1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. モニターアーム導入して良かっ..
2022-11-01 14:54



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast! Hello!
So can I... Can you give me some advices?
Because like I moved to the new place. Oh, okay. Now I try to find things that makes my life better.
Okay. For example, like the one... like the Yamazaki Jitsugyo things. Okay. Or like the... what was that? The sentakki.
The kazukti. Yeah, the sentakki. Or like maybe like sojiki or whatever.
Whatever if you think is better. Would improve your life. Yeah. Or like something you bought recently to make your life better.
Or like you are planning to wish to have. Okay.
I have... Yeah. So, I have at my house Google Nest have Macs. Yes. Remember we received that from Google for PR? Yeah.
I have it at my house and I'm actually kind of using it a lot. Oh, really? Yeah.
So, the way I'm using it is on YouTube there is a live stream done by NBC News or like ABC News like the United States American kind of like a TV show, program, channel. Yeah. Right?
And then I just... I programmed Nest have Macs to react when I say, "Hey Google, play the news." Yeah.
And then Google... So, I programmed into Google so that it will start playing the ABC or NBC News. Okay. News live. So, it was yesterday's news. Okay.
So, it's very kind of... I'm up to date on the United States kind of what's going on. Yeah.
And I'm constantly... I find myself constantly using that feature like whenever I'm kind of like chilling or like sagging on my PC, I have a Nest have Macs on. Yeah.
I have the news in the background and I'm kind of really enjoying it. Okay. I can stop playing it. I can change the volume with my voice. Everything I can do it with my voice. Yeah.
And it's actually quite convenient. That's great. Yeah. Is it connected to like lights or like... You can. You can. Mine's not but you can. It's possible.
Lock things maybe? It's possible. Yeah.
But I think you have to each buy kind of a different device. Yeah. That's one. Like the aircon and everything. Yeah. But like I feel like it's going to cost you a lot if you start trying to like connecting all that shit. Yeah.
But are you planning to do that in the future? No. No, I'm not planning. Okay. So, only for the like radio things? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Watching YouTube, listening to music. Yeah.
Okay. Okay. Another thing that I'm planning to buy. Okay. Well, I was planning to buy. You were planning to buy. But is Curio Lock? Yeah. You mentioned me before. Yeah. The auto lock things.
Right. The thing that you... So you just use your smart... So you don't need to bring your keys anymore. Yeah. You just have to have your phone. Yeah. And then, I don't know, just push a button. Yeah. And then unlocks and locks it for you. Yeah.
But my door is not compatible with Curio Lock. Oh. Yeah. It's like some special shit. Oh, really? It's like a twist. It's different than that. You got to push and twist and shit. Oh, so it's not like usual key things? Yeah. So you can't really like simply just turn. Mine's not compatible, so I can't do it anymore. Oh, that's sad. Yeah, it is. I got to carry my key. Yeah.
But like, I feel like if I have that, if I implement that, it would like make it convenient. Okay. Yeah. True. That's one. Yeah. Great. What about drum keys and the key? Are you satisfied with that?
What I'm not satisfied... Yeah. Basically, overall, if I had the choice to buy it or not buy it, I would buy it. Okay. But what I expected more from it. Oh. What do you mean? The gap. Okay. Was that I had more clothes that were not compatible with the Tumble Dry than I originally thought I had. Oh.
I thought those like not Tumble Dry-able clothes, I thought I only had like a few. Yeah. So I only expected on actually, you know, Kawakasu. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like hang, the, you know, hangering it and then putting it outside or like, it's just not... I was only planning to do it like, you know, like five clothes every month. Okay.
Yeah. Okay. But I found myself doing it a lot more often for like, every time I use the machine, that's like once or twice a week. Right. There's on average, like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight pieces.
Oh. Really? Five comes from not Tumble Dry-able clothes. Okay. Three comes from big towels. Big towels? Big towels. They make your, your, your Kansouki so much less efficient. Oh, really? So it's better if I just... So, wow.
Clothes, it's not that much of a hassle to get the hanger and then boom. Yeah. Whereas like a shirt or t-shirt, it's just like, it's a little bit more of a hassle, right? So it's not, so towels are not as Mendoksai, I think. Yeah. So I just, I just take it out and then boom. Yeah. Hang it. So. Oh.
So now, so now I find myself hanging like eight or nine pieces of clothes. Yeah. Every wash. Yeah. So that was kind of, oh, kind of wasn't planning on doing any of this shit. Yeah. Cause you thought it can, it could be like when automatically like everything you push button and done. Yeah. That's what I thought. Yeah. That's what I was expecting. Yeah.
