Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.
https://www.LetsMasterEnglish.com13 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--to DO AWAY WITH something
Today we learn "to do away with something" Here's our dialog: I need to do away with my knuckle cracking. It’s a hard habit to break. I know. Almost impossible. Want me to help? Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
12 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--PURE nonsense!
Today we learn "That's pure nonsense." Here's our dialog: You’re sitting too close to the TV. I’m comfortable. Your eyesight is going to get bad. That’s pure nonsense! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
11 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--Did you get out ~ING?
Today we learn "Did you get out ~ing?" Here's our dialog: Did you get out running this weekend? Yesterday morning. How far did you run? About 6 miles. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
10 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--to COUNT ON somebody
Today we learn "I'm counting on you!" Here's our dialog: Will you help me move this Sunday? Sure. I’m counting on you. Don’t worry! I’ll be there. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
09 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--to STOCK UP ON something
Today we learn "to stock up on something" Here's our dialog: What are you getting at the store? I’m gonna stock up on water. What about cookies? Those, too! Yah! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
08 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--I overslept.
Today we learn "I overslept." Here's our dialog: Where have you been? I’m sorry, boss. I overslept. Again? I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
07 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--My knee went out.
Today we learn "My knee went out." Here's our dialog: You wanna play some basketball this weekend? I’d love to, but my knee went out. Ouch! How did that happen? When I was playing soccer! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
06 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--I'm into sports.
Today we learn "My knee went out." Here's our dialog: You wanna play some basketball this weekend? I’d love to, but my knee went out. Ouch! How did that happen? When I was playing soccer! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
05 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--What do you do for a living?
Today we learn "What do you do for a living?" Here's our dialog: What do you do for a living? I’m a teacher. Oh really? What do you teach? I’m a math teacher at Harvard. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
04 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--I slept in.
Today we learn "I slept in." Here's our dialog: You look refreshed! Yes! I slept in! I woke up at 10! I wish I could! I’ve got kids!! That’s why I’ll never marry~~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
03 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--I'm gonna kick back~
Today we learn "I'm gonna kick back." Here's the dialog: You wanna go do something? No~ I’m gonna kick back. You’re so lazy! Hey! I had a long week! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
02 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--What's up this weekend?
Day TWO of our Daily Easy English Expression podcast! Thank you SO much for downloading and listening :-) Today we learn "What's up this weekend?" Use this expression with anyone! You can use this specific expression on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday mornings!! Here's our dialog (written in proper English!): What’s up this weekend? I’m gonna go hiking. Where at? Park Canyon. You wanna go? Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
01 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST--How YOU doin?!!
This is my FIRST Daily Easy English podcast! Thank you SO much for downloading and listening :-) Today we learn "Ha-ya-doin?" What?!! That's the typical way many Americans say "How are you doing?" Yes, today is SUPER easy!! Here's our dialog (written in proper English!): How are you doing? Great, thank you. Will this be all? Yes. Your total comes to $5.15 Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
ポッドキャストプラットフォーム「LISTEN」や、GPSトラッキングサービス「IBUKI」、物件メディア「物件ファン」、京都の宿とコワーキング施設「UNKNOWN KYOTO」を運営する近藤淳也(jkondo)が、朝の散歩をしたりしながら、日々の出来事や考えたことを語ります。
英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 https://forms.gle/ALs6fH5VdaZq6niG7 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom
@narumi のつぶやき
声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中 https://forms.gle/mFNwFusdE6eszbMU6
London Tech Talk
ロンドン在住の Ken とベルリン在住の Kaz で提供する、海外テック系 Podcast です。最新の技術ネタや海外転職はもちろん、子育て・教育など、ヨーロッパでの現地生活について喋ります。
運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼♀️
台湾人の伶伶と日本人の朋(TOMO)で、脚本無しの台日お喋りラジオをPodcastやSpotifyにて配信中! 【毎週月曜と木曜の朝7時に更新中!】 【每週一和週四早上6點更新中!】 【日本語】 ・自然な中国語(台湾華語)と日本語の会話を聞いて発音や単語、文法が勉強できる! ・主に日本と台湾の文化の違いや歴史について話してます。 ・リスニングや聞き流しの言語学習にピッタリ! ・教科書に載ってない自然な言葉を勉強したい方向けです! ・特に中級者や上級者の方におすすめです。 【中文】 ・日本人和台灣人沒有腳本沒有大綱的日常對話台日Radio! ・用日文和中文(台灣華語)聊聊日本和台灣的文化差異和有趣的小歷史 ・透過日常閒聊學習語言、單字、文法、練習聽力(和吐槽) ・學習課本沒有教的自然語! ・特別推薦給中級、上級的學習者! 【English】 ・No draft, no script, just a casual chat with Japanese and Taiwanese ・The culture difference and some fun history talk ・Let's learn those slangs just like natives! ・Language exchange between Japanese and Taiwanese. === LINK === ❤️【朋さんへの差し入れリスト / Tomo-san's Wishlist】 https://www.amazon.jp/hz/wishlist/ls/25S03CGPV9AR2?ref_=wl_share ❤️【伶伶さんへの差し入れリスト / Ling-ling's Wishlist】 https://www.amazon.jp/hz/wishlist/ls/S76MKLMYE6ML?ref_=wl_share 🎬 YouTube (字幕有り) 爽語NEWSのYoutube言語交換Ch. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6hVzNSCTHpGev8VNraOUng 💰月額支援FANBOX https://shuangnews.fanbox.cc/ ❤️インスタ/IG 爽語NEWS https://www.instagram.com/shuang_news/ ❤️Twitter 爽語NEWS https://twitter.com/suangyu_news 朋(TOMO) https://twitter.com/tomo_poppo 📮お問い合わせ(合作・聯繫) newsshuang@gmail.com ⭐️みんなも聞きたいテーマがあったらコメント欄に書いてね! チャンネル登録、高評価を押してくれると嬉しいです! 有想聽的主題歡迎留言給我們,也請給我們5顆星星! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn