1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 男女の友情は成立する?
2020-08-08 10:53


hey guys welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English stream podcast we're
live again not live but recording again from the indoor restaurant yeah have you
ever have you ever been to India no no never been but I love I know
curry and naan okay I love that combination okay my favorite especially the ones
all you can eat oh no right yeah I love that I love that too so we're again
we're gonna be answering may my sons DM podcast requests thank you again for
sending us the request yes so it is this time it is Danjo no yuujou arihah
nashia Oh Danjo no yuujou arihah nashia that's a another question right difficult
question hmm so what is your opinion my hot take would be like it would be a
yeah okay I think it's gonna I think it exists
really the friendship between a male and a female okay do exist okay like I think so
I think I think one female can be can go into the zone of friends forever zone
like okay never gonna be not in the end up right not never in the lover zone I
think that really that could happen I I actually have people who are in that
zone oh really so yes I I have them so yes I think I do okay okay so they are
not like they're not be your lover they will not be my lover are you sure I am
sure really yes okay so I'm assuming you're in the know yeah I think I mean
no okay tell me why cuz for me as I told you before I like everybody yeah
basically my stance this is stance is that your no I don't think it's a stance
I think but check that out yeah stance nets stance yes my nantina my
stance a go
let's see
position my view or your my position okay on this topic I think I think
position would be like very natural okay so my position or this topic yeah so my
position on this topic you know basically yes I like everybody you yes
I understand that from the last episode right yes it doesn't matter if it's male
or female yes everybody I like human being yes okay so all the female mm-hmm
could be my lover okay so mm-hmm you know friendship between me and a girl
yes yes yes but also she could be my lover uh-huh you see what I said well
that's my okay so have you never had somebody who you've known that person so
long so long that you just can't look at him I look at her as a potential lover
never had that happen no no like everyone I think everyone could be my
lover Wow okay interesting well not interesting I mean I think I can't
probably understand that like right
like if if I am in a position where I I meet no women were like I have no woman
around me at all and and that person who I mentioned that I actually have that
person who I will never be a lover with if she's the only female around me maybe
I maybe yeah that person could maybe I start feeling things for her maybe that
could happen yeah but I'm not sure I'm not sure if it will or not okay maybe it
might yeah you might but so I guess for me it would be
it depends on where it depends on where I am in my life oh yes like if if I'm
if I'm craving for for right for finding girlfriends maybe I might you know maybe
the the barrier of girlfriend zone would lower down and if I'm not it would go
higher and if I'm in that higher zone maybe the friends only possibility kind
of kind of people would would would be more so I guess where you're at where
I'm in my life okay for me I guess but for you it's always it's always full
throttle yeah from my side yes or your side yes but I understand that she
doesn't think assuming me as like a man like if she's assuming me as only a
friend then I understand that okay but from me from my side your side yeah do
you like so do you fall in love from from your side like do you do you
approach the the woman from you like do you ask her out because you want to be
her boy if I if I in love with her okay I think I do so so that's different I
guess remember we talked about in the friendship episode we were like oh you
never take actions because you want to be friends with somebody yeah so but you
take actions because you want to date her that happens yeah but it's really
rare for me is it more occasional than the friendship version or I'm not the
same Oh less occasional that's hard but basically the same level wow okay so
basically you don't take approaches no basically I don't build a friendship
or any relationship right right basically it's me that's surprising for you mm-hmm
it is surprising for me yeah but you know as I told you before the most
important thing to me is if we have if I have something that we have to make or
not make or not yeah if we have something that we we have to do okay
like we have to do like we have we have to make an event ah yes yes then I will
definitely sending text to to everybody I need to send to okay okay because it's
a because you like people and it's a chance for you to get more interactions
with those people right with everybody basically everybody your potential yeah
but it's rather than that it's like you know I want to achieve that goal that
that drives me ah so it's a different driving factor right you're doing
working on projects right it's not something that I want to be a
relationships between them but got in my mind is I want to achieve that goal
gotcha gotcha gotcha so I guess for you the answer to the question is always
yes they are from usual arihana yes yes for me it's usually ha well I think it's
adi but for me always it's hard for me it's always everyone can be my lover so
I don't think that exists I mean usual Nashiha I think what do you mean what
do you mean what do you mean because because I'll be all the females could be
my lover uh-huh that means usual it's not usual it's it's I got it got it got
it so Tomodachi usual Nashiha yeah yeah yeah so if you word it like that I guess
it's a little bit different from what you yeah everyone's first your friend
right so it's right so everyone has the potential of leveling up to your lover
is what I think right your interpretation right for me I guess it
really depends on where you are in your life and what you're looking for in life
if you're not looking for you know like any sexual relationships then and I
guess it's very likely that a female who I know could just end up in the friend
zone I think that's very possible very likely and if maybe if I'm if I'm in a
zone where I'm not then it might happen yeah that's our answer mm-hmm that was a
you know difficult topic yeah that was difficult topic that is I think next
next one is also difficult to oh really if I remember correctly all right
thanks for listening guys well I think I'm a little bit strange one person
don't you think so I don't know see like we've been asking our listeners to DM
us if Yamachan's a strange person or not but we haven't gotten any so let's
just wait until we get feedback, alright?
Alright, bye bye.

