1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #3: Nitish Reddy, Founder @ ..
2021-12-03 33:42

#3: Nitish Reddy, Founder @ Bip.so | Potential & challenges of DAO collaboration and the tool that can 
make it easier

If you don't want to miss our episodes, subscribe to our Substack and get an e-mail whenever the new one comes out: https://web3talks.substack.com/

  • How Building in Public has helped Nitish's startup and inspired him to build Bip?
  • What are the best things from Git and the OpenSource community that has been implemented in Bip?
  • Why it's so hard to collaborate in DAOs with just Google Docs & Notion?
  • What are the reasons why DAOs might not be that eager to test new products?
  • How to take care of your community when your product is still in an early stage?
  • Why DAOs and the ability to build your "Contributions Portfolio" can change the recruitment processes even outside the Web3 world?

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