Financial Services Unplugged with Tom McPhail

Financial Services Unplugged with Tom McPhail

the lang cat 94 Episodes

The lang cat‘s Tom McPhail talks with industry experts and insiders about pensions and investments, regulation, technology, politics and policy-making .
Grown-up financial services insights for people who work here.
Tom is one of the industry‘s leading experts on pensions and retirement for over 20 years and former Head of Policy for the FTSE100 firm Hargreaves Lansdown. You can also find him on Twitter as @pensionsmonkey
Guidance works

Guidance works

Jul 7, 2022 41:49

Many in the industry, myself included, have worried the advice/guidance boundary prevents businesses from helping their customers. With the help of Ian Beestin of Money Alive and Philip Hodges of Guiide, this episode explores how Guidance can in fact work within the current framework. Guiide the Happy Retirement Designer Risk Management Via Video Engagement - Money Alive

The annuities episode with Mark Ormston

The annuities episode with Mark Ormston

Jun 28, 2022 41:21

Annuities have fallen out of fashion in recent years; given their obvious efficiency and utility, this begs the question, how and when will they be rehabilitated. Mark Ormston of Retirement Line gives us his perspective. Retirement income market data 2020/21 | FCA Retirement income market study | FCA Retirement Outcomes Review | FCA  

The Equity Release episode

The Equity Release episode

Jun 21, 2022 32:22

In this episode, Tom talks about the equity release market and how it fits with later life financial planning. He also dissects recent publications, from the FCA/TPR on the pensions consumer journey and from the DWP on helping savers understand their pension choices HOUSE RULES - the lang cat ( FS22/3: Pensions consumer journey | FCA Helping savers understand their pension choices - GOV.UK (

Pension engagement – the Robert Cochran episode

Pension engagement – the Robert Cochran episode

Jun 13, 2022 41:25

From pension freedoms, through workplace pensions to the new engagement season advocated by the Pensions Minister, better consumer engagement on pensions is a vital element of delivering better retirement outcomes.

The Pension Credit episode with Henry Tapper

The Pension Credit episode with Henry Tapper

Jun 6, 2022 46:01

Pension Credit is money the government struggles to give away. Henry Tapper of Age Wage and I talk through the issues. We also get onto Value For Money, retirement income and CDC schemes. Henry’s blog: Henry Tapper

It’s going to be a busy summer

It’s going to be a busy summer

May 30, 2022 25:55

A quick review of current policy initiatives from the FCA, DWP and HM Treasury suggests we may not have a lot of time for summer holidays this year.

Making allowances for pensions

Making allowances for pensions

May 25, 2022 45:20

Along with Andrew Tully and Paul Speight of Canada Life, I try to make some sense of the pension tax allowances, the state pension and almost inevitably, the advice/guidance boundary.

ESG with Caroline Hopper of Quietroom

ESG with Caroline Hopper of Quietroom

May 17, 2022 29:16

Caroline Hopper and I talk about what ESG looks like from a member perspective and how should it be communicated. We also discuss how it fits into the broader picture of member engagement and fraud prevention.

If Waldorf and Statler did financial services lobbying…

If Waldorf and Statler did financial services lobbying…

May 11, 2022 59:47

OK, so they’d probably be a bit funnier than us two, but Ralph Jackson of Lansons has been doing policy making on behalf of financial services firms since before I even knew it was a thing. He has a wealth of knowledge and insight about how the system works and how firms engage with political change.

State pension age, Parliament’s review of pension freedoms and some more structural musings

State pension age, Parliament’s review of pension freedoms and some more structural musings

May 4, 2022 27:46

The state pension age is being reviewed so I’ve put together some facts, figures and reflections on our state pension and why the whole mess is Bismarck’s fault. I've included a comparison with how the French do it. I’ve also looked at the Government’s response to the DWP Committee’s report on pension freedoms and what it tells us about government policy. 

