1. The Creative Mindset
  2. Bonus Track: Lightning Quest..
2024-11-07 03:50

Bonus Track: Lightning Questions with Stefan Sagmeister - E43

In addition to the in-depth conversations with each guest on our show, we have a lightning round segment where we ask each guest to respond on the spot without seeing the questions in advance. This week, we welcome back renowned designer Stefan Sagmeister to hear his alternative career choices, next travel destinations, favorite food, and much more.

Stefan Sagmeister has designed for clients as diverse as the Rolling Stones, HBO, and the Guggenheim Museum. He’s a two time Grammies winner and also earned practically every important international design award.

Stefan talks about the large subjects of our lives like happiness or beauty, how they connect to design and what that actually means to our everyday lives. He spoke 5 times at the official TED, making him one of the three most frequently invited TED speakers.

His books sell in the hundreds of thousands and his exhibitions have been mounted in museums around the world. His exhibit ’The Happy Show' attracted way over half a million visitors worldwide and became the most visited graphic design show in history. 

A native of Austria, he received his MFA from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and, as a Fulbright Scholar, a master’s degree from Pratt Institute in New York.

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このポッドキャストエピソードでは、クリエイティビティとテクノロジーの交差点における未来について探求し、各ゲストとのインタビューを通じて21世紀における relevancyを保つ方法を模索します。エピソードでは、ステファン・サグマイスターへのインタビューを通じて、創造性に関するさまざまなトピックと、彼の即興的な回答を引き出すための簡潔な質問が紹介されています。ステファン・サグマイスターは、旅行先や音楽の好みについて話し、人生の重要な転機について振り返ります。また、彼は創造性についての考え方や、脳内の新たな接続を通じて新しい思考を生み出す能力について語ります。このエピソードでは、ステファン・サグマイスターが独自の考え方やデザイン哲学についての質問に答え、彼の創造性を引き出す方法を語ります。

This is Reinamoto's podcast, The Creative Mindset.
Hi, everyone. Welcome to The Creative Mindset,
a podcast about what the future holds at the intersection of creativity and technology.
I'm Reinamoto, the founding partner of I&CO,
a global innovation firm based in New York, Tokyo, and Singapore.
On this podcast, we explore the creative mindset of the world's top creative
practitioners from various industries and explore ways for staying relevant in the 21st century.
In addition to the in-depth conversation with each guest on the show,
we have a lightning questions segment where we ask each guest to react intuitively to a
handful of simple questions on the spot. It often reveals unexpected truth about them
as real human beings just like us. You'll really enjoy it.
So, let's get started. Lightning Questions
During the interview, we dig deep into different topics surrounding creativity.
On the contrary, with this section, we ask the same questions to the guests to react on the
spot and we don't let them see the questions in advance.
Lightning Questions. Question number one,
if you weren't doing design, what else would you be doing?
Music. Number two,
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
New York. Question number three,
where is the next place that you'd like to travel to?
Madrid. Question number four,
your favorite food? Chinese soup dumplings.
Question number five, what's your favorite song or type of music?
That changes an incredible amount. Right now, I would say a Canadian band called Siski You.
You said that you wanted to be a musician if you weren't doing this.
What kind of music you would be making? Probably some form of electronic,
some form of alternative electronic. Okay. What was the biggest turning point
in your life? First sabbatical.
I was 38. Question number seven,
what's your superpower? Concentrating.
Question number eight, and this is the last one, what is creativity to you?
The ability to concentrate and figure out how to come up with new connections in the brain
so that new synapses are connecting to ultimately create a thought that I didn't have before.
So that was the lightning questions. Hope you enjoyed this segment as much as I did.
If you're listening to this on Spotify, there's a Q&A field.
So please do send us your questions and comments. And if you like our podcast,
please leave us a five-star rating. We'll be so grateful.
I'm Ray Nomoto, and this is The Creative Mindset. See you next time.

