2021-01-06 11:42


英会話サービスのリンクはコレです! www.kevinseikaiwa.com
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Papa Papa Cast!
That was cool!
That was cool wasn't it?
That was a little hip hop kind of taste wasn't there?
I didn't go too far because I didn't want to make it awkward.
Just like what I do always.
Modesty is important.
Yeah, right.
I don't want to make it awkward.
Okay, so we're talking about Sanganichi today because last episode we talked about 31st,
the year end day.
And uh...
Oh yeah, I was so impressed that you know about Sanganichi.
I know Sanganichi man.
I told you that on the last episode.
Yeah, but it's still...
It's not so difficult man.
It's easy.
Because it's one through three.
Yeah, one through threes right?
One through threes.
One through threes of the year.
What did you do?
You know, I was very relaxed.
Just like everyone, you know.
Everyone's relaxed on those three days, right?
No stores are open, so you can't really go anywhere.
I walked outside.
Oh really?
Yeah, I walked outside.
I adventured around.
What did you found?
I found like this...
I found a...
You know, I actually went to your town.
Yeah, no not here.
Not your house.
But this town?
Your station.
Oh really?
Yeah, I did.
I went to your house.
Oh, okay.
Oh really?
Yeah, I...
Your station is like the nearest kind of populated city.
Yeah, it's big.
Right, so I came here to like...
Oh okay.
Screw around a little bit.
Sorry, you wanted to see me.
I know you wanted to see me, but sorry about that.
I wasn't here, so...
Yeah, let's just leave it like that.
So, um...
I uh...
You know, I just...
Really didn't do anything.
I guess that's normal.
You know, I guess that's a normal thing.
Watching TV...
Watching TV?
Yeah, watching TV.
I did a little...
A kaiwa lesson.
Oh, really?
Yeah, with my...
So you worked a little bit.
I did, I worked a little bit.
So, uh...
What did I do?
Right, congratulations on your new business.
Thank you.
I started.
Thank you.
I started a Kevin's...
Kevin's Eikaiwa.
Kevin's Eikaiwa.
Kevin's Eikaiwa.
Please, if you want to talk to...
If you want to do English conversations with me, please click the link on the podcast.
Right, that'll be...
I'm gonna put a link on the podcast.
Like, so fun time.
I'll try to add as much value as possible, add as many education points as possible during
the conversation.
So that was a little shout out.
But you know, I have a question.
Just, I have a reverse question.
What do you do with so much time during the Sangarichi?
I actually have one concept when I spend Oshogatsu Sangarichi at my parents' house.
Okay, interesting.
It's do nothing.
That's your mission.
That's my mission.
So I shouldn't work, I shouldn't do any things like construction activity.
Like do nothing.
So I was, what I did was watching TV, like reading manga, comics, like sleeping on my
couch, you know.
Being very lazy and everything.
Eat osechi-ryori, ate some snacks a little bit, omochi, drank a little coffee, little
That's what I did.
Very shiawase, huh?
But you know, it's really tough, like trying to do nothing.
Is cell phone allowed?
No cell phone?
Smartphone allowed?
Sure, it's allowed, but I don't actually...
You don't naturally consume cell phone on a daily basis, right?
It's not that it changes my...
Right, right, right.
You're using your smartphone as usual, which is not allowed.
Right, right, right.
Got you.
So it was just...
I do watch TV, so I do...
I didn't watch YouTube, but watching TV, so I didn't like nothing.
Is it more like spending time with your family kind of mission?
Spending time with my family, right.
With my grandmother.
That's amazing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What I tried was not to work.
Not to work.
It's also important, like me and you, we always work, right?
The borderline is very blurry, right?
If you sleep or you work, that's only two options, right?
So what I did was not to work.
Not to work.
And spend time.
Did you succeed?
You did?
How was it?
How did you feel?
Like, you know, it was a little bit relaxing, of course, but still, at the same time, I
was kind of thinking, you know, something forced me to be thinking about, like, I have
to do something, I have to work a little bit.
So it was a little bit tough, right?
The temptation.
The pressure, like the unknown pressure, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And sadly, I touched my computer a little bit and fixed my little pages a little bit.
But forget about it.
That's like the, that's like the, you know, that's what you get for working, you know,
by yourself, you know, being a solo.
That's what, that's your destiny, I guess.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But when you do nothing, and have plenty of time, then, you know, we can find something
that we really want to do.
That's an interesting topic, you know.
So that's important, having time.
And I've heard this before, saying that like, bore yourself to the, to the extreme, right?
Make yourself bored, have nothing to do, and see what comes to you.
Yeah, what you naturally start wanting to do.
Yeah, that's really close to kind of your passion.
Right, right.
That's interesting, to bore yourself.
And did you did anything hit you?
Yeah, like I really wanted to sing, wanted to make songs.
But you know, I didn't allow myself to do that.
So I found that was really my passion thing.
Yeah, that's great.
That's good to know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right, right.
That's really exciting to know that, you know, you were working on what you, what you possibly
meant to be, you know, what you truly is your passion.
That's great to know.
That's great to hear.
Right, right.
How's your music, musical, professionalistic?
What do you mean, professionalistic?
Professionalistic sides.
Yeah, how's it going with your music?
I am kind of getting, being a better musician.
As a performer, you're saying?
Actually I haven't performed in front of people because there's no live, there's no streaming
But I actually made songs.
Oh, you made songs?
That's great, that's great.
And it's on, actually on YouTube.
Oh yeah!
And yeah.
Really, I didn't tell you before?
Oh really?
You didn't tell me it was on YouTube.
Oh really?
But I've made some songs and I've been putting on YouTube and I have my own site which selling
that beat.
Ah yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
So that's what I do.
Do you want people here to come to your site?
Or do you want people to find organically?
Yeah, that's what I want to try.
Alright, let's not give a shout out.
Yeah, that's what I want to try, you know.
Okay, good, good.
So, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I start new things is, you know, lots of, do you know about beat?
I mean for rappers.
You look at it on the website?
No, no, no, just a little instrumental song.
Yeah, all of these drums and little lead melody.
Like the, like the, the, the, the, the, the, the melody that the rappers sing along with.
Yeah, right, right.
Raps along with.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's, that's called beats.
And that's what I am making right now.
Ah, okay.
And before I made only beats, but recently I started beats with "fuck".
Which means I sing a "fuck" part.
Hook, hook, hook.
It's H O O K.
It's "huck".
Then I sing "huck" but "huck".
It's really hard to pronounce.
Can I?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There you go.
You got it.
I did a "huck" part.
You got it.
You got it.
And the rest of the part is empty.
So like, is the hook like this?
So is the hook like the main kind of the "sabi"?
Yeah, "sabi".
In Japanese "sabi"?
Right, right.
Ah, gotcha, gotcha.
So like the A metal, B metal is still empty.
You're saying?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
In hip hop, there's no A metal, B metal.
Right, right.
It's verse and "huck".
You know?
So I did only "huck" part.
So that I can sing and, you know, I love singing also.
So that's what I...
I've recently restarted.
So I know that after listening to this podcast, people are going to try to find your content.
So just to clear this up, you're not posting it on social media or you're not posting it
on a website with your like name that's recognizable to Kevin's English Room, right?
It's a...
You can't really tell by the name.
Okay, good.
I put little my face picture, but it's completely pin-boke.
Got it.
I think no one can...
Not distinguishable.
Got it, got it, got it.
So hopefully people will find the music only with the...
Yeah, the quality.
Right, the quality of the music you want them to find just by...
Right, right, right.
That's what I want to try, you know?
All right.
Let's go 10 minutes?
All right.
Thanks for listening again, guys.

