1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ミッキーがしゃべれる事を..
2021-10-10 12:30



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast. Yep. Hi. Yeah
We have like opera singer here
Quite beautiful, right? Yeah, it was actually beautiful. Yeah the vibrato was pretty like yeah
Yeah, I can't wait to hear that on my earphone. I
Want to hear that
This is from me or the Sun today your son. Thank you. Me or the Sun you
sent us a message about
Yume before and this is
Like for the information about sleeping. Okay
Talk on the Italy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Take it. You know, I got my name is in the sun
So state cancer to you really awesome a job on the SGA. Thank you. Oh, sorry. What you could see the new cancer?
You know, yes, it's got the system. She's got a pretty nice day. Okay, three cycle to your pretty nice
There's a key to it. Okay, but you could see the guy walk out of your own. They're still most really see
Don't know she'll come on to give you to see the cata cata. Do you know what I mean? I think I'm sure you know, it's not me
Thank you, thank you
I've heard of that. Oh
I've heard of that. Yeah, you know, I love this one maybe okay. Yeah, but there's a similar one out there
I guess so, right
I've heard of it. Mm-hmm, but I just can't trust it. So I'm not using it. Why?
Why you don't trust this because like you just have to put your phone right next to you, right? That's all you have to do
Right. Yeah, I just can't I just can't wrap my head around how that works. Well, I just can't understand how at
How that's accurate how that can be accurate in any way like you just putting your phone down next to
Like you're not connected to any wires that really recording you just
Bring it next to your head. Yeah, how is that accurate?
So I can't believe it. I'm not okay. Okay, I'm not actually using it. Okay, but I think my dad's using it. Oh
I think so. Yeah, I read the explanation saying that it's
It's it's based on the how
How many you move roll around? Yeah
That's related to the juke sudo
Okay, so
That's what this smartphone measures. Got it. I can measure that with my eye mask
I mean when it comes off I moved a lot right when I need you to stay there, right?
the manual way
All right, so this is the next message okay, this is from my son my son
My son. Oh, no job. My niche by tono. He can't eat or New York
Chew me keep it in us. Oh, thank you know what I go in my car. It's a rather to my mouse
この podcastは毎日更新されているようですが先日
Thank you, it was in
August so oh
Way past that. Yep. Anyway, okay
Thank you one year, huh? Wow. It's a lot. Yeah at the beginning it wasn't everyday toko
So I guess we've done more than you know, one year when it's on
365 episode so
But about one year. Yeah, right about a year
365 episode. That's a lot. It's a lot, right Wow
Well, thank you for uploading Oh
Absolutely, so many but it's like it cuts upload to stop. Yeah
Thank you anyways, yeah, um my my console is that there wasn't much of an upgrade
It really hasn't changed that one
The only upgrade we had was the microphone true so I guess
After a year we took
Just one step forward
At least we moved forward right? Yeah, like every step every day. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah
Yeah, that's important. I know your English level has gone up, you know, how really you compared to the like
Beginning episode. I really don't want to hear
the first time
Because we've been getting messages, you know a lot about how your English has
Excel, right? So thanks to you. No, no, no Wow. I really don't I really really don't
You're embarrassed to hear it. Want to hear the first one and I really don't everybody I really don't I hate to
Have people listening to the first one. I really do
Yeah, like for me this is
Well, first of all this having conversation with you like daily
Just friend friend conversation, which is just fun to me. Yeah, it's nice. That's nice
It's it's it's kind of just like it's just having conversation with my friends. So it's not working at all
Right me right
Because I'm not plotting or mm-hmm
Doing this. Thank you. But um
and that's first and the second one is just
Training to me. Yeah, I'm not a native speaker, but I'm learning still learning English. So
having conversation real conversation with native English speaker, which is
very rare and
Yeah, right I should pay actually you should pay me actually that's a good idea
You should pay me
Because this home in his house is right us that yeah that
people can pay and having conversation with the real native speaker so then
Can that's a that's true. That's absolutely true
Let me let me let me get you your
Quotes, okay for starting the day one of our podcast and be all the time that I should have
Well me now that you mentioned
True. Yeah, how much it will be then like I'm gonna I'm gonna I should do like yeah, um
hundred yen per word
Okay, okay fine, okay, we'll do this about about
About saying per hour
Well, yeah, I guess that's reasonable actually is average I changed my mind no 3000 per hour
Well, actually there are there are positive sides of my into like I I don't really get to speak in English like this much
This is probably the only time I get to speak English
Like machine gun talking English, so I it kind of helps me too. That's relieved. I'm happy to hear that. Yeah
But I'm feeling that as I'm not a native speaker. Mm-hmm
if I were a native speaker, then we can like
Improve ourselves like each other. I can bring you up and you can bring me up, but I'm not a native speaker
So it's only me who is learning actually
so okay, but I really want to have like opportunity or having time that
speaking with the real native speaker
You know
Well, actually, you know like
You know organizing what I'm going to say in my head itself is a is a huge practice
You know like it doesn't matter who I'm talking to like if I'm expressing what I want to say in English
It's this process in my mind of like building up what the what the words I'm gonna use
So that itself is a really huge practice. So it doesn't really yeah, it doesn't matter
I'm thinking about like doing something like maybe make upgrade. Yeah, maybe video format
Maybe like maybe a different corner. Yeah, I don't think you say corner. I don't think that's a yeah, that's Japanese
But cool now corner or like, you know sending bringing guests in nice, you know
maybe any anything like who like
Just maybe this one Justin Bieber Justin Bieber, right? I'm thinking Justin that's a great idea Justin Bieber, uh, Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama, yes Michelle Obama as well. Yeah Obama family
Yeah, sure we can let him sit on the piano
Or like
Mickey Mouse, yeah, what do you think about does he speak English?
No, he speaks Japanese remember
Have you never been to Disneyland? I mean
He speaks Japanese
He's I think he's like multilingual
He's I think he's like multilingual. Oh, yeah, because I've seen him in like
US movies where he speaks in English. Does he speak English?
Have you never heard him and speak Japanese? Wait for real. Have you never heard of him speaking Japanese like my
Isn't he speaking like ha ha
No only those no no, no. No. Wait, are you for real? Yeah, no, he does he speak he speaks. Oh, yeah
He speaks dude. He speaks. Yeah, there's a there's a cartoon dedicated
Yeah, they speak. Yeah, and but and and and as well as like the um,
The recent films as well. They Mickey Mouse mini
They all see. Oh, yeah, but don't all that don't like yeah, he speaks. Yeah with the little boys. Yeah
Right like that would just be awkward if Donald
He's the only one that spoke right and then they arrested were like, ah, ha ha
That's true. Yeah, they all speak dude
Alright then knew we can do about him. Did you where are you on Disney plus dude? I am oh you still are
Yeah, but I only see the Marvel movie. Got it. Gotcha. Yeah fair
All right, all right, thank you we answered the question right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you
Bye bye.

