I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.
We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).
59: Vision for Simple Minds
Craig Sullender of ChipSight joined Elecia and Christopher to talk about machine, computer, and embedded vision. Craig's $20 Vision System – IoTcam Lighting control demos Slides on embedded CV technology Peep, a camera for your door'd peephole (soon to be on Kickstarter) Lattice Mach X02 O'Reilly's Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV
58: Use These Powers For Good
Joe Grand (@JoeGrand) spoke with us about his life as Kingpin, hardware hacking, hosting a TV show, and being a Hackaday judge. Joe's company is the Grand Idea Studio. His TV show Prototype This was on the Discovery Channel. He created an Atari game: SCSIcide. Joe will be giving his hardware hacking training at Black Hat USA in August (as well as some of the other security conferences in also Las Vegas at that time). Joe and Elecia are on the Hackaday Prize judging panel. There are some amazing projects if you want to check out your competition (or vote for the ones you like!).
57: Engineering on the Run
Ken Milnes talked to Elecia and Chris about his career developing augmented reality for sports broadcasting. SportVision MLB Stats
56: Rodents of Unusual Size
Matt Haines (@beardedinventor) and Tom Byrne (@tlbyrn) spoke to Elecia and Chris about Electric Imp (@electricimp). This discussion goes far beyond our first with Matt (Episode 6!). It is more software and implementation oriented than last week's Amp Hour. In the vein of "what do I do after I've made an LED blink from a webpage?": Tom's Neopixel Weather project (instructable!) Mars Curiosity rover that mirrors what is happening on Mars (provide your own Martian) Elecia's are-you-ok widget Sparkfun tutorial, thanking Matt for his help with cleaning (ahem, re-writing) the code Electric Imp github repository, including the extensive webservices page Hackathon entry Twitch controls a HexBot via Electric Imp led to an excited discussion of Twitch Plays Pokemon Matt's Hackaday Prize (SPACE!) entry that uses an Imp to show when the ISS is overhead MakeDeck is making Electric Imp dev kits for OEM development. Imp page devoted to the question under Next Steps (also, the new Squirrel documents mentioned on the show are up!) Finally, the SparkFun contest winner was announced. There were many great entries, choosing a winner was difficult. Ken M (@Deamiter) won the grand prize. Luckily, Matt and Tom brought two April board + Electric Imp sets to give away so Chris Svec (@christophersvec) and Alex Irvine (@EternalPractice) were runners up. Thank you to all who participated, your ideas were awesome and we loved to hear about them.
55: Embedded Systems and Cricket
Radhika Thekkath, CEO of Agivox, joined Elecia to talk about her start up, entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, and getting NSF SBIR grants. Contact Radhika SBIR home page
54: Oh! The Hugh Manatee
Elizabeth Brenner (@eabrenner) returned to the show to talk about the are-you-ok widget that she and Elecia have been working on. (The initial problem-statement show is episode 17.) There is now a SparkFun tutorial so you can build one of the are-you-ok widgets yourself. As announced in the show, there is a contest to get a SparkFun gift card, it ends 6/13/14 so get your answer in by then (maximum of two entries per person, please). Elecia already took the name Sal Right out of the running (reference). In the photo below, are Maxwell, Hugh (Cation pattern!), Haley, and Grimes (from left to right) so those are all taken as well. Noted on the show were two things El saw at the Solid Conference: 3D printed flexible materials from Kinematics and circuit stickers from Chibtronics. Also, we look forward to trying out the Fitbit channel for if-this-then-that (IFTTT) to see if that can monitor our loved ones too.
Bonus: From Solid Con
Elecia attended O'Reilly's Solid Conference, recording a few of the people she met there. Note: this episode is recorded in a noisy location. Erin Mulcahy at littleBits (@littleBits), magnetic electronics modules Jack Mudd at Onewheel (@RideOnewheel), powered sort-of skateboard with only one wheel and auto-balancing Laurie Yoler from Qualcomm, she spoke on Intelligent Connectivity. It’s What’s Next Taylor Stein from AutoDesk, a Fusion 360 evangelist (free for hobbyists!) Ahmed Daoud from Playtabase, makers of Reemo Terrence McKenna of Panoptes ("No drone is safe until it is a Panoptes UAV.") Michael Holdmann at Coversant, on XMPP communications protocol Also, thank you to O'Reilly for giving away copies of my book.
53: Being a Grownup Engineer
Jack Ganssle shared his wisdom on being a good embedded software engineer (hint: it takes discipline). Jack's website is filled with great essays and new videos. He's also written the Art of Designing Embedded Systems and The Embedded Systems Dictionary (with Michael Barr). We covered a lot of ground, here are some of the highlights: Spark language Capers Jones on high quality software and associated statistics Joel on Software test for good teams LDRA unit test tool James Grenning's Test Driven Development for Embedded C
52: Maximize the Sonic Boom
Elecia spoke with Micheal Worry, CEO of Nuvation, about engaging with and working at a design firm. Disco Fish, the autonomous Burning Man party vehicle Udacity course in autonomous vehicles ROS is Willow Garage's robot operating system Contact Nuvation at their website or on twitter (@Nuvation). Contact Disco Fish and its build buddies on Facebook.
51: There Is No Crying in Strcpy
Jen Costillo (@r0b0ts0nf1r3) joins Elecia and Christopher to discuss their experiences interviewing (both as interviewer and interviewee). Elecia did an hour long webinar on how to conduct technical interviews. In this show, she mentions a good post-interview ratings system. Google discovered that their brainteasers are not a very effective way to interview. Despite the news that swearing is good for you, we tried to bleep everything. Also, it is minesweeper, not minefield. What were we thinking? It was obviously all Christopher’s fault. Though we should have stood up to him. Elecia's book has more interview questions but from the perspective of how do you ask a question and what do you look for in a response.
