1. Dairy - つぶやき
  2. 2025年目標 - 第一弾
2024-12-08 15:21

2025年目標 - 第一弾




2025年に向けた目標についての考えを共有し、特に芸人のKANO EIKOさんからインスパイアを受けていることが話されています。彼女の生き方に触発され、自分自身を見つめ直すきっかけを得た様子が語られています。このエピソードでは、自己の成長と2025年の目標に対する思いについて話されており、特にEiko Kanagawaとの関わりについても触れられています。2025年の目標に向けた第一弾として、具体的なアプローチや計画について議論が行われています。

こんばんは、Sakiです。 Good evening, this is Saki.
声日記兼ラジオの録音をしていきます。 I'm going to record the voice diary and radio.
えっと、ずいぶん日にちが空いてしまったんですが、 Well, I've had a lot of free time,
やっといろいろついてきて、何をお話したいかなとずっと考えていたんですけど、 but I've been thinking about what to talk about,
今日今夜、日本時間で12時前なんですが、 and it's 12 o'clock in Japanese time now,
これをお話したいなと思って今撮ってます。 so I'm recording this now.
えっと、まだ3回目になるんですけど、 Well, it's still the third time,
えっと、まず一つ、 First of all,
挨拶の口頭はシンプルに、 the beginning of the greeting is simple,
こんばんは、こんにちは、おはようございます。 Good evening, good afternoon, good morning.
さきですって。 I'm Saki.
で、始めたいと思います。 So, let's get started.
では、本題に入ります。 Well, let's get to the point.
今日の話したいことは、2025年の目標についてです。 What I want to talk about today is my goal for 2025.
私はもう目標はいくつかあって、 Well, I have several goals,
その一番代表的な目標は、 and the most representative goal is
いきなり発表すると芸人のKANO EIKOさんみたいになるっていうのが一つの目標であって、 to become like KANO EIKO-san, a comedian.
結構、やっぱり周りに言うと、 When I talk to people around me,
「えっ、なんで?なんでその人なの?」ってめちゃくちゃ言われるんですけど、 they often ask me,
その人のことが大ファンというわけでもないんですが、 I'm not a big fan of him,
なんだろうな、生き方がすごい、なんか今の自分に必要なところ、 I don't know, his way of life is amazing. He has what he needs right now,
その人を見てて、自分に今必要な部分がその人が持っていて、 and he has what he needs right now.
だけど、それを偽ってやってるんじゃなくて、自然、本当に天然? But he doesn't fake it, he does it naturally.
KANO-sanって多分天然だけど、あと素でそれをやってて、 KANO-san is probably natural, but he does it naturally,
自分自身もそれに気づいてない感じがすごい良いなと思って、 and I don't think I've noticed it myself.
で、私がすごい、芸人が昔から大好きとかわけではなくて、 I don't like comedians from a long time ago,
今もテレビで、芸人さんいるなーみたいな感じで見てて、 but I still watch them on TV.
あんまりテレビとかは見ないんですけど、名前もわからないし、見たことあるな。 I don't really watch TV, but I don't know their names, and I've seen them before.
KANO-sanは昔から出てたから、それは知ってるんですけど、 I've known KANO-san for a long time,
最近、あちこちオードリーっていう関東の方の番組で見ることがあって、 and I've seen them on a TV show in Kanto called Achikochi Audrey.
そこでゲストを招いて、オードリーの二人がフリートークをされるのをずっと見ていたんですけど、 I invited a guest there, and I saw them doing a free talk.
その時にある芸人さんが、芸能界は常に空中飛行、飛び続けなければいけない。 At that time, a comedian said that the entertainment industry is always flying in the air.
でも飛び続けるっていうことは体力も必要だし、ずっとその同じパワーで飛び続けるのはすごい大変。 But to keep flying, you need stamina, and it's really hard to keep flying with the same power.
そのことをおっしゃってる方は常に水面ギリギリで走行しているけど、 Those who say that are always running on the edge of the water,
カノン・エイコーさんの場合は、常にずっと空中で飛んでいる。 But in the case of Kanon Eiko, she is always flying in the air.
だからあいつはすごいって、その人はすごい絶賛されてたんですね。 That's why she was praised a lot.
確かにカノン・エイコーさんって3回か2回ぐらい記者会見されてますよね。 Kanon Eiko has been interviewed about 3 or 2 times.
なんかそれなのに、今ずっと芸能界に行き続けてこれて、 Even so, she has been in the entertainment industry for a long time,
それでYouTubeもされて、もちろんいじられキャラのとこも愛されてるところもあるんですけど、 and she has been on YouTube, and of course she has been loved as a teased character,
それを強みに、でもそれをわざとやってるわけじゃなくて、 but she doesn't do it on purpose,
なんかすんのカノン・エイコーさんを出してる気がして、すごくいいなと思ったんですね。 but I felt like she was doing it on purpose, so I thought it was really good.
この第2回目のラジオの時に、私が英語を話してる時の自分と日本語を話してる時の I think I talked about my personality when I was speaking English and Japanese
自分の性格が違いということをお話ししたと思うんですけど、 I think I talked about my personality when I was speaking English and Japanese,
幼少期の自分はすごい無邪気だったのに、大人になりにつれてそれをコーティング、 I was very innocent when I was young, but as I grew up, I was coated,
いい意味でも悪い意味でもコーティングされていって、 in a good way or a bad way,
そのインナーチャイルドっていうのかな、潜在意識、本当の元の私を壁をつくって塞がれてきた。 I guess you could say I was an inner child. I built a wall and was blocked by my true self.
だけど、私がカノン・エイコーさんになるっていう目標を立てることによって、 I thought it would be nice if I could break that wall by setting a goal of becoming Kano Eiko.
その壁を無事壊されたらいいなって思って、目標を一つ立てました。 I thought it would be nice if I could break that wall and set a goal.
今年本当にありがたいことに、いろんな方と繋がることができて、 This year, I was able to connect with a lot of people,
それも内容が濃い繋がりで、私自身も2025年どんな年にしよう、目標を立ててこんな年にしようというくらい、 and it was a very meaningful year for me.
私自身も2025年どんな年にしよう、目標を立ててこんな年にしようというくらい、 I was able to connect with a lot of people, and it was a very meaningful year for me.
この人生、生きてきた中で一番ワクワクしているくらいの良い年になりました、実は。 I was able to connect with a lot of people, and it was a very meaningful year for me.
ありがたいことに。 I was able to connect with a lot of people.
辛いこともあったし、泣いたこともあったけど、でもそれを忘れさせていただけるほど、人に恵まれた年になりました。 I had a hard time, and I cried, but the more I forgot about it, the more blessed I was with people.
