1. 📘英語の音読と日本語で声日記
  2. #158 page160 患者の声をきく..
2023-12-06 11:50

#158 page160 患者の声をきくこと、業務的にならないようにしたい。

#158 page160

"Nurse, can you page Dr. S? I'm going to be done with this case before he gets here."
be done yet.
The attending came running in, out of breath, scrubbed, and peered through the microscope.
"I took a slightly acute angle to avoid the sinus," I said, "but the whole tumor's out."
"You avoided the sinus?"
"Yes, sir."
"You got it out in one piece?"
"Yes, sir, it's on the table so you can have a look."
"Looks good. Really good. When did you get to be so fast? Sorry I wasn't here earlier."
"No trouble."The tricky part of illness is that, as you go through it, your values are constantly changing. You try to figure out what matters to you, and then you keep figuring it out. It felt like someone had taken away my credit card and I was having to learn how to budget. You may decide you want to spend your time working as a neurosurgeon, but two months later, you may feel differently.
Two months after that, you may want to learn to play the saxophone or devote yourself to the church. Death may be a one-time event, but living with terminal illness is a process.





* 🎗️ Resilience in the face of terminal illness
* 📝 Importance of open and honest communication
* 💖 Finding meaning and joy in life despite suffering and loss

#英語音読 #洋書音読 
#いま希望を語ろう〜 「生きる意味」早川書房
📕When breath becomes airの本📕

When Breath Becomes Air https://amzn.asia/d/drGuE2B




途中から #声日記 として、その日の思いをつらつらと喋ったりしています。






本は、もう一緒の、When Breath Becomes Air、ポール・カラニッシュさんの本で、
すごいなと思いながら読んでいるんですけど、I was back to full speed in the ORというので戻ってきたところです。
Nurse, can you page Dr. S?
I'm going to be done with this case before he gets here.
I've got him on the phone. He says you can't possibly be done yet.
The attending came running in out of breath, scrabbled, scrapped, and peered through the microscope.
I took a slightly acute angle to avoid the sinus.
I said that the whole tumor's cut out.
You avoided the sinus? Yes, sir.
You got it out in one piece? Yes, sir.
It's on the table so you can't have a look.
Looks good. Really good.
When did you get to be so fast? Sorry I wasn't here earlier. No trouble.
The tricky part of illness is that as you go through it, your values are constantly changing.
You try to figure out what matters to you and then you keep figuring it out.
It felt like someone had taken away my credit card
and I was having to learn how to budget.
You may decide you want to spend your time working as a neurosurgeon,
but two months later you may feel differently.
Two months after that, you may want to learn to play the saxophone or devote yourself to the church.
Death may be a one-time event, but living with terminal illness is a process.
Thank you for listening today.
I'm done with the washing machine.
I'm going to look back on it later.
I don't remember what I said here.
It's amazing.
It's pretty fast.
It's well-designed and the arm isn't out of place either.
I'm being praised.
The last part.
Death may be a one-time event, but living with terminal illness is a process.
That's right.
Death may be a one-time event, but living with terminal illness is a process.
It's a process.
Paul is doing his best to get back to work.
I thought it was wonderful and read it.
I still have three days of sleep.
To be honest, I'm tired.
I heard about the patient yesterday.
He said he was still in the 5th grade.
If he can't be hospitalized due to COVID-19, he will be quarantined.
If he can't be hospitalized due to COVID-19, he will be quarantined.
If he has indigestion, he will be hospitalized.
I think it's because the doctors and nurses don't have much time to deal with patients.
I didn't care much and just listened and saw what was necessary.
He said that nurses only do their job, take blood pressure and temperature, and leave.
I was a little sad.
I was the first patient of the family.
I understand that it's common for patients to be like that.
But he said he was busy dealing with patients.
He said he couldn't say anything even if he wanted to ask or talk about it.
I think it's natural to choose someone to talk to.
I really understand.
The patient himself is involved in medical care, so I think it's unnecessary.
So I try to talk to my family and try to solve the problem in myself.
We are a team, so I told him that I wanted him to say what he wanted to say even if he was a nurse.
I had a lot of feelings and it was difficult to accept.
I asked him to tell me a lot of things.
When I got a lot of information, I tried to memorize it.
I thought I had to summarize it and write it down in a record to share with everyone.
But he just accepted it and listened to me.
In the end, I told him not to hesitate and to tell me what he wanted to say.
I couldn't write anything in detail.
I wanted to take notes, but in that environment, I couldn't take notes.
I'm glad I was able to listen to the patient.
I couldn't share everything with him as a team.
But I told him my impression.
I told him that I had a lot of complaints.
I stayed in my room and listened to him for about 10 to 15 minutes.
I forgot that I had finished washing my face.
I don't know what kind of day it will be today.
I've been a patient before, and I've had to deal with and take care of various patients.
But I have to do what I have to do today.
I'm going to do my best to keep myself balanced and safe today.
There are a few staff members I know at Tsuyomi Hospital.
I've known them for a long time, including the doctors and nurses.
They're all good people, but I feel relieved.
On the other hand, there are times when I'm expected to do my job.
When I'm asked, I say,
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
I'm going to do my best to keep myself balanced and safe today.
Thank you for listening to me today.
I hope you all have a fulfilling day.
It's cold today, so please stay warm and stay healthy.
See you next time.