50: The Podcast Formerly Known As...
Christopher White (@stoneymonster) and Elecia celebrate a year in podcasting by talking about the show. Then they decide whether or not to change the name of the show to Embedded (yes). Elecia's list of current and soon activities: Hackaday Prize (SPACE!!!!!) and snooping on current entries Element14 blog based on her EELive Internet of Things talk Shopping list for the are-you-ok widget first discussed on Elizabeth's episode Circuit Cellar interview Going to SOLID conference 5/21 in SF (we didn't mention this, thought I'd sneak it in) Sophi Kravitz blog Other things they mentioned include an amazing anti-tremor spoon, using trampolines to go to space, how drinking the blood of youth will keep you young, oil sensing, and our consulting episode.
49: Is That an Ardunio in Your Pocket
Tenaya Hurst (@ArduinoWoman) shares her incredible enthusiasm for teaching Arduino and the San Jose's Tech Museum of Innovation (The Tech). Being a geo-anthrop-actress, Tenaya teaches chemistry, geology, Arduino, and beginning wearables for the Tech, for their Galileo summer camp, for Oakland's Workshop Weekend, and on her own recognizance through her website. Tenaya will be at the Linino booth at the Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA on May 17-18, 2014 Tenyana's movie credits Lilypad sewable (washable!) electronics Other places to connect: @TenayaRocks, @LininoWoman, and Google+ Penny Arcade Museum Also noted, Elecia was interviewed in Circuit Cellar magazine, May 2014 (#286). In the first few minutes of this show, she gives a discount code for their store.
48: Widgets on the Hands of Ants
Dr. Kevin Shaw, CTO of Sensor Platforms, spoke with Elecia about his career progressing from designing MEMS to building a company that makes sensor fusion algorithms. Wandering from the Internet of Things to Singularity University to power management in Android development, Kevin and Elecia had a wide-ranging conversation. Due in July, check out Sensor Platform's Open Sensor Platform project, an open source framework for developing sensor systems (sample timing is critical!).
47: Bridge of Toothpicks
Nathan Tuck joined Christopher White (@stoneymonster) and Elecia White to chat about varied topics relating to being an embedded (and graphics) engineer (and manager). Nate works at NVidia on the Tegra K1-64. He mentioned some openings in his team at the end of the podcast, email the show to get a connection. We also noted that Eyefluence is hiring for an EE and/or technician for work somewhere between San Jose, CA and Reno, NV. Direct resumes to Peter Milford using the email you find on their webpage (info @ ...). We asked if managers are sociopaths. If you haven't seen The Expert tragicomedy sketch (7 perpendicular red lines...), you need to as it is becoming engineering vernacular.
46: I'm Painting the Turtle
Jennelle Crothers (@jkc137) explained to Elecia what a technology evangelist does. Of course, it wasn't an embedded technology but it was still amusing. Plus, Elecia got to play with a Surface Pro. Check out Jennelle's blog Jennelle and Elecia met at She's Geeky in Mountain View, CA.
45: Yanking on a Cat's Tail Is the Only Way to Learn
David Anders (Google+) joined Elecia to chat about open source hardware, what it means, how to do it, and why. Dave will be speaking at the embedded Linux conference in San Jose, CA on April 30th: 9:00am: Panel: IoT and the Role of Embedded Linux and Android 4:20pm: Hardware Debugging Tools 5:20pm: Debugging - Panel Discussion Open Source Hardware Association describes the gradient of open source hardware. Sigrok looks at open source and open source friendly tools Dave works for CircuitCo, manufacturers of the mysteriously elusive BeagleBone Black. While he didn't explain their absence (other than they are super popular for OEM'ing), he did announce the brand new Intel-based MinnowBoard MAX. Some open source tools we discussed included Tin Can Tool's 40 pin DIP Linux processor, Flyswatter, and Flyswatter 2. Also, check out Dave's past eLinux presentations.
44: Light Up Strikes Back
Josh Chan and Tarun Pondicherry, founders of Light Up (@Lightup or on Facebook), returned to the show. In episode 7, they were midway through their kickstarter, planning to make a product to teach electronics to elementary and middle school students. They've start shipping, even distributing, their MiniKits (other kits will ship soon!). Elecia asks them if building their business and shipping the product went according to plan.
43: A Lot of High-Falutin' Math
Tony Rios from MEMSIC spoke with Elecia about inertial systems and tuning algorithms used in sensor fusion (i.e. Kalman). The IMU380 will appear soon, creating a whole line of relatively inexpensive quality inertial measurement and inertial navigation systems. Tony has a few embedded systems and algorithms positions open, for example, embedded software engineer. Email hr@memsic.com (note you heard it in the podcast so Elecia gets brownie points).
42: Blocks of Gold with LCD Displays
Christopher White (@stoneymonster) and Elecia talk about the failed startups (and projects) they've been through, focusing on identifying how to discern the end is nigh. A nice collection of startups introspecting their failure. Wonderful, in-depth Everpix post-mortem. If you liked this episode, try 24: I AM A TOTAL FRAUD.
41: Pink Universes Die Really Quickly
Micah Elizabeth Scott (@scanlime) came to talk about Fadecandy, a really neat way to control smart LEDs (NeoPixel, AdaFruit's term for the WS2812). The conversation ranged from beautiful LED control algorithms and open source embedded projects to triangle tessellations, art, and identity. AdaFruit has a great intro to Fadecandy. Fadecandy is open source hardware and software, see the repository. Micah's blog is a combo of art and technology. Burning Man's Ardent Mobile Cloud (also a lovely still pic). Elecia also mentioned Deep Darc's hack of the GE Color Effects lights.
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