1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンはコーヒーの味を見極め..
2020-10-30 16:58


Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast.
So last episode, you made me some coffee.
Very excited here.
And we are ready to drink the coffee.
All right, it smells.
Okay, we have to smell first, right?
Oh, you guys.
I'm gonna make sure the iPhone can smell it so you guys can smell it too.
All right.
You guys smell it, guys?
How's that?
How do you feel, guys?
Do you feel the coffee beans here?
It's an Italian roast.
I think you can tell the difference a little bit.
All right.
It's tasting like so carefully.
So, you know, the next few words are gonna be very important because I'm a former Starbucks
I am like not just a Starbucks guy, I was a full-timer, you know?
I was a full-timer.
So, you know, it's very important what I'm about to say here.
You are literally the professional.
Literally the professional.
I represent.
I represented Starbucks.
Used to.
And this is the Starbucks beans.
This is the Starbucks beans.
This is the exact one that I was representing for.
So, let me taste this a little bit one more time here just to make sure the flavor is
It's tasting like, you know, little berry stuff.
What's that?
So, I feel like...
Let's talk about the cocoa here.
No, no, no.
Let's talk about the cocoa.
I felt something different.
I felt...
I really love your...
You like tasting carefully like when we did at the chocolate testing.
Some of the berries.
I felt...
Oh, berries?
I felt...
I felt like something fresh.
Something fresh.
Something like...
Like, yeah, berries.
I felt...
I think I felt berries there.
I think...
Definitely not chocolate.
I don't think chocolate's there.
I don't think nuts is there.
Almond kind of...
I don't think...
Maybe nuts.
I don't know.
I couldn't feel nuts.
You know, so...
I felt very watery.
You mean light?
Yes, in a way, it's light.
Not compressed, right?
Last several months, I've always drank...
The coffees that I've been drinking are the gusto coffees.
The gusto coffees.
Those are the only ones that I've been drinking.
Oh, right.
Which is the really strong one, right?
Compared to that, I feel...
It feels very watery.
But, you know, the watery comes first.
Then after that, it comes with the...
Very deep roasted, I can tell.
It's very deep roasted.
Right, right.
Well, you're completely right.
It's the way, you know, it's more watery than the gusto.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
It is.
I think...
I'm gonna say...
I know there's light, medium, and high.
Starbucks has three ways of describing coca.
Low, medium, and high.
Oh, okay.
Guys, this is the word from the professional...
Like, former professional Starbucks guy, you know?
Can you research the Italian rose for me and see if I'm correct?
All right, of course.
If you already know, then...
Let's search.
Like, for me...
Can I say my opinion?
Right, go ahead.
For me, it tastes like...
Like, cocoa?
You taste cocoa?
That's very opposite of me.
I didn't feel any chocolate at all.
Yeah, it's not chocolate.
I like the chocolate and natty taste.
It's not the natty taste, but I feel like...
You feel the cocoa, not the chocolate.
The cacao, maybe.
Yeah, maybe.
Like, yeah.
You know, actually, every time I drink the Starbucks coffee,
I feel this, the cocoa-ness.
Every one of them?
Not only for these beans, like...
But other ones?
Every other beans.
And this is something I felt.
And I think that, you know, that's a really...
That taste represents that it is Starbucks beans.
Got it, got it.
So I think Italian...
You know what?
Italian roast, Starbucks.
I can't relate to you on that one because the only beans I'm familiar with
is the Starbucks beans, so I don't know any other ones.
Right, right, right.
I've never had the ones you say that don't feel the cacao.
What is the spell?
Thank you.
You didn't know how to spell Starbucks?
I typed B-A...
All right.
So it was the...
I think there's a page where it explains, like...
Okay, here we go.
I think there's several categories, like...
What do you mean?
Like, depth, or...
Like, depth, or...
Like, depth, or...
What else?
This is the Starbucks page.
And this is the page of the Italian roast.
All right?
Okay, so ready.
So you got the answers ready.
And now it's my turn to answer.
All right, here we go.
So what are the questions?
What are some of the questions that I have?
All right.
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