Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Coach Shane 1142 Episodes

Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.

0302 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—

0302 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—

Feb 28, 2015 07:31

Today’s expression and dialog: a stroke of luck HOW did you get such a perfect picture of a UFO? It was a stroke of luck. I was trying to film the full moon… And the UFO just came into the shot? Exactly! In and out in 2 seconds! Amazing, huh?    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:  

0301 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—way/far/much too much!

0301 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—way/far/much too much!

Feb 27, 2015 06:32

Today’s expression and dialog:  way too much, far too much, much too much Hi! I brought you some apples! Wow! Oh my…this is way too much. Make some pies. Make some sauce. Wow~ But this is far too much for me. I live alone!   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:  

0300 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—all too much

0300 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—all too much

Feb 26, 2015 07:08

Today’s expression and dialog:  all too much  You shouldn’t eat that, it’s not healthy. Okay… Don’t use margarine, use butter. Okay. This health stuff is all too much for me.   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:  

0299 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—back in the saddle

0299 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—back in the saddle

Feb 25, 2015 07:36

Today’s expression and dialog: back in the saddle Hey, long time no see! Yeah, I was super busy. It’s good to see you exercising again. Yes! I’m back in the saddle!   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0298 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—raining cats and dogs

0298 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—raining cats and dogs

Feb 24, 2015 06:00

Today’s expression and dialog: It's raining cats and dogs. Hey, mom! How are you? Who is this? Your son--Shane. Oh. I’m fine. That’s good! Why’s it so loud there? It’s raining cats and dogs.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0297 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a little too strange

0297 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a little too strange

Feb 23, 2015 08:07

Today’s expression and dialog: A little too strange…    Hey Milder! Do you like Lady Gaga’s new song? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it. But it’s everywhere. She’s the greatest~ Eh~ She’s a little too strange for me. Mr. Milder Mendoza—your Lady Gaga DVD is here^^    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! www.patreon.com/coachshane Our sponsors: https://letsmasterenglish.leadpages.net/pirf/ (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) www.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:   www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish

0296 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—How does ~ strike you?

0296 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—How does ~ strike you?

Feb 22, 2015 05:39

Today’s expression and dialog: How does ~ strike you       How did Harf’s recent comment strike you? Which one? When she said “I’m too nuanced for you”. What? That’s so arrogant~  Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! www.patreon.com/coachshane Our sponsors: https://letsmasterenglish.leadpages.net/pirf/ (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) www.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:   www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish

0295 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—out in the sticks

0295 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—out in the sticks

Feb 21, 2015 10:02

Today’s expression and dialog: out in the sticks I heard Shane moved. Yeah. He’s out in the sticks now. How far out? Far! He lives on a mountain with no neighbors!    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0294 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—pushing up daisies

0294 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—pushing up daisies

Feb 20, 2015 06:23

Today’s expression and dialog: pushing up daisies John’s drinking and smoking again. Yeah. He had a bad week. If he keeps that up, he’ll be pushing up daisies. How can we get him to stop?    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0293 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a train wreck

0293 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a train wreck

Feb 19, 2015 07:43

Today’s expression and dialog: a train wreck Justin Beiber was in trouble again. The guy’s a train wreck. That’s what fame does. No, that’s what no discipline does.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0292 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—

0292 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—

Feb 18, 2015 08:25

Today’s expression and dialog: to pick someone’s brain Any ideas on how to improve business? No. We need someone to help us. Why don’t we pick Jason’s brain? Jason? From IBM? Great idea!    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0291 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—when pigs fly

0291 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—when pigs fly

Feb 17, 2015 06:53

Today’s expression and dialog: when pigs fly Aren’t you studying for the math test? I’m pretty confident. But you skipped most of the classes. I’ll be fine. Yeah, when pigs fly.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0290 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—it'll never fly

0290 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—it'll never fly

Feb 16, 2015 06:02

Today’s expression and dialog: it’ll never fly So, you want to open a restaurant that sells… Bugs! They’re so delicious. It’ll never fly. Why not? Have you ever eaten one?    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0289 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Out of sight, out of mind!

0289 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Out of sight, out of mind!

Feb 15, 2015 08:38

Today’s expression and dialog: out of sight, out of mind Are you okay since you broke up with Meg? Oh, I’m okay. Is that her picture on your wall? Yeah…it’s nice~ BURN IT! Out of sight, out of mind.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0288 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to scramble

0288 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to scramble

Feb 14, 2015 05:58

Today’s expression and dialog: 297 to scramble What are you doing, Sergej? I’m getting ready for FNL. Are you joining tonight? Yeah, in a few minutes. You’d better scramble. It fills up fast.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0287 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—food for thought

0287 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—food for thought

Feb 13, 2015 05:53

Today’s expression and dialog: food for thought I really want to master English. Are you studying a lot? Three days a week. Here’s some food for thought: they say it takes 10,000 hours to master something—how many hours have you invested?    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0286 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—right off the bat

0286 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—right off the bat

Feb 12, 2015 08:07

Today’s expression and dialog: right off the bat. How was your English class? Horrible! Why? The teacher gave us a test right off the bat.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0285 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a crook

0285 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a crook

Feb 11, 2015 09:46

Today’s expression and dialog: a crook Is that my book? Yeah. I’m just borrowing it. Is that my pen? Yeah. I needed that, too. You’re a crook!    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0284 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to stifle something

0284 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to stifle something

Feb 10, 2015 07:45

Today’s expression and dialog: to stifle something I’m leaving you. Why? You’re stifling my emotions. You can be emotional. But not too loud~ I’ve got a headache.    Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  

0283 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to feel stifled

0283 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to feel stifled

Feb 9, 2015 05:43

Today’s expression and dialog: to feel stifled You look stressed. Argh~ I feel so stifled in this office. Crack a window. It’s not enough. I need trees!!!       Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:  



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台湾人のYunYun、学学、水水と日本人の朋(TOMO)で、脚本無しの台日お喋りラジオをPodcastやSpotifyにて配信中! 【毎週月曜と木曜の朝7時に更新中!】 【每週一和週四早上6點更新中!】 【日本語】 ・自然な中国語(台湾華語)と日本語の会話を聞いて発音や単語、文法が勉強できる! ・主に日本と台湾の文化の違いや歴史について話してます。 ・リスニングや聞き流しの言語学習にピッタリ! ・教科書に載ってない自然な言葉を勉強したい方向けです! ・特に中級者や上級者の方におすすめです。 【中文】 ・日本人和台灣人沒有腳本沒有大綱的日常對話台日Radio! ・用日文和中文(台灣華語)聊聊日本和台灣的文化差異和有趣的小歷史 ・透過日常閒聊學習語言、單字、文法、練習聽力(和吐槽) ・學習課本沒有教的自然語! ・特別推薦給中級、上級的學習者! 【English】 ・No draft, no script, just a casual chat with Japanese and Taiwanese ・The culture difference and some fun history talk ・Let's learn those slangs just like natives! ・Language exchange between Japanese and Taiwanese. === LINK === 🎬 YouTube (字幕有り) 爽語NEWSのYoutube言語交換Ch. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6hVzNSCTHpGev8VNraOUng 💰月額支援FANBOX https://shuangnews.fanbox.cc/ ❤️インスタ/IG 爽語NEWS https://www.instagram.com/shuang_news/ ❤️Twitter 爽語NEWS https://twitter.com/suangyu_news 朋(TOMO) https://twitter.com/tomo_poppo 📮お問い合わせ(合作・聯繫) newsshuang@gmail.com ⭐️みんなも聞きたいテーマがあったらコメント欄に書いてね! チャンネル登録、高評価を押してくれると嬉しいです! 有想聽的主題歡迎留言給我們,也請給我們5顆星星! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

SDGs NEWS from Japan in English  / Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights on improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs from Japan.

SDGs NEWS from Japan in English / Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights on improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs from Japan.

Our Purpose Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights that highlight contributions by Japanese communities and companies to improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs. Twitterhttps://twitter.com/japan_2_earth WEBhttps://featured.japan-forward.com/japan2earth/   Managing EditorSusan Yoshimura A US citizen based in Asia for over 20 years, Susan has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Education. She is a former environmental activist and media relations coordinator at Greenpeace Japan and research programme assistant at United Nations University, Tokyo. She has 15+ years experience in Japanese-to-English translation and editing in the environmental management field. Our Focus Areas [ Japanese Technologies ]Showcasing innovative technologies, from recycling and waste to transportation and beyond [ Earth's Diversity ]Drawing attention to biodiversity, and efforts to protect our oceans, skies, forests and waters [ Climate Change ]Delivering information on impacts, mitigation, adaptation and what we can do [ Clean Energy ]Exploring options, from renewables and clean coal to nuclear-to-hydrogen and biomass, along with the constraints, byproducts and trade-offs involved [ Op Ed ]Bringing you leading ideas, dialogue and hot debate, from all sides of the issues Tokyo Sankei Bldg., Otemachi 1-7-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 100-0004 E-mail:    japan2earth@japan-forward.comPhone:    +81-(0)3-3275-8511  

@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

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