1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #28: Pedro Gomes, Co-Founder..
2022-09-19 41:03

#28: Pedro Gomes, Co-Founder @ WalletConnect | From wallet improvement idea back in 2018 to one of the most omnipresent web3 communications protocols

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WalletConnect is one of the most omnipresent protocols in the web3 space. It’s used by Uniswap, OpenSea, Instagram & 450+ other apps. Today we welcome Pedro Gomes, Co-Founder of WalletConnect, who tells us about the protocol’s history, presence, and future.

How Pedro ended up in crypto thanks to his fintech experience

Why MetaMask was revolutionary and how Pedro got inspired to bet on the mobile experience

How have WalletConnect acquired its first users in 2018 & why was it both easier and harder than starting today

Why making WalletConnect a neutral brand was so important

What’s WalletConnect’s product design process?

How they decided to work on new WalletConnect features and why balancing security & convenience has been so challenging

How the way they set up WalletConnect let them acquire partners such as Instagram without a business development department

How Pedro needed to find a common denominator for WalletConnect to build a community around it

Why transforming WalletConnect into a venture let them speed up the development process & how they built new amazing features in WalletConnect v2

What’s WalletConnect plan for making money

What features do wallets miss

Why Pedro finds cross-chain projects amazing

His most pleasant web3 memories

Where to follow WalletConnect

Pedro’s ideas for guests


