Generally refers to teachers, professors, martial art masters etc.
Tamanegi Sensei from Parappa the Rapper
Can refer to doctors & politicians
"Sensei" kanji meanings / senior
Someone respected
[Japanese words mentioned in this episode]
Sensei 先生 せんせい teachers, professors, martial art masters, doctors, politicians etc.
Tamanegi 玉ねぎ 玉葱 たまねぎ onions
[Past episode mentioned in this episode]
#2 Parenting tip: Don't say "I will leave without you!" by T Sensei https://anchor.fm/hachiban-chaos/episodes/2-Parenting-tip-Dont-say-I-will-leave-without-you--by-T-Sensei-e184mdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hachiban5 (mostly Japanese tweets)
Email: 8ban.hanchaos@gmail.com
[My Japanese podcasts]
ラーメン、餃子、半カオス - 在豪ワーママによる生活・言語・育児・オーストラリア小話 By 8番(Hachiban) https://anchor.fm/ramengyozahanchaos8番のうろ覚え昔話 By 8番(Hachiban) https://anchor.fm/urobana