2020-08-06 18:43


Hey guys welcome to another episode of Kevin's Englishman podcast
We are at a Indian restaurant
Right, right, one of the most expensive Indian restaurant in the...
Really? Is it? I don't think so
We just ordered a mango lassi
And Yamachan what did you get?
Masala hot tea
I ordered it, I don't know what it is but...
You ordered a hot tea on a hot day? Unbelievable
But I'm staying here, actually I arrived here like 30 minutes ago
And it's really cold inside here
It's not that cold
It is for you?
Yeah, except for hot one
So we actually got a request
Oh that is great
From Mei San
Mei San from Instagram DM
She DM'd us
I like avocados by the way
Oh yeah she's got the avocado and fire
Maybe she's burning the avocado, I don't know what she's doing there
I've never burned avocado
If you could clarify us what that means that would be great
By the way she told us that...
Cow piss remember?
We talked about cow piss in English
Cow piss in English is cow piss and is that good?
It's Calpico
And so she gave us like 5 requests
And we're gonna do them all
Because we don't have any other thing to say
Any other people who's listening if you have any topic requests please send us and we'll do it
Because we have no other topics to talk about
That would be so very appreciative
So the first one she sent us was
What is the definition of friendship between two people?
That's a really good topic
What is the definition of friendship between two people?
That's a really good request
She sent us 5 really good requests by the way
Yeah they are
So what do you think Yama-chan?
Do you have any first thoughts?
The definition of friendship
Well for me
It's a really deep question you know
It's not like a really quick answer kind of thing
It's really hard
The definition of friendship
The definition of friendship
Like the last episode
We talked about
We kind of talked about this
We were about to go really deep inside
Just like 10 minutes and we didn't really go deep enough
But you know
You and I we both have a very different
Point of views on friendship
How going to
Let's go out for a drink
Is a very different interpretation
Amongst between us right?
Here comes our food
Thank you
What is Masala tea?
Masala is a name
A name?
It's like a spice
The spice is
And rose
Thank you
Thank you
Smells right, smells good
Can I smell that?
Smells like royal milk tea
It's really hot
And tasty
What's that?
Mango lassi
Really sweet
I ate a fuckload of sugar today
Because we you know you ate chocolates
Yeah for the YouTube
For the YouTube video
I ate a fuckload of chocolate
Feels good
So, I think
Like we
If you go
Like if you meet
That means
He or she
Is friend of yours
Okay regularly
So like how often?
Well like once a year
Dude what?
Once a year?
Yeah and that's enough
That's way too low for me
Really? Yeah once a year that's pretty
How do you think about that?
I would say like
A friend would be
First of all I have to categorize this into several like different stages of friends
I have like I have the
The most inner circle and then the next outer
So it really depends on
Which friends you're talking about
If it was like
The most inner friends
I would probably like
Actually the amount of
Spent together time would actually
Decrease drastically if it's the most inner
I think if it's the most inner
I wouldn't really have to
To go out and
Have a conversation so often
I would just feel connected always
Okay like
Like once every
Like what?
Three months would be enough
For my most inner friends
I know that we're connected
And we don't have to keep
Going out
To make sure the friendship is kept
Safe right?
How do you know that it's connected?
That is a good question
I just feel it
It depends on
The last time
I ate dinner with somebody
That person
I felt that something
I felt that something that he wants to
Still wants to be friends with me
I have a feeling that I want to
Still be friends with him
I felt the
The arrows going at each other
And if I feel that
I don't have to
To think about
Going out on a dinner again
To make sure that our friendship is still
In the safe zone
Right? Yeah
So it would be like
Once every three months
But still it's once in a three months
Like I want to
I want to hang out with them
Right? I want to hang out with them
I completely agree with you
It will be depending on
The last something
You discussed
Talked about
The last time you met him or her
For me once
In a three months
It's too often
Like I don't
Like I don't need
To hang out
If I feel that kind of feeling
Okay how about your next dinner circle?
For me that's a different
From you I think
Well actually I've been thinking about this topic
For you know
A couple of weeks
Nights and days
I couldn't sleep
You're worried okay
What did you get?
I found at least for the moment
I like everyone
You like everyone?
Basically I like everyone
No one that I
Like I don't
Want to meet
Got it
For me basically
Is friends
Everybody is like
Same stage
So that's it
So you're
To answer her question directly
You would say everyone?
If I meet and speak
And exchange
And you know got to know
Each other and then
For me
That's a friendship
So you wanting to
Take that friendship to another level or not
Is a different question
Or you just don't at all
What do you mean a different stage?
