Financial Services Unplugged with Tom McPhail

Financial Services Unplugged with Tom McPhail

the lang cat 87 Episodes

The lang cat‘s Tom McPhail talks with industry experts and insiders about pensions and investments, regulation, technology, politics and policy-making .
Grown-up financial services insights for people who work here.
Tom is one of the industry‘s leading experts on pensions and retirement for over 20 years and former Head of Policy for the FTSE100 firm Hargreaves Lansdown. You can also find him on Twitter as @pensionsmonkey
The Autumn Statement

The Autumn Statement

Nov 25, 2023 31:07

Another big week for pensions policy, James Dowling helps me pick out the highlights.

The Rishuffle and a look ahead to the Autumn Statement

The Rishuffle and a look ahead to the Autumn Statement

Nov 16, 2023 29:35

Tom Selby of AJ Bell helps me try and make sense of the mother of all reshuffles and we make some moderately well-informed predictions about the forthcoming Autumn Statement

The FCA’s Advice Guidance Boundary Review

The FCA’s Advice Guidance Boundary Review

Nov 8, 2023 43:35

What's happening with the FCA's review of advice and guidance and where might it take us? We're expecting an announcement in the near future; in the meantime, expert insight is provided by Michael Lawrence of Bovill | financial services regulatory consultancy in UK, Asia & Americas and Nathan Long of Hargreaves Lansdown | ISAs, pensions, funds and shares (

What’s eating the platform sector?

What’s eating the platform sector?

Sep 26, 2023 33:16

'...the most bruising quarter we've ever seen for advised platforms', was how my colleague Rich described the latest update on platforms. So here we talk through what's going on...

How Pot for Life could change auto-enrolment

How Pot for Life could change auto-enrolment

Sep 19, 2023 25:36

As part of the solution to the small pots problem, the DWP is interested in Pot for Life. This has worked well in Australia and could lead to Auto-enrolment 2.0. This episode looks at what it is, how it could work and some of the challenges that would need to be dealt with.

The Mansion House Reforms

The Mansion House Reforms

Jul 13, 2023 19:28

A quick review of some of the highlights from the multiple policy papers on pension reform published by the government this week.

Impending pension announcements, the FCA retirement advice review and pension transfers

Impending pension announcements, the FCA retirement advice review and pension transfers

Jul 1, 2023 22:18

A quick roundup of expected pensions policy announcements, a run through of the FCA's retirement advice review and the ongoing problems with pension transfers Investing in the Future: Boosting Savings and Prosperity for the UK ( 

Labour, pensions, party conferences

Labour, pensions, party conferences

Jun 23, 2023 26:03

What are Labour's plans for pensions and are we going to see a big bang scheme consolidation initiative? Tom Frackowiak from Cicero joins me to discuss these questions and also to talk about the alternative reality of political party conferences.

Radical simplification of ISAs

Radical simplification of ISAs

Jun 5, 2023 26:02

AJ Bell are lobbying for a radical simplification of ISAs. Tom Selby explains why, and how it could work. You can also read more about it here AJ Bell calls for ISA overhaul in radical simplification of UK savings system | AJ Bell  

Life expectancy, Covid and what they mean for pensions

Life expectancy, Covid and what they mean for pensions

May 30, 2023 36:03

Stuart McDonald of LCP takes us on a brilliant canter through what's happening with life expectancy and longevity and the implications for pension provision. Link to Stuart's report, referenced in the podcast:

The Advice Gap

The Advice Gap

May 24, 2023 34:02

Mike Barrett and I explore the barriers to people getting more financial advice and we look at hybrid advice with Chet Velani of EV. You can download Mike's report here ADVICE GAP REPORT - the lang cat (

Making the most of Equity Release

Making the most of Equity Release

Apr 24, 2023 32:32

The FCA is looking at Equity Release advice this year, as part of its retirement advice review. Jon Dunckley has written an independent review of the Equity Release market, looking at how the sector can evolve from here…

FCA consultations on SMCR and product disclosures

FCA consultations on SMCR and product disclosures

Apr 17, 2023 15:11 which my colleague Alison Gay explains why the FCA is consulting on SMCR; she also reveals a handy hack for consultation responses and we discuss PIMFAs recent suggestions for rethinking the disclosures regime.

How to make workplace pensions work better

How to make workplace pensions work better

Apr 5, 2023 52:48

Not one but two really knowledgeable and thoughtful individuals join me to reflect on workplace pension reforms: Philip Brown of the People's Pension and Nathan Long of Hargreaves Lansdown. 

Dashboards and small pots

Dashboards and small pots

Mar 30, 2023 27:57

Pension Dashboards are delayed, the government still doesn’t know what to do about small pots and people aren’t engaging with their pensions. Fintech and pensions expert Dave Henderson of Penny pensions and I discuss whether or not everything is fine…

Financial planning through the Budget pension changes

Financial planning through the Budget pension changes

Mar 25, 2023 19:46

A follow up Budget episode, digging into some of the financial planning questions thrown up by Jeremy Hunt's changes with the help of Alice Guy from Interactive Investor

Budget pensions bombshell

Budget pensions bombshell

Mar 21, 2023 32:18

Unpicking the Budget pensions announcements with Tom Selby from AJ Bell

Pension tax wars and retirement income reviews

Pension tax wars and retirement income reviews

Feb 24, 2023 42:41

Andrew Tully of Canada Life joins me to discuss the FCA's retirement income thematic review; the forthcoming Budget and what it might mean for pensions; and a bit of a reflection on what a Labour government could mean.

The UK Pensions Framework

The UK Pensions Framework

Feb 2, 2023 43:52

The Pensions Policy Institute has produced a brilliant analysis of the UK's pensions system, exploring the strengths and weaknesses of dozens of underlying components, and the trade-offs across the competing high-level objectives.

Drawdown, risk adjusted returns and the FCA review

Drawdown, risk adjusted returns and the FCA review

Jan 25, 2023 38:23

One of the few real product innovations post pension freedom is Just's Secure Lifetime Income. Peter Ellis talks to me about how it works and about the FCA's latest post-pension freedom regulatory review






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