1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #19: Rex Hygate, Founder @ D..
2022-05-17 40:22

#19: Rex Hygate, Founder @ DeFi Safety | Adding transparency to DeFi security practices by a company that already reviewed 200+ DeFi projects

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DeFi Safety helps investors understand the risks of DeFi projects. Rex tells us about i.a. the company's founding story, review process, and the way they get new clients & employees. 

How Rex learned about Ethereum via Reddit & got involved thanks to a hackathon

Differences between his corporate experiences and web3

How DeFi Safety started and why they share their reports for free

The help they got from Gitcoin

Thoughts on LUNA crash

Most common safety issues in protocols

How retail users can protect themselves from problematic protocols

How does their review process look like, who requests them and how does it help to improve projects’ safety

Creating guidelines for the users & protocols in a different way than SEC might have done it

How do they acquire their clients and who do they target

Why DeFi’s transparency & their auditing process makes it much harder to obscure financial details in an Enron-like fashion

How do they recruit people in such a challenging job market

Why they don’t plan to become a DAO

Why Curve & Yearn are among the most mind-blowing web3 projects he has seen

How their report on Shibaswap & the response from the Shiba Army made them laugh

Where can you learn more about DeFi Safety

His guests' ideas