Everyone can't be friends
I know that
I know that we're interpreting
Friends in a different
Parallel world
Your friends is different from my friends
For me absolutely everyone cannot be
My friend
I meet someone I talk to them I get the feel
And it comes on or not
And I decide
I judge if they're going to be my friends or not
If I want to continue the relationship or not
If I don't I don't
So like
For me I guess
Friends would be like
I talk to them
And then
If I
I meet him once
Right? I meet this person
Once we have a friendly chat
Contact our
Messaging maybe line or something
Messaging app
And then we exchange few messages
And then if I go out for
Another dinner again
That for me that's a friend
So like a second
Second hardcore interaction
If that happens as a friend
For me like the second
Second dinner that's friend
I guess
And if I'm comfortable with the second one
Then all I want to do is just
Continue on the
The level of friendship
Until I'm like
Okay maybe this person is okay with
This level or something like that and if not
It just keeps on going that's all I'm doing
I see
So do you
Want more friends?
What? So okay so do you want to meet
A lot of people?
Yeah it's fun
For me it's interesting
So is there
Is there a time when you meet somebody
And then like you don't get along with
That person?
You feel like
Maybe this person isn't going to be
You know
In a good relationship or like
Oh I'm not really
Interested in this guy
Yeah and you still interpret
Him as a friend because he
Exchanged you know thoughts and
Just exchanged words
So how does that make you feel
Like you're a friend of him?
You know
That like
If he or she is completely different
From me and
Even if I
Like the differences
Between me and someone
But it doesn't mean
Like we're not
Like yes
I understand
You accept the differences right
A difference won't make
That person
An enemy
Right that's what you're saying
Kind of like that
But it's true
That there are some people that I don't
Want to meet
So what's the difference between a
Friend and a friend for you?
That's maybe
Same for me
Like that level
Is very close
Wow that's interesting
I don't think
It's not
For me it's not close
Like for me
One like really really
Tiny amount of
Like very close friends
And after that
That's same
Like friends
That's me
So for you you were in an acapella circle
And then so for everyone
Who you've talked to within
That circle they're all your friends
For you they're all friends
So you want to get to know them
That depends on the person
Is it often
Does it often come to you
Do you often feel like you want to get to know them more?
Right yeah
Because basically
I like everybody
And you want to get to them
Get to know them more
Do you take action against that?
I don't
Take an action
But when it happens
I'm really happy to be with
Stay with them
Wow okay
That's the difference between me and you I think
Yeah that is the difference between you
It is it is
Because I'm really really
Like listening to someone
Like hearing from someone
Is fun for me
Like about what?
Like his point of views?
His life and all that stuff?
Experiences and so on
So that's fun for me
So for me
If we talk a lot
Like if someone
Is getting
Unfresh for me
I don't
That's a problem for me
So like you're not interested in what he's saying?
Right like when
When someone starts
To repeat the same story
Same things to me
And that is gonna be my
You know
Gonna affect my
You know what I mean?
You're not interested anymore?
Right I want something
Something that I don't know
I want to know something that I don't
Know about someone
That's fun for me
So what if you
Get to know someone so
Deeply and then you
You've discovered that person
To the fullest
What happens then?
Are you not interested in that person anymore?
I think so so we have to do something new
We have to keep
Doing something new
To discover
Does that apply to your girlfriends?
So you can't be
You can't keep having the same date
Over and over again
I don't prefer that
Like wow
I want to do something new
I want to know something new
New thing from her
Of her
So for me it's natural
For me to have like
Let's say like
10 sets of dating spots
And I don't mind
Just going
Just keep repeating those 10
That doesn't bother me at all
That bothers you
Well it's not depending on the place where we go
Like what you talked about
What the topic we're talking about
You know
That's the matter for me
Yeah I agree with that
I mean talking about the same
Subject with the same person
Really leads to the same
Same point of views
That's understandable
I understand that
That's what you're talking about right?
Then I will be kind of bored
It's a bad word
But I think
I will be like bored
And I will be like
I think I've
Heard about that
And you know
I will
Be wanting something new
Something that I don't know
Okay so how about like
Do you
Have you ever in your life
Took action to get to know somebody
Even further
Like have you ever asked
To go on an activities
Because you wanted to get to know that person even more
Exclude like
Exclude the
Because if you wanted to go out with somebody
Exclude those kinds of things like I'm talking about friendship here
Have you ever done that before?
Like you met some guy
Maybe in college
And you wanted to get to know him more
Have you asked
To go out for ramen with him?
Because you wanted to get to know him more?
That really
Did that happen before?
I think so
In the last episode you were like that's never going to happen
Yeah like
That's not often
Happened to me
But like
When I was in college
I met someone some guy
And I was like yeah let's go to the ramen shop
Although it's happening to me
You know you're true
It's not something that I
Like sent
Text to him or not
Something like that
It was just naturally
It was just okay we're done with the class and it's time for dinner
You and I we're going to
Open together so why not go to a ramen shop
That's the thing
You've never been at your home
Next Friday let's go out
Never done that in your life before
Not never but
It's really really few
Not likely at all
So interesting
Well okay
I mean it was really long
But it was a good episode
Thanks for listening guys
And thank you for the question
Yeah it was
question again. Bye bye.

