1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 物に対してSheって呼ぶ時
2020-07-17 12:52


Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Kevin's Englishman Podcast!
So what do you want to talk about today?
Well, I have another English question to you.
Alright, come on. Give it to me.
Well, I was watching the movie called "The Pirates of the Caribbean".
It was on the theatre.
No, the real theatre now.
Oh really? They came up with a new one?
No, the old one. The latest one.
And I noticed that they called the ship "she" or "her".
Like, "Oh, she's beautiful, my black girl."
Or, you know, "My flying Dutchman. She's amazing."
Those kind of, you know...
What they call "sheep".
So, like, I think, as I remember,
people, American culture refers to objects as a "she", as a female.
They portray it as a female. I don't know why.
Everything? I mean...
I think everything.
Really? Is there no exception?
I'm not sure.
But probably no.
So you call, like, your... whatever, your car.
You say "she".
Yeah, you can say "she", right.
That works on cars.
Anything, yeah. iPad, it works on "she".
Like chocolate?
I don't know about chocolate.
I can imagine that, you know, the sweet things like chocolate and candies and, you know, kind of sheep,
it's a little bit like mother thing.
I mean, it's really huge and they saved me.
So for me it's...
It's got a motherly characteristic.
But I don't think, like, like, like computer.
Do you call...
Yeah, I think you can call, like, a MacBook Air a "she".
Like, for me, the image that I have is if it's, like, a visible object,
like a hard, like, I don't know, like something that you...
something that you feel precious about.
Like maybe something that's important to you, maybe you put hard work in it, maybe it costed you a lot.
Something that you think it's important, I think.
Yeah, I would...
I think it's natural to say "she" against those kinds of properties.
But I don't know.
I mean, this is probably not, like, the exact definition though.
Yeah, there's probably a better...
But you feel, so...
Yeah, I feel like that's how I do it.
Okay, and that is...
I don't know about food, maybe food works, maybe, like, if it was, like, if you put so much work into making this hamburger, right?
You put one year work of thinking about the recipe, right?
The perfect temperature, perfect...
Right, and I guess it's natural to say "oh, she is so beautiful".
Well, even if you were a lady, you can... can you call "she"?
Can you use "she"?
I think so.
I don't know.
I think so.
I think.
You know, it's kind of a strange thing for Japanese people.
They're calling those properties as gender.
You know how, like, Spanish...
Maybe not only Spanish, but at least I know Spanish has a feminine and masculine...
Yeah, like French.
Oh, French, too?
Like, European languages has these future features.
So, how do they... what is that anyway?
I never actually understood the concept of feminine and masculine.
That's not... like, it's completely nonsense for me.
Oh, it is?
Like, in French, like... like, if it's human, and if it's your man, I'll call you as "man".
I mean, masculine word.
Like, using masculine form.
So, if you're talking to a male, you use a masculine noun.
Right, right.
Not even forms of the word.
Right, right.
Like verbs.
Got it.
And if you are a lady, I have to use the feminine form, the feminine words.
But other things like... like, like computer, "ordinateur", say it's masculine.
What was that?
Wrapped up.
It's masculine.
That's not...
It's male.
It doesn't matter who you're talking to, if it's a computer, it's masculine.
It's masculine.
Like, it's nonsense, completely nonsense.
There's no, like, reason that... this is... why?
Because it's called masculine.
Yeah, that makes sense.
So it's completely, like, nonsense, and I make so many mistakes about that.
Mystery, huh?
So, "sakka", "sakka" is masculine word.
Ah, okay.
But I don't know why is that.
You know.
They don't have any of those things in Japan, right?
No, no, no.
You know, in German language, they have feminine, masculine, and the mid sexuality.
Yeah, I don't know how to say that in English, but...
The LGBT version.
Yeah, not that kind of thing.
Not that kind of thing, but...
Like, it's about nons.
It has masculine nons, and feminine nons, and...
Neutral nons.
Got it.
It doesn't fit... so, neutral, I guess, right?
I don't know what it is actually, exactly, but they have that kind of thing.
And think about the conjugation.
What's that?
French word, maybe?
I don't know how to say it.
Yeah, I don't know how to say it, too.
We have to change the form of the verb according to the gender of the...
Yeah, it seems really difficult.
Like, you know, you learn...
You, like...
You wanted to learn a new language, right?
Because it's fun for me.
You put yourself in a position to...
Right, it's fun for you.
I never did that.
Oh, okay.
Right, it was a situation thing.
I was forcefully in a situation where I had to speak Japanese, where I had to speak English.
It was my father's job that got me moving into other places, right?
Me coming back here, that was my own, you know, my own wishes.
But it was, you know, I was never driven by, like, wanting to learn a new language.
So, you know, that really fascinates me that, you know, like, you wanting to learn a new language.
Something that I would never understand.
Yeah, but for me it's really fun.
Like, it's always fun for me to learn new things, not only languages, but like how to play piano, how to play the guitar, how to, like, literally anything.
Learning new things.
Yeah, you've been telling me that.
It's really fun for me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's fun.
Fun thing.
Fun thing.
What are you learning right now?
I'm learning how to play the guitar.
The acoustic guitar, right?
And the electric guitar.
Both are like, wow.
Basically that's the same thing.
Anything else?
Anything else?
The accounting, money accounting.
Dude, you're doing a lot.
It's my hobby, you know.
So do you, is there like a difference between the things you want to learn or like, is there certain subject that you want to learn more or do you get bored on certain things or like, is it all the same to you if it's something new?
Yeah, basically if it's something new to me, it's fun.
All fun.
All fun to like get into that world that I don't know about.
Uh huh.
But it's true that some kind of like unhappy, like unsustainable, like world to me such as history.
I don't like history much.
And kind of biology things.
I'm not like big fan of those things.
Uh huh.
You can't continuously, can't drive yourself to continuously learn those kinds of things.
Because you already know you're not interested in them.
Because I have something that more interests me such as music, like business things.
So I don't want to use my time to learning biology which is not like less fun for me.
Uh huh.
You see what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What's even more fascinating for me is that I think you've changed your life.
You've taken control of your life so that you put yourself in the position to be able to learn always, right?
I think that self-awareness is I think that's great.
Oh, well thank you.
That's fine.
I think you're like one of the happiest people I know.
Like for real, like you're the happiest person I think I know.
Oh really?
Yeah, of all the people who I've met in college and high school, you're the happiest one.
Thank you.
Guys, hello, I'm the happiest man in the world.
You fucking are, dude.
What do you mean by that word?
Why do you think so?
Well, because like you don't, you're self-fulfilling.
You're really self-fulfilling.
You don't, your happiness really isn't dependent on other people.
Like you know what makes you happy and you know how to make that turn on for yourself, right?
You can, if a situation changes, you can drive yourself into, you know, cope into that situation and fulfill yourself into happiness.
You know, that takes some skills, man.
I've never been this kind of music.
Yeah, but like I fucking respect you for that.
Well, thank you.
Yeah, I do, I do.
Well, I've never thought about that.
It's just, it's fun for me.
Yeah, I never articulated that in front of you, have I?
But I do, I do, I do respect that.
I do.
But I think you like learning too.
Only if I can feel that they're empowering me.
Oh, okay.
Either like what?
If it's useful.
Right, right, for my life, you know?
Maybe it could be like financial wise or maybe it could be like, I like doing businesses like, like driving business wise and maybe if that's helpful for me.
Yeah, I would, I enjoy learning new things that would get me to the next level of what fulfills me.
Yeah, right.
Well, that's a great thing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Thank you.
Thank you, man.
See you, okay.
See you in the next episode, guys.
Bye bye.

