Hey guys, it's me Kevin and this is Yamachan here. Hello. Hey
It's raining outside. It is it's raining outside very unstable. Yeah recently
Yeah, but we're in a season. Yes, and we in Japan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Well, I have a question about the weather in the United States. Okay, do you I mean today have?
Like four seasons like we have. Yeah, we do. I we do we do we have do you have kind of rainy season? Um
it really depends on the altitude not the altitude but um
Yeah, where where in your country it is where your state right but um, Georgia
If I remember correctly
By the way, I stayed in Georgia until
In the middle school, which was like in the middle school. I had no interest in weather. So I
Had I didn't care if it was raining or not because it was all car, right?
It was a car society. So it didn't really matter if it rained or not. We didn't have to carry umbrellas and shit
It was only a matter of to your parking lot of Walmart to the entrance door of Walmart
When when you're gonna get wet or not, really if you needed the umbrella or not, so it really didn't matter
So I don't I wasn't really sensitive about the weather as much as I am now in Japan, but as I recall
As far as I remember, I don't think there's a like a like a like a
Like a definite like a defined
Rainy season right and and in Georgia at least I yeah
But there are four seasons they got winter
summer autumn fall
Oh, I thought it's a typical thing in Japan
Like four seasons
mm-hmm, so
Japan it is it is the um, it is a specialty in Japan, but like
thing Japan has that America don't is the the
The beauty of the nature, oh, you know the the colors of the leaves
Yeah that changes as seasons go by
Right, right right those things that doesn't exist in the United States
I mean leaves do fall but that's it like it there is no
Place where you know, you go out and do a Hanami, you know, there is no, you know, Sakura, you know
There is no like let's go outside and enjoy the season view
All right that that that doesn't really exist and in Georgia
It's just is it gonna be hot or is it gonna be cold right? That's that's all it really
Is right
Well also one more thing is it is we have we're now
10th July right right 10th. Well, we had Tanabata. Yeah
Do you know what is Tanabata? Yeah, I yeah, so Tanabata I
Can explain yeah
Let's try. Yeah. Okay. So as far as I know Tanabata is like
Like somewhere up in the sky, right? Yeah, it's having somewhere up in the sky
It has to do something with the stars and like right you've got like boy and a girl, right?
like like like trying to like ah
What I think I got it like yeah that day is the only day they can meet right, right, right?
And then like what the names the names. Yeah, they are
like Bobby and Michelle
No, that's not Bobby and Michelle
So like on the day that once once once in a year, right, right
They've got that chance to meet they do everything they've got
They go all in right all in on that day like
They say no meet him me ha
That's the only thing they want. They got a whole list of money to do like barbecue. No
Sleepovers and like watch movies
Popcorn all that and they simply want to see each other and that's it. They don't want to have everything right?
What do they do so what are they actually so okay tell me this no, it's not about what they do
It's not all to do. Okay, they can't not the beauty each other
That's the only one day that they can see each other and that's really romantic for Japanese people
So that's all we don't care what they are gonna do. I don't know. Maybe come on man. Be realistic
I don't know but they don't make you waiting. Yeah hundred days for that. Right? What are they gonna do?
Like they're gonna prepare somehow. Yeah, I don't want to spend that time efficiently, right?
So they're gonna have a checklist of what they're gonna do. I like, you know, they got a line each other
Okay, the first thing we don't do is this we're gonna finish that in five minutes
They don't have line
Any kind of mail or telephone they just you know, it's be romantic man
Well, if you are a guy the guy yeah, what you gonna do
Mm-hmm one time about the day that's the only one day you can meet
To your your girl. Mm-hmm. What what am I gonna do? I don't know like
My question is how am I supposed to how am I supposed to like
Continue on loving that person without without having to like communicate in any shape or form
Obviously no FaceTime, right? No FaceTime no line chat. No chat. No zoom meetings. No
meetings, right no, you can't change your background, can't you
Never never never right never so so that's so first and foremost
How am I gonna stay in love with that person? That's the question. But if I were if I were in that if I were to
Keep that love going. What I would probably do is probably um, I don't know like
I got 24 hours. Yeah, I think so. I have 24 hours. Yeah
damn, I would
Have going camp what I'm gonna camping camp. Yeah camping trip, you know, I don't river camp by the river care
Yeah, like okay bring your tent. Well, actually
It's the Amano Gawa River. Ah, which they River of Stars, right? Yeah, right, which the
You know the river is this is like split
Got it to two people. Got it. Got it. So they I think they don't like River. Oh
It's the thing that's keeping them separate right, right, okay, so I would just go in the forest forest
Yeah in the forest and and and and spend the time
You know you have so many things distractions right and the modern day I'm gonna I'm gonna go yeah go to the woods
bring my tent bring my
bring bring my pillow. Yeah, and
Eat the choco
It's like a time that once once every day I gotta have my choco, right
Okay, and then probably um, yeah take her to the take her to go camping, you know
Right and have have spend the time together alone, right and talk about
The stuff that we've been wondering to talk about. Yeah for 300 days. Okay
That's nice. That's my pretty romantic, right? Yeah, that's pretty nice
Okay, I know you're expecting something more like funny things
Thank you. You're going to be
Like, you know, how about a shop? Oh, I don't know but take up it. So something like that
Like theater, but but you know, yeah
Well the other thing, you know, it was 4th July 4th of July that yeah
Independence Day, right? So what is that? Tell me what is about?
So Independence Day
Let me okay. I want to give you the right information. Yeah, so
okay, so I just
Wikipedia it and then it was like so
America and Great Britain Britain was
Was like one it was like ruled by one person was ruled by one
party right right and then
Those two agreed to be a separate independent
Countries right? That was a day. That was July 4th. Yeah, the celebration of the day America became America, I guess. Okay, so
What do you do in that day?
It's a kind of party so right we have fireworks
Oh, I guess fireworks having fireworks is the the biggest event I guess and then I
It really depends but families get together have dinner
Like they have any typical food that you eat on that day. Oh
Chicken on Christmas Day
Like on Valentine's Day, I don't know
Because we were a Japanese family. So we actually never celebrated that
My uh, my father and my mother both Japanese so we weren't raised
We were we were not a family of you know, having that
American spirit inside so we never celebrated
But I don't I don't know I don't think there is one
The answer to that is I I'm not sure
Well, there are fireworks right people and people love it. Oh, yeah, just as much as Christmas, okay, right
They're excited about it just as much Christmas
So it's got all the family. Yes
So like the Google images are all like fireworks
Yeah, the American flag and it's really you know, the fireworks in the United States is really huge and so loud
So party, you know, I've never seen a firework in the United States. Yeah, never never seen it
fireworks in Japan is more like, you know calm they are like, you know, I
Feel like a little bit loneliness like really? Yeah, cuz it's gone
Got it. The important thing is they gone. That's the beauty right? Yeah, right
That's a beauty of it right people and like I'm guessing that like the Japanese ones are more like detailed and like more
more like
More based on like the the the little bits and pieces of that light, you know, they make up the whole thing
Yeah, and yeah, I'm gonna people care about the size
noise the color
Okay, that's ten minutes, yep, thanks for listening guys
Bye guys!
Bye bye!