1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #18: Harsh Rajat, Founder @ ..
2022-05-08 45:39

#18: Harsh Rajat, Founder @ EPNS | Building a multichain web3 communication protocol that’s pushing notifications for ENS, Uniswap, dYdX, Coindesk, Snapshot & more

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How EPNS solved the chicken-egg growth problem and acquired their first 44k users? What were the biggest tech challenges & dead-end streets so far and how EPNS tackled them? And what strange outfit have people worn for a VIP crypto dinner? 

This, and much more, has been covered by Harsh Rajat, Founder of EPNS in this episode.


How he got to web3 and how he used the bot that helped him trading

What’s the vision behind EPNS, his experiences in mobile development, and the difference between web2 & web3 notifications

Why they ditched (for now) the idea of rewarding people for reading notifications

How they acquired their first users & partners and solved the chicken-egg problem

How the Ethereum community helped their product

How they’ve acquired their 44k users and how do they do it today

What kind of project can you build on EPNS

How being a protocol helps to protect EPNS from hackers

The biggest technological challenges they’ve faced so far

What were the dead-end streets that have they tried before

How does PUSH token work

What’s EPNS’ way of progressively decentralizing to avoid chaos

Most mind-blowing web3 project

Funniest thing that happened to Harsh (the VIP dinner story)

Other builders that could be a good fit for a podcast


