1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #36: Gilbert Leung, Co-Found..
2022-12-21 41:59

#36: Gilbert Leung, Co-Founder @ 0xFrens | From working in Google to building a tool that leverages the strengths of web3 to develop deeper connections in online communities

0xFrens is a matchmaking tool used by web3 communities such as: Developer DAO, Jericho & Skylab. Gilbert - Co-Founder of the project - spent almost a decade at Google, then started his social podcasting startup, and in 2022, he started working on 0xFrens with the rest of the AGMI team.

What’s 0xFrens, and how it helps communities to build relationships between members

How talking with communities & DAOs inspired them to start 0xFrens

What has Gilbert been doing at Google for almost ten years & what was his previous social podcasting startup about

How 0xFrens plays into web3 strengths, what was their MVP, and why they pivoted

What insights from users surprised them, and how they iterated based on this information

Why online coffee chats can be awkward and how 0xFrens addresses that

How they acquired their first users and how they do it (and why “web3 lunch club” wasn’t a good idea)

What metrics do they follow to track product engagement, and why does choosing the right community to work with matter the most

How Kudos might become important for building a reputation in a community

Which lessons from Google & previous startup are the most useful

Why the biggest growth & tech challenges on the horizon are related to web2 users

Why solving reputation-related challenges is omnipresent both in web2  and web3

Why it’s so hard to face market feedback and make decisions based on the data

Why would Gilbert build onboarding-related tools if he wasn’t building 0xFrens

Why would he fix seed phrases with his web3 magic wand

Why web3 ecosystem is so mind-blowing

What made him smile while using 0xFrens

Where you can learn more about 0xFrens

Guests ideas