What’s going on with retail investment platforms

What’s going on with retail investment platforms

May 3, 2022 37:23

The lang cat’s own ace data and insights analyst Steve Nelson, and antipodean refugee turned Citywire journalist James Fitzgerald talk through what’s happening in the world of retail investment platforms. Also, why Transact is the Sergei Bubka of platform pricing. If you want to know more about the lang cat's research into the platform market, head over here

What’s the ABI up to?

What’s the ABI up to?

Apr 26, 2022 39:04

The ABI is busy, on auto enrolment, pension engagement, advice and guidance, social care, small pots, dashboards, retirement income guidance and more; here’s an update on what’s going on. PS, I got the mic setting wrong on this one so the sound quality is a bit poor, sorry.

Some pension solutions

Some pension solutions

Apr 20, 2022 31:17

After last week's rant about what's wrong with pensions, an attempt this week to suggest some solutions, including a couple of slightly non-conformist ideas about the regulatory architecture and pensions tax relief

What’s wrong with pensions?

What’s wrong with pensions?

Apr 14, 2022 28:12

Not the definitive list of problems but a walk through some of the key pension policy issues that are on my mind, including pension freedom and taxation, Value For Money and Consumer Duty, the Statement Season that isn’t, the lack of joined-up-ness on the Stronger Nudge and the Treasury’s plans for regulatory reform. If you have any feedback on this episode, you can DM me @pensionsmonkey

The University Superannuation Scheme: learning some lessons

The University Superannuation Scheme: learning some lessons

Apr 11, 2022 45:12

Independent pensions consultant John Ralfe doesn't pull his punches as he talks through the issues, myths and misunderstandings about the UK's largest funded defined benefit pension scheme. 

The British Steel Pension Scheme: A spectacular and ongoing collective failure

The British Steel Pension Scheme: A spectacular and ongoing collective failure

Apr 4, 2022 42:23

Few individuals or organisations involved come out of this looking good. Philippa Hann of Clarke Wilmott gives an excellent explanation of what's been happening at British Steel; we also talk about some of the persistent flaws in the regulatory regime, including  Professional Indemnity insurance and the regulation of Appointed Representatives. 

What the Spring Statement means for financial services; also, more on advice and guidance

What the Spring Statement means for financial services; also, more on advice and guidance

Mar 30, 2022 40:23

Now the dust has settled, Rachel Vahey from AJ Bell talks about the Spring Statement and what it means from the perspective of the financial services industry. We also talk about the boundary between advice and guidance and what can be done to meet the needs of consumers.

The financial adviser perspective

The financial adviser perspective

Mar 30, 2022 39:21

The lang cat's own Steve Nelson and Lisa Johnstone from VWM Wealth Planning talk about the state of financial advice, the world of financial advisers, the FCA and fintech. A wide-ranging chat that highlights some of they key challenges facing the industry today.

What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a pension dashboard?

What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a pension dashboard?

Mar 7, 2022 44:38

Pension Dashboards really are now actually happening. Hopefully in the end it will be good news for consumers and maybe even the pensions industry too but in the meantime, it means disruption and cost. Chris Curry from the Pension Dashboard Programme (and sometimes the PPI too) and AJ Bell’s Rachel Vahey talk through what entails and where we’re going.

James Coney, Money Editor at the Times and Sunday Times

James Coney, Money Editor at the Times and Sunday Times

Feb 28, 2022 43:46

The media death spiral and recovery; Martin Lewis; financial advice fee charging; greenwashing and ESG - does anyone actually care? Fund manager accountability. Also a quick chat about Ali Hussain



運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼‍♀️



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ブロガーとして人気の2人が話すポッドキャスト番組です。最近話題のニュース、日常に役立つ面白ネタなどを話します。国内・海外のIT事情に興味ある人にオススメの内容になっています。 ・お便りは まで ・詳しいリンクはこちら ・リスナーコミュニティ「裏ドングリ」は以下からどうぞ BGMと最後の締めの曲はフリーBGM・音楽素材「 」より。

@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

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