1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #23: Dennison Bertram, Co-Fo..
2022-07-05 52:38

#23: Dennison Bertram, Co-Founder @ Tally.xyz | Lessons on DAOs from the Co-Founder of the DAO governance tool used by Uniswap, Compound & PoolTogether

Dennison has been in crypto for over 10 years. He has been heavily involved in DAOs before most people even heard about them. In this episode, he shares lessons from seeing 100s of these organizations.

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How Dennison got into crypto in 2011, why he got hooked, and what he built

Why he focused on governance and built Tally: From Magic Internet Money to Magic Internet Society

What does Tally actually do, and how they’re different from Snapshot

How communities use Tally

What convinced their first users to use Tally

How they’ve been promoting Tally among the users

When it doesn’t make sense to build a DAO

What are the most effective DAOs out there

Governance models that worked in Tally and DAOs + when it makes sense to start a DAO

Biggest challenges for DAOs

Why he wants legal clarity for crypto

Why Ethereum, Uniswap, and DAOs blew his mind

Why he found NFTs’ success so funny

Guests ideas

Where can you learn more about Tally


