Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.
https://www.LetsMasterEnglish.com0353 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to run ragged
Today’s expression and dialog: to run ragged My new schedule is running me ragged. Pretty tough? I’m busy from 7am to 7pm non-stop! Wow! Don’t work too hard~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0352 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a Sunday driver
Today’s expression and dialog: a Sunday driver Come on. Relax. We’ve got time. I hate these Sunday drivers. Relax! Don’t cause an accident. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0351 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to swerve
Today’s expression and dialog: to swerve Why’d that guy swerve? Look out! Oh…a dog! Oh, that’s SO dangerous. Let’s drive slowly~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0350 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to fall flat
Today’s expression and dialog: to fall flat Boy, that movie really fell flat. Yeah~ What a waste of money. Let’s go watch some Seinfeld. Good idea! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0349 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to be washed up
Today’s expression and dialog: to be washed up Shane, why don’t you sing again? I’m too old. But you were SO excellent! That’s was a long time ago. I’m all washed up now~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0348 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to be in its infancy
Today’s expression and dialog: to be in its infancy How’s your new company going? Nicely. We’re still in our infancy. Have you broke even? Not yet. Maybe in 6 months. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0347 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to break even
Today’s expression and dialog: to break even What kind of business do you want to start? I want to sell ice cream! But…this is Alaska. Everyone loves ice cream! You’ll never break even. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0346 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—dazzle
Today’s expression and dialog: dazzle How was Vegas? The hotels were quite nice. Did you see any shows? There was a magic show that really dazzled me! Which one? Mac King. He’s at Harrah’s. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0345 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to mold A into B
Today’s expression and dialog: to mold A into B Why do you teach English? I coach students to be masters of English. Why? So that they can change their world. I want to mold global leaders in every part of the world. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0344 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to pan out
Today’s expression and dialog: to pan out Did you get that car you were talking about? No. It didn’t pan out. What happened? The guy was asking too much. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0343 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—asking price
Today’s expression and dialog: asking price Look at this sweater. Nice. Is it wool? 100%. It’s beautiful. What are they asking? (What's the asking price?) Only 300 dollars! Yikes! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0342 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Yikes!
Today’s expression and dialog: Yikes! Shane, I want you to give the opening speech. Oh, okay. How long should it be? 60 minutes. Yikes! Um, how many people will be there? Around 600. Yikes!! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0341 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to GIVE smo A HOLLER
Today’s expression and dialog: to give SMO a holler I heard you’re moving next week. Yes! I’m excited. Well, give me a holler if you need any help! Thanks, John. I will^^ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0340 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to dwell on something
Today’s expression and dialog: to dwell on sth The boss is always dwelling on the importance of coming in early. Yeah, but he’s the first to fall asleep at his desk! He thinks he’s so industrious. I get more done in one day than he does all week~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0339 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to be industrious
Today’s expression and dialog: industrious Wow! Did you clean your room? Yep. And I did the dishes. Great. And I folded the clothes! You are so industrious! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0338 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—More power to you!
Today’s expression and dialog: More power to you! You look good! Exercising? Walking! I’m up to 3 miles a day^^ Great! More power to you! Thanks. My goal is six. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0337 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— ~ standing in my way
Today’s expression and dialog: ~ standing in my way You should focus on English. I know. But… What’s standing in your way? I don’t have time! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0336 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—He can hold his own.
Today’s expression and dialog: He can hold his own Look at that guy? Still drinking! And he’s fine. He can hold his own. How many beers is that? That’s his 23rd can of beer. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0335 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—He is a loose cannon
Today’s expression and dialog: He is a loose cannon Shane’s videos are so stupid. Don’t tell him that. Why? What’s he gonna do? He’ll punch you! He’s a loose cannon. Ooh~ I’m so scared~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
0334 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—(to be) bogged down
Today’s expression and dialog: bogged down Why didn’t you text me back? I’m sorry, I was busy. Didn’t you see it? I did, but I was SO bogged down at that time. You don’t love me~ Ugh~~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:
英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 https://forms.gle/ALs6fH5VdaZq6niG7 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom
ポッドキャストプラットフォーム「LISTEN」や、GPSトラッキングサービス「IBUKI」、物件メディア「物件ファン」、京都の宿とコワーキング施設「UNKNOWN KYOTO」を運営する近藤淳也(jkondo)が、朝の散歩をしたりしながら、日々の出来事や考えたことを語ります。
@narumi のつぶやき
声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中 https://forms.gle/mFNwFusdE6eszbMU6
株式会社はてな創業者であり現在もITの第一線で働く近藤淳也が、京都の宿UNKNOWN KYOTOにやって来る「好きなことを仕事にしている人」を深堀りすることで、世の中の多様な仕事やキャリア、生き方・働き方を「リアルな実例」として紐解いていきます。 . 【ホスト:近藤淳也】 株式会社OND代表取締役社長、株式会社はてな取締役、UNKNOWN KYOTO支配人、NPO法人滋賀一周トレイル代表理事、トレイルランナー。 2001年に「はてなブログ」「はてなブックマーク」などを運営する株式会社はてなを創業、2011年にマザーズにて上場。その後2017年に株式会社ONDを設立し、現在もITの第一線で働く。 株式会社OND: https://ond-inc.com/ . 【UNKNOWN KYOTO】 築100年を超える元遊郭建築を改装し、仕事もできて暮らせる宿に。コワーキングやオフィスを併設することで、宿泊として来られる方と京都を拠点に働く方が交わる場所になっています。 1泊の観光目的の利用だけではなく、中長期滞在される方にも好評いただいています。 web: https://unknown.kyoto/ . こちらから本文を読んだりコメントが書けます! https://listen.style/p/unknownradio
London Tech Talk
ロンドン在住の Ken とベルリン在住の Kaz で提供する、海外テック系 Podcast です。最新の技術ネタや海外転職はもちろん、子育て・教育など、ヨーロッパでの現地生活について喋ります。
運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼♀️