1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. MacBook Pro 13inchを買おうと..
2020-07-09 11:51

MacBook Pro 13inchを買おうとしてる訳ですわ🤔

・MacBook Pro 13in vs Air 13in で迷ってる・山ちゃんはMac Pro(デスクトップ)を持っている・山ちゃんはMidi Keyboardを使いたいからラグがないパソコンで作業したかった・何で山ちゃんのノートPCはそんなにボロボロなんだ?・電気屋の接客がなかなか酷かった
Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English from podcast. I'm Kevin here with
Thank you so much for being on this show Yamachan every time
Oh, it's fun for me. Yeah, yeah, so I was I'm thinking about getting a new laptop. Oh
I'm currently using a MacBook Air. Mm-hmm
13 inch MacBook Air which I bought in like probably 2007
2007 right so like yeah, very old. It's very old. I bought it a
Freshman year freshman college. Oh, so
2013 yes, probably
So it's not 2007
But I think it was like a 2007 model maybe oh, yeah, I don't know right yeah, I'm not sure
but I
Which model I don't know but I bought it in 2013. Okay, right and it's old. It's old
So the point is it's all I'm getting a new one. Okay, and I'm thinking about getting a MacBook Pro
13 inch cool. Yeah, do you know?
Are you good with laptop? I'm not good at laptops, but I know what is it you like? What is MacBook?
I have MacBook - okay, so I am starting to
Worry about this topic because I wanted to talk to you about whether if I should get like a MacBook Air
13-inch with an upgraded CPU or a
MacBook Pro 13 inch with the baseline model. Yeah, I know
You know, I'm not professional. Of course. Okay, that's okay, but you know, thanks
but I understand what is CPU and and what is the
Gigabyte things, okay
So, can you tell me some like what what do you think about the two options like I'm really like it depends on the
the the price of course, right and also
What what are you?
Trying to use that laptop for I'm probably gonna use it to edit YouTube videos or edit like photo
Photos like Photoshop kind of work
Those two are like the probably the heaviest work. I'm gonna do okay
For like movie editing. Yes, maybe
Like big gigabyte big gigabyte
Big CPU would be yeah, right
But I also want mobility like I also want it to be light. Yeah, you know MacBook Pro is not that
Huge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's not that huge and carry that out, especially when 13-inch. It's very compatible
But isn't that is it small CPU?
Like the way you're saying it it's just just I can see that you're not not understanding what we're talking about it, right so
Do you have a laptop?
Do you oh, yes, I do I have MacBook Air
Yeah, 13-inch like I I've seen you with with your laptop. It's a really small one, right?
Right, like an inch. I think that the same one as you you had one you had no
Yours is a is a lot smaller. Oh
Like I think is yours is like 11 inch or something. Oh, maybe look touch my laptop. Yeah, I think I think it's very different. I
Think you'll feel a little bit bigger. This is a 13-inch. I'm currently using this one right now. Okay
Yeah, right. It's probably bigger than what you're using, right? Mine is smaller than yours. Yeah yours is probably 11 inch
probably yeah, and and also I have the
Not not the book the Mac Mac Pro the desktop. Oh you buy that. Yeah, I buy that
Three or four years ago before
Yeah, and a full five years ago when you started your shakai-jin, right? Okay, how it works fine like
Like you know, I assume it works fine but like I can send emails with it
Yes, and I can see like access to the YouTube right? That's fine. I can do that. I
Can see so many photos
Okay, so how
Yeah, how sophisticated is your
The inside inside. Yeah, you know CPUs and actually I don't remember you don't okay, okay
I know I I use that for music editing. Ah because you right you love so editing music, right?
Right. So what I preferred
When I bought that was the speed
Got it because I used the midi keyboard. You know what it is. Yes
Yeah, right. Right right right like piano and I play that and
with that
Computer so if it's late like if it has a little bit of latency
You know that will be you know different got it. So the speed was important and also
There this strange was story writing but you know, it's just sound not the video
Mmm, so I didn't upgrade it at all. Uh-huh
How is it working? How's it working out? Good. Yeah, good still good still good
I got been working with four or five years with that computer, but still fine is the midi keyboard
Connected to Bluetooth or no wire Li wired wired connected. Okay, so it you must not have a lag
No, no, so that doesn't work out with a with a laptop
It does work, but it has a little bit of latency
Like sometimes you will be freeze. Okay, so
Got it. Got it. Got it and your laptop. I
Look at your laptop and I've seen your laptop charger. Mm-hmm. I think it's fucking destroyed man. No, no, it works
Does it still work? I think the wired in the wire right side is like a coil inside is like exposed, right?
It is true. It's like some of them are chopped
Like I see the chopped wire
Right, right, but it's still work
Doesn't yeah, it was the computer I bought when I entered the college
Okay, and I've been using that for
Seven eight years seven. Yeah same as yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've never changed the charger
Look, man. I've never changed my charger. Oh, really right and I've never changed this laptop
By the looks by the by how damaged it is. Yeah
Yours is like
Looks even the using like 20 years. Yeah, that is because I used so much and I worked hard
That's the proof of my hard work at college right where you fucking slammed your laptop all over the place
Bend your charger so much so hard
It was like damaged and dead. It's really damaged. Mm-hmm. I went to um, I went to
God and your hand then. Oh, yeah, kind of like big camera. Yeah
Like yeah, I went out it's actually a big camera. Oh they are my try to buy a Mac. Mm-hmm the
the store clerk
Just was unbelievably
really unfriendly
Unbelievably, I think I've told you this. Yeah
Yeah, I told you this like last week. Mm-hmm or so
You know that
That's why I felt like I knew that the Japanese
store clerks
It's a it's a thing in in America like Japanese
Customer service is excellent. Mm-hmm. That's compared to United States
and um
That big camera
How was that how was he like I asked him several questions about the laptop he was like, um
So it's nice. Hi
Check out the woman. Hi
But they are
Kono CPU take on police Joe. Do I care? I mean that I know is it? Hi, they're nice
I'm trying to like I'm trying to buy a laptop here. I'm trying to buy a
Junaimai and laptop fucking here. Did that really you're gonna really that's how you're gonna treat a customer
Fuck man, really? I'm polite very I'm polite
And not something like try to sell something. Yeah, buddy. Yeah
Really? But like overall Japanese customer service is great though. Yeah, just
That time I was fucking shocked
Did you buy that um, so I was there with with a friend right and um
He did oh really you did buy it we did buy that
Star click right right the
Mac is a Mac. Oh, yeah
Yeah, you're right like later you're not gonna it's not gonna change. Mm-hmm
So he was in really in a hurry. Yeah, he needed a laptop
Very quickly, okay
Well, it's oh
maybe it was I
Was there? Uh-huh. I didn't buy from him. Yeah. Yeah, you said that yeah, because
It's the experience right you value right you value this the shopping experience, yeah, right
Just as much as the value right value prop of the product
Yeah, I understand that too
Well, you're quite quite logical about I am I am if it's the muck
It's the muck. It's a Mac right? Yeah, it's logical. I'm quite logical. It's it's the numbers. Yeah
Yeah, that's a little bit different I don't buy if I feel
Like I don't want to buy yeah
Yeah, I totally understand that I almost went into that zone. Oh I did. Mm-hmm
and it's
12 minutes. Yep, and that wraps up the episode. Thanks for listening again guys. Bye. Bye