Is that the problem of your machine? That is like, that's highly likely. Oh, okay. Okay. So if you buy something, for example, what Kake-chan has. Yeah. That's, I think maybe Panasonic. I don't know. I forgot, but like, which means really expensive, right? Yeah, probably. Okay. But I'm sure that it would really like, so maybe go for the better one. Okay. Don't want to, you know, do what I'm doing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So how much was your, your Dramaski?
Mine was bought through Fursatnoze. Oh, true. Right. So. Yeah. Fursatnoze's price is messed up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I actually don't know what the retail price is. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. That's a good advice. Yeah. If I want to, you know, set everything into like automatically on sentaku mode. Yeah. Okay. I should.
But I think mine's relatively cheaper than the average industry. Oh, okay. Aso-oki-tsuki-sentaki industry. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. Oh, I have to find some, you know, sentakis. Yeah. Right. That's right. Right.
And you have to filter out your, like this little filter. Filter. You have to take it out. Okay. Clean the filter every time you do the drying. Oh, okay. I think that applies to all machines. Oh. So that, that's a little min-nukes high point. Yeah. If you are expecting it, if you're expecting a one button. Yeah. You know, cycle. Finish. Yeah. Okay. So you have to do that. You have to. Okay. Yeah. Right.
You have to do a filter clean every time. I think every 15 or 20, like you have to do like a deep cleaner. Like you have to reach down for another like a bigger filter and then clean that.
So every 15 times. Yeah. Oh. 15 or 20. I don't know. The machine kind of indicates it for me. The machine just blinks and then just, yeah, I do it. So I don't know how many, how, how they're doing it, but like. Okay. So. Yeah. Maintenance. Okay. Yeah. Well, yeah.
Yeah. Okay. I see. Yeah. Right. Let me think about that. I also considered buying a yogibo. Yogibo. Yes. Like huge cushion. Yeah. Yeah. I thought that the merit of yogibo was it's movable. Yeah. Easily. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So you can, there's more space in your room, but I've decided not to buy it. Okay. Why?
Because yogibo is low. Yeah. If you sit down, you're low. Yeah. Right now I have a bed frame that's high. Yeah. And I have a dendo shoko that's high. Yeah. If I put my yogibo right next to it, I feel kind of clustered. Like I feel kind of like, I don't know, everything's all over me. So I decided not to purchase it at this point.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you throw away your, threw away your sofa, right? I threw away, I'm planning to not yet. Not yet. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. You told me that you changed the layout in your room, right? Yeah. Yeah. You got a bed and sofa, right? When I visited your place. But yeah. You're changing those.
Yeah. Oh, one more thing. Yeah. That I thought it was a great buy was a PC monitor arm. PC monitor arm. Okay. So normally if you have a like a monitor screen, PC screen, like there's a stand for your. Yeah. Yeah. The monitor stand, right? Yeah. Like there's a huge leg underneath the monitor.
But with a monitor arm, it's a, it clutches, clutches to the side of the side of your desk. And that's the only thing that's taking up space. Okay. So you had more space in your desk. That's so cool. Okay. It's better. It's, it's, it's yeah. True. I feel like that's a great buy. But yours is Mac.
So I don't know if Mac monitors are, you can, I don't know if it would fit like the monitor arm. So you might have to check on that one. But. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. True. Yeah. And you can change that angles and everything. Right. Right. Angles and everything. Oh, that's great. Really good. Like I can buy another one to make it like a dual screen. Oh. Yeah.
Like the Trader. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just going to watch YouTube. This side, YouTube. This side, YouTube. This side, news, YouTube. I like to have everything on. Like that's how I focus. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
All right. Yeah. I think you've been considering the Dora Mushi sent back for quite a while now. Yeah. But actually not that, you know, in a real mood actually. Okay. I was just saying, yeah, it might be a good idea, but just flirting. Yeah. Haven't, you know, carefully checked into. Okay. Okay. For that. So, yeah. Yeah.
How about you get yourself like a really good coffee machine? No. I mean, I love coffee, of course. Yeah. And I kind of feel that coffee machine is really convenience. Yeah. And tasty good. Yeah. But, you know, I love making coffee. You know, the process is what I love. So. Oh, like a grind. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's fully automatic. So it's just take the fun away. Yeah.
I want to just to grind my beans and those things, you know, that's what I enjoy. So. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. But you know, in our gym show, there is a coffee machine, right? Right. Like an espresso kind of. Yeah. Yeah. And I felt that was really convenient, fast. And delicious. Yeah. And delicious. So that's a good machine. But yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, not that. Yeah. Maybe not. Maybe not. But here maybe. Yeah. In this room. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Got space here. Yeah. I'll be so happy if I have buy this, you know, coffee machine here. Yeah.
Yeah. All right. So. Hope that helped. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for listening, guys. Thank you. Bye bye.
[ Silence ]

