1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 昆虫スナック食後感想
2022-04-04 12:52



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast hi guys oh all right yeah yeah you doing
good yeah I'm doing great yeah yeah me too I'm drinking all these water
folk of lemon to get all the bug taste yeah you know taste all gone but I've got
kind of I guess part of some a part of legs I guess yeah this little little
sharp yeah needle ish yeah I feel it I got some I think I got something like
some cutout or something yeah okay and why in my okuba yeah me too yeah and I
want to get it out yeah yeah oh that's a quite good experience yeah it's like a
once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing yeah yeah I am how did you like those do you
like it yeah um well no I didn't like it but it was a war I'm I was about to say
it was worth the experience mm-hmm but I don't know yeah you know a life without
the fear of eating bugs mm-hmm it's good too okay you know of course even though I
did I do feel like I've overcome the fear still was that overcoming necessary
in my life like is this did I oh excuse me that was my kid a doremon yeah yep
did I become a more powerful human being did you you did I don't know I thought
that was kind of questionable you know is one you know me being able to eat
bugs is that did I did I get stronger you did well then I guess it was worth it
then but the fear was big mm-hmm yeah yeah okay but yeah how was it for you
man well it wasn't that bad yeah I mean on nutrient nutrition nutritious
nutrient nutrients nutritious if you talk about those nutritious facts yeah
it's actually good all right it's really effective mm-hmm so yeah yeah do we feel
like you know eating those kind of bugs you know gives me some kind of question
in in me inside of me like what like then what about cows what about horses
what about pigs what about you know fishes what about chickens X you know
right so it's why do we hate bugs but eating chickens look a question yeah so
kind of start thinking about those things it's sendo yeah right yeah you
know we in France we you know rabbit or like you know a scowl yeah so you know
that's got goes a snail yes now yeah that's nasty too yeah but to them it's
really natural it's true it's funny how we're built yeah this is culture you
know we love not tell right we love not though yeah we love I love honey me so
yeah a lot of people love Hatsu yeah liver yeah hot hot in zone yeah what's
weird yeah it's good yeah that's a good um good you know
opportunity yeah to think about those uh-huh yeah live scent it opened up a
big question for you yeah yeah thank you Amazon Sun yeah thank you Amazon Sun
yeah so we've got message from Mickey Sun today okay Mickey Sun thank you
give me Sun has been a must-eat more podcast they keep a must I don't know
you're good emma Yoma ready musta hata shiitake a koko de no car carina Sena
oki mashta I don't know what's up to us I can't get me Sun got bullshit to you
could tell you on your not anato kanjiるのですが do I that's why she okay bills
but he's like in suits o mita masen ka meter Wow drama suitsではどうしさん
of a bitchなどきたなめの英語がよくよく使われています
もしかしたらそうなのではと思い dm を決意しました
Wow oh that's right then that's right I do I am watching suits Wow but you might
think bullshit I don't think I'm saying that much bullshit though yeah but yeah
but that's what she feels and that's right so yeah that's right you're right yeah
great great guess great guess a Yama-chan Kamii-san
Wow what is suit suits suits is a drama it's a yeah it's a drama US drama
It's been going on for I think I don't know like nine seasons nine seven eight I don't
know but long there's a lot famous one then yeah and it's about lawyers oh okay it's a
corporate lawyer hmm okay how right is this about one firm mm-hmm that hired a a fraud
okay that hired a this really smart guy oh that didn't qualify that didn't take the test
okay no he didn't take this he didn't take the test the bar he didn't pass the bar he
didn't take the test at the first place like to of you know to be qualified to be a lawyer
really okay yeah he he's just he's a really smart guy he appeared he showed up in the
interview for the for the law firm okay and the law firm was like no you can't work here
because you're not qualified as a lawyer you have to take the you have to pass the bar
far as a test right and but like I'm smart and I'll show you my smartness and he showed
them the smartness and they hired him really and the story goes on okay and yeah he he
cuts the yakuza yeah okay yeah so you like that yeah it's interesting yeah I think it's
the plot is well well plotted okay it's enjoyable okay but it's a little difficult though the
english is really of course it's a local english yeah yeah yeah it's uh fast a lot of lawyer
phrases um it's a it's a it's a good learning experience for me as well yeah right yeah do
you have any akiyo sarita a guy a drama no arimasuka hmm i think many of the curse words
that i use um one wwe okay the biggest one i guess maybe yeah uh where else my friends
okay at my middle school uh bad friends bad friend okay bad ex bad influence uh
hmm i don't have a particular like tv series or movie that i was heavily affected by
however oh um you know terrace house the japanese drama the the love thing i reality
show yeah it's like one of the first ones yeah and when i first saw that i was like
oh this is how you lay i okay i i did not know that what do you mean like i was i think
it was around my high school years high school college somewhere around there but i wasn't
that like experienced in like romance right so like i looked at the show and i was like
oh that's how you build relationships okay so you have okay so you got the couples ah
they they have conversations over how they feel and uncomfortable with and they overcome
it like that okay that was when i was yeah okay i think that had like a huge influence
me at that time of like how to like like navigate my my romance relationships wow but it's a
show right it's a show it's a reality quote unquote reality tv show so like i don't know
no one knows if it's scripted or staged or whatever but it was to me at that time was
like like oh like an eye opener kind of wow wow i did not know that so you learned so
many things from that yeah yeah yeah like how to talk how to you know more like more
like how to overcome uh uh a friction with other people in terms of like partners with
your partners like if you have problems like if you don't if you don't like what they're
doing right if they or like if you're feeling some yeah like ease unease kind of vibe like
i at that time wasn't confident of how to overcome it okay okay but that show kind of
taught me like oh that's a wow okay yeah that's nice that's something that i want to learn
how do they solve that problem you you you sit down and have talks okay okay okay yeah
about the problem about the problem partner yeah okay okay yeah okay okay right like how
to word it uh-huh like in what order to like tell them yeah or like how how to process
it within yourself is like the new new kind of okay method okay thought process new thought
process for me so nice that was heavily influenced by it cool but not language though but yeah
that was yeah a big one for me yeah yeah sure well that's nice do you have one if you have
one we can talk about in the next yeah the next actually yeah well it's i've got so many
it's not it won't be long but okay if i see the uh you know spy drama then after that
i'll be directly being a spy like that i think you told me that you know after you know at
the convenience store yeah convenience store like sit down in cinema and movie end go to
the bathroom like that must be like bomb it could be a bomb i hear a ticking noise yeah
wait after watching harry potter then i can use magic that's all you try to use magic
yeah yeah yeah easy guy you know oh god all right thanks for listening guys thank you

