Well, I'm not from Britain.
But yeah, people say so.
Yeah, what is British English?
It's English.
I know. I know you're pissed.
Oh, like root or route.
Oh, I think one of them's like the other countries is common in the other country.
I was gonna say British English.
Root or route.
Which one would you do you say?
How do you spell that? What's that?
R O U T E.
Like the route to the hospital.
The route to the hospital.
Like Michinori?
The fastest route to the hospital.
The fastest route to the hospital.
Well, yeah, naturally root is natural to me.
But you know, I'm not a...
Neither from the United States nor like British.
I'm from Japan and I was raised in Japan.
So I guess I'm completely mixed.
Oh, okay. Right.
In the US, there's both sides.
Some people say root, some people say route.
And I think there's a background of like which country it came from.
Yeah, I feel like route is a little British.
British? No? Okay.
Maybe. I don't know. I'm not sure.
What about the spelling is different?
Like favorite?
Yeah. Or color?
Yeah, color or center.
Ah, sure.
But in Japan, we learn American way.
Like color, favorite, center.
That was a...
Oh, okay.
Alright, thanks. Did we answer your questions?
Thanks for listening, guys. Bye bye.

