1. earlyのつぶやき
  2. さて、英語で文字起こしされて..
2024-03-16 07:22



Hi, this is ARI's monologue or ARI's tweet. So, I want to translate in English. The original
title in Japanese is アリのつぶやき. But, I don't know what is つぶやき clear
means in English. Maybe one of the example is つぶやき means monologue. So, anyway,
it was my first time to broadcast the podcast in English version. This program is broadcasted
in the podcast service named Listen. So, Listen has a very unique function. It is automatically
AI translation and text. Automatically, the broadcast sounds to text. But, I was very
surprised to see the last content's transcription. I talked in English, but the translated text
is Japanese. So, wow! Not only the sounds to text, but also the English become Japanese.
Wow! This AI is very genius. But, I expected to automatically textize my English talk because
I want to see my own voice became to the English text. But, oh, it is Japanese. But,
I see the text, my English talk's text became Japanese. So, my talk is very rough and a little
bit not correct verbally or some kind of mispronounce or mismeaning. But, it is okay.
It is just my self-training. So, I think keep on talking or keep on speaking is one of the most
important training for growing up my English talk skill. So, maybe last year, it was very
my good challenge for learning English. So, I can go to abroad for business trip. It was my first
time to go to business trip. So, this is very good motivation for me to learn English. But,
these days, I just keep on learning online English talk session in native camp. But,
I feel my growth in English is not so good reason. But, it is okay. So, sometimes,
my growth is slow. Sometimes, very fast. But, the most important thing is keep on learning and
keep on smiling. It is my favorite English teacher's phrase, Ken Toyama. He is a very famous
English teacher in NHK Radio Eikaiwa. So, I really respect him because he give me a very
good motivation and he talk to me. English learning is very fun. So, I keep on learning and
don't be shy and don't be too pressure. So, I feel it is very good, most important advice for me.
So, anyway, this program, I change the setting of this podcast. I check the setting of my
program. The AI's automatically text setting is Japanese. So, I change the text style
is English. So, I really look forward to AI's text. Maybe I hope this program
became English text style. So, that's all. This is very fresh experience for me to
talk in English, this podcast. But, I remember one year ago, I started to learn English.
It was a very amazing challenge because to record my English speak skill,
I was broadcast in YouTube, my free talk. So, I think it is a very good challenge for me.
So, and it really helped me to learn English and my growth of the speak English. So,
this is one of the new, very useful technique for English learning skill.
So, that's all for today. Thank you for listening my English monologue. See you.