占いも大好きだし、ゲッターズ飯田さんの占いも私見るし、手相占いもやってもらったし今年。 I love fortune-telling, and I've seen the fortune-telling of Getters Iida, and I've had a fortune-teller do it this year.
だけど占いがこうだから、私はこうとかじゃなくて、自分は切り開いていこう。 But fortune-telling is like this, so I'm not like this. I'm going to cut it open.
自分はこうだから、こう生きていこうって思えるぐらいの前向きになれた年でした。 It was a year when I was so positive that I thought I was going to live like this.
こうやって自分の声をレコーディングして、お会いしたことない方に聞いていただくっていうのも初めてのチャレンジであって、こうって話していることによって自分も自分でセルフケアができているという気づきができた年になりました。 It was the first time I had a voice recording and asked people I had never met.
私自身その仕事がお伝えしたか忘れちゃったんですけど、私が結構海外に行くお仕事をしていて、それもフリーランスでやってて、買い付けをしてるんですね。 I forgot to tell you, but I have a job overseas, and I'm a freelancer.
それでやっぱり自分で食べていくって難しさと、言ったら私も接客もしてきたことあるんですが、もう全然アパレルとかそういうことをやってきたことないので、マーケティングも下手だし、何だろう、ソーシャルメディアを使って自分を売っていくっていうのもまだまだ全然ペーペーなので、難しいっていうのと、本当にお金といっつも睨めるのが難しいです。 It's hard to make a living on my own, and I've been a customer before, but I've never done anything like apparel before, so I'm not good at marketing, and I'm still not good at using social media to sell myself.
難しいっていうのと、本当にお金といっつも睨めっこしている状態であります。 It's hard to make a living on my own, and I've been a customer before, but I've never done anything like apparel before, so I'm not good at marketing, and I've never done anything like social media to sell myself.
今は人とのつながりができて、自分もやっぱりお金は入ってきて欲しいけど、それよりも人とのつながりが欲しいし、人とのつながりがあっての売上が、お金の周りだと思うし、でもその分出てくるもんだと思うし、 Now I'm a customer, and I've been a customer for a while, but I've never done anything like apparel before, so I'm not good at marketing, and I've never done anything like social media to sell myself.
I have to do it as a Getters Iida, but I have to save money.
I have to use money for the brand I use for that person.
I have to spend money on the products and food that that person uses with all his heart.
I have to spend money on the products and food that that person uses with all his heart.
I have to spend money on the products and food that that person uses with all his heart.
For me, the radio is a type of meditation.
It's not a spiritual talk. I listen to the radio while driving.
I've never talked about it.
For example, I listen to the radio of an entertainer.
I realize that there is such a thing, such a thought.
I think a lot while driving.
I listen to the radio and ask myself what I think now.
I put myself in an environment where I can ask questions.
I realize that I have a clear mind and I think like this.
That's why I want to do the radio.
I don't want to show my face in front of the camera.
I want to do the radio because I think it's good to be able to convey my feelings to people with just my voice.
So I started a voice diary type of radio.
Well, even if I go to the UK, I think I'll have a lot of ideas and my feelings.
There are only three weeks left in 2024.
I want to record my feelings at that time.
Looking back on 2024, I don't want today to be the last, but I want to do it until the end.
My goal for 2025 is to record it for myself when I think of it.
But my first goal for 2025 is Eiko Kanagawa.
She is the most impressive and I think she is mine if she is interesting.
I want to shake off various things.
I'm a character who can be teased.
I'm talking about it very hard, but it's easy to be teased by people around me.
I don't know if it's pride, but there was a time when I wondered why I had to be teased.
Looking back on my life in my early 30s, I've been a teased character all the time.
I had a hard time in high school.
People say that a teased character is a loved character.
It's just a different way of accepting it.
It depends on the degree of the person who teases you.
I've come to understand that it's just a teased character.
I don't think there's a life without failure.
Sometimes I think I should have been teased at that time.
At that time, I think I'm so embarrassed and lame.
But that's part of me.
I was like this at that time, but now I'm like this.
I've lived my life over the years, so I'm like this.
When I think about it, I feel like I've been teased.
I don't think I've been teased at all.
If you think you were like this at that time, please embrace it gently.
I want to hug you.
I want to tell you that you did a good job.
I'm a person who cares about people's eyes.
That's why I want to be a teased character.
That's why I want to be a teased character.
Have you decided on your goal for 2025?
I said it like a radio show.
For the next recording...
Of course, it's good to talk about a topic.
I'd like to record it once a day, but I'd like to do it when I want to talk about it.
But I think it's a look back on 2024.
I'm going to a live tomorrow.
So I hope I can broadcast that live next time.
Thank you for listening.
If you don't mind, please leave a comment.
Good night.

