1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 日本に帰国するのか、クリスピ..
2023-03-01 12:16



Welcome to Kevin's English fruit podcast
Try to yeah
Do an overlap. Yeah
Couldn't catch you a bit too early. Yeah
So, okay that one
Okay, and I'll give you a message for the first time. My name is Ringo. I always enjoy listening to your talk.
I think it's the best tool to enjoy studying English. Thank you.
I live abroad now
and I'm raising a child who is in elementary school.
The other day, I was talking to my husband about my future
and I was talking to my son about going back to Japan when he was in high school.
I grew up with a kind man
Let's be careful there. Yeah, just precisely. Yeah, what is what is on the text right there?
Yamachi Yaman
Yamachi Yaman, like Kake-chan
To my warm friends
Can you just go back a little bit? Yeah, yeah, just go back a little bit. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, and then can you
reread the sentence for me? Yeah, just precisely as it's being
Written on the screen. Yeah, of course
I grew up with a kind man who is full of humor like Kevin
Like Yamachi Yaman, like Kake-chan
So what is I think I think she wanted to write Yamachan
Yamachi Yaman
so yeah, I understand like
you know
You you write you tap. Yeah, and then make it smaller. Oh, right. It's close to ma
I see I see so she mistakenly like tapped. Yeah, and then ma not the not the smaller
function one, okay, yeah ma
Yeah, oh got it. Yamachi Yaman
So it's like Yamachan yeah, okay. Yeah, Yamachan Kake-chan. Oh Yamachan Kake-chan
Is what she wanted to write. Yeah, I think so
All right. Yeah
All right, sadly, okay
Just sounds like one person, you know, yeah much yeah much yeah, man
That's that's like it sounds like one guy. Yeah
All right, thank you. Thank you. That's an easy question for me. Okay, um
So the moment I started seeing myself in Japan
which was
Middle school. Okay. Yes. It was a middle school
Mid-middle school. Oh
Or early middle school. I think mid mid middle school. I was like, okay
I want to be in Japan like I want to work in Japan. Oh, I don't want to be around japanese people
Um, that's what I want my future to be. Okay that I yeah, that's when I first started seeing visions. Wow
Started seeing visions of myself in Japan like yeah
Right. Like did you have something?
Like special to make you think
Well, no, I mean i've always had this like
like akogare
I don't know why though from the very like
Two years three years like small kid. Well, no, I've had my days in Japan
Before right like several years in shogakusei. I was in Japan. Like so I knew what Japan was like and how convenient how comfortable
how good the place was how good the food was as well, yeah, so it was like
I guess that's where it came from. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. And like the
the night views and like the
The concrete jungles and stuff like that. That's that's that's really I like that. Okay. Um still do to this day
um, so
Around middle school. I was like, okay. I want to go to Japan
Someday in my life like I want to work there
At least when I started working like I want to be in Japan and I told my parents that
My parents was like, okay
So you got I think two options would make sense like one to go to Japan from high school
to go to Japan from
the kakusei and like
I mean if you're gonna be in Japan for if you're planning to be in Japan for the rest of your life
I think it's better for you to go there asap because
The earlier you get you use you get used to the japanese culture the language the better so
They said okay, so try
Try out some you okay your coffee
You just what happened there?
Was splashed back on you. Yeah, it's like a
Go ahead. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Yeah. No, no the tumbler. Yeah, it's like a you know, splashed. Yeah, okay
Don't worry
Uh, so yeah
Um there, uh, I forgot what I was
Where I was. I've uh, yeah, uh was I talking about was I talking about uh donuts donuts?
Cutting donuts in half no, no putting whipped cream inside
No, no
Or a crispy cream no, no three seconds no microwave or six second microwaving was that the topic
No, do you know that microwaving a crispy cream donut would taste really delicious
If you never if you never had that in your life, you gotta try a yamachan. You've gotta try the microwave donuts
Okay, I understand that and that's not the topic here
Have you ever bought a crispy cream donuts in your life before like once in my life? Oh, come on, man
Is that that good it's really good
Like they're not donuts to me they're just it's fluffy
Just try it man
Just try. Yeah, it's like it's not even donuts. It's just it is donut fluffy shit
It's some light crispy cream donut, but if they're not it's it's so light
You gotta try it. It's really light and like it's
Like you think donuts are like really heavy and like it's like you get it'll be stuffed
And like they're like so fucking like thick
Yeah, and like well, they're not oh, they're not any of what I just explained. Oh, really? It's light. Okay light
It's light
I just realized that all of the opposite of what I just said is light. Oh, so it's like I don't have light
It's like a light. It's light. It's it's it's light
It's they're not donuts. It's light. Like they're nothing like what you get at mr. Donuts. Oh, really?
You've had mr. Donuts. Have you? Yeah, I love I love mr. Donuts. Oh god. Thank god. Yeah, like those um, pondering good things
yeah, like
or like
The classics yeah, you know those classics. Yeah. Yeah old-fashioned old-fashioned things like that. They're heavy
They're oh, right. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. They're heavy. Yeah, it's a fight eat three. You're dead
Yeah, that's right. Well, you're not dead. But like you're you don't need the fourth one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah for mist for crispy cream. It's like well, you don't need three but like
Well, definitely lighter oh definitely lighter, okay
Than mr. Donuts. Oh
What was that microwave thing? So
When you buy your donuts at crispy cream donuts, okay
It's john
Oh, it's john. Yeah, of course
the glaze
is all
party party, yeah
There's an instruction on the box saying that you can microwave your donuts for however many seconds
I think it was like I don't think it was three. I think I three seconds. I don't think it's three
I think it's like eight. I think it was like eight or ten. Yeah, it's like yeah, it's like that short. Oh
You microwave for like that seconds. Yeah in the donuts
What's that now is it donuts by the way they're not donuts
They're not donuts no more. Oh, so something isn't donut becomes
Wow, yeah
Yeah, try it man. Okay. Okay, so soft. Okay. It's so edible. Yes. So
Yeah, I can imagine that yeah, yeah, so edible, okay god damn it. Yeah. Wow. Yeah
Yeah, i'm gonna try that. Yeah, crispy cream, right? Yeah, it's a cream. Okay. Thank you
Thanks for listening guys
But to answer the question, yeah, yeah, yeah what made sense
Yeah was for me to go to japan asap and the earliest timing was high school. Yeah, so that's how I uh,
That's that's why and I like that and I and I loved it
And I think I mean I I think I would have done the same thing
Yeah, there wasn't anything inside of me of like I want to stay in america more
Like it would have been okay. Like I wouldn't I wouldn't have mind staying in america for longer
Like until high school like until high school ended like I would have been okay with that
I mean either way was okay for me
You know, it was okay, but I would have preferred the japan side. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, right
So and that's not donuts
They're not donuts. Okay. Let me just tell you they're not donuts
It's oh
Do it with me, okay. Oh, what are you right?
Do it do it do it with me. Yeah, i'm trying
Why should I do that? They're not donuts. It's
Do it they're not donuts. It's what why should I okay? Okay, it's oh do it
No, you're not
You're not ready for you're not ready for the crispy cream donuts. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm ready for that
You're not ready for the crispy cream donuts
Try again, okay. Oh
Try again. Oh
You're not ready. I'm sorry. I'm trying we have to go. What are we talking about? Thanks for listening guys. Bye

