1. DevRel/Radio
  2. DevRel/Radio #53 〜買って良..
2022-03-15 1:13:11

DevRel/Radio #53 〜買って良かったガジェット〜

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
Thank you very much for your comments.
Your comments are my driving force, so please feel free to comment on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
First of all, what is DevRel?
DevRel is the opposite of Developer Relations.
This DevRel Radio is run by the community called DevRel Meetup in Tokyo.
DevRel Meetup is a community that manages information about Developer Relations,
and manages communication as its main purpose.
It's been about 6 and a half years since September 2015.
Is it 7 and a half years?
No, it's not.
It's been 6 and a half years.
It's a community that runs it.
The event is held every month on the first Wednesday,
so if you are interested in DevRel, please participate in the event.
Also, there is Slack.
Slack can be accessed from the official website devrel.tokyo,
so I hope you can join us from there.
Also, my Twitter account is atmarkdevreltokyo,
and my hashtag is sharpdevreljp.
I also have Facebook and YouTube,
so I'd be happy if you could follow and subscribe.
That's about it.
That's all for the announcements.
If you're watching now,
today's main theme is the gadget I'm glad I bought.
I've already sent you the URL of the Google Form,
so I'd be happy if you could comment from there.
Until then, I'd like to introduce news related to DevRel,
especially IT related news.
First of all, it's almost April.
I think it's the season for new employees.
There is an interesting story posted on Twitter.
This is not to be trusted only to those who will be new employees from April.
There is an Excel print preview and a message saying,
listen to anything from your seniors.
I also tweeted.
What do you think about this?
I've probably only done this kind of new employee education once or twice.
The company itself wasn't that big,
so I had the opportunity to teach it to new employees,
and I had the opportunity to explain personal information protection and security standards,
but I haven't had much experience teaching for new employees,
so maybe you have more experience like that.
Among them, it says,
I want you to blow a new wind during the interview,
ask anything from your seniors,
and don't trust the Excel print preview.
In fact, the comment also said,
I can't trust the Excel print preview.
I thought I could do this, and when I printed it, it shifted.
It says that it happens all the time.
If you don't ask anything, you should never accept it as it is.
If you ask a question, you are likely to be annoyed.
It's written in the tweet.
There's a problem with saying that.
No matter how you think about it,
if you say, ask me anything,
and if I ask you a question, you're going to be annoyed.
I think it's going to be hard to ask questions after that.
It's not good to say it lightly.
I don't know why it's called a good question.
It's easy to ask questions properly,
and when you ask a question,
you should bring this information.
I wonder what it is that you don't say.
I feel like you're skipping work.
There's a comment from Kizawa.
so I had a hard time figuring it out.
Ah, I've heard this a lot.
Now, it's probably the third year.
I think it's probably the third year of new people education
after COVID-19,
so I think each company has various plans.
I've heard a lot that the new people education
in 2020 was quite difficult
for both those who received and those who did it.
Those people received remote new people education in 2020
and they were almost like seniors.
If it was an IT company,
they might have met online,
but they met virtually zero people.
Those people joined the company in their third year,
and they might not feel like new people anymore,
and they might have to be on the teaching side in some cases.
I'm really interested in how they're going to do it.
I'm really interested in the feeling of people
who have grown up in a remote family.
I wouldn't say it's a loving spirit,
but I'm very interested in how the sense of belonging
is going to be different.
Actually, I think the people who are educated
are also devising various things.
If you have any ideas,
please leave a comment.
I personally think this is really good,
but what is difficult about the psychology of people
who are frustrated by Shinkansen sales?
The three issues that the topic tweet focused on
were on J-CAST's news.
Actually, it's like this,
but I think it's really strange
that the whole system of JRC is difficult to understand.
Also, since this is a Shinkansen,
I wonder if it's JR Tokai.
Well, it's really hard to understand.
It's also difficult to understand
the first button to be displayed.
I don't know which one to press.
I'm supposed to just want to buy a Shinkansen ticket,
but there are so many buttons that I don't know which one to press.
Even with a normal ticket,
this screenshot is written in the article,
and it's lined up like this.
140, 150, 160,
it's really only the price.
Which one should I buy?
I think it's really hard to understand.
I think everyone can buy a Shinkansen ticket with this.
I feel like I used to buy a Shinkansen ticket
with this button only for the price.
There was a ticket on the top of the screen,
and I looked at the station I wanted to go to,
and I felt like I was buying a ticket
with the price written on it.
I think it's pretty amazing
that you can still use this interface
even in the 21st century.
Now, we have a guest,
so I'd like to call him in.
Hello, Mr. Taiji.
Hello, good morning.
I can't hear you.
I think I just heard a faint voice.
Oh, I'm sorry. I heard you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I think it's my mistake.
Yes, thank you for your hard work.
Mr. Taiji, are you in Lisbon right now?
Yes, I'm in Lisbon's Outsystems.
That's great.
How is it?
It's been a while since I've been abroad,
I think it's been about 2020.
Yes, it's been 2 years and 3 months.
Yes, how is it?
Well, I've been preparing for a long time.
Surprisingly, I was able to apply and enter the country.
I'm a little relieved.
Oh, that's right.
It's not a visa,
but it says to prepare an invitation.
Yes, that's right.
When I asked the embassy,
they said that if it's not a necessary reason,
it's because it's not allowed to enter the country.
So the reason for coming here was written.
So if there's a letter saying,
please come from Portugal,
it should be okay.
So I got an invitation letter prepared.
But in the end, I couldn't send it anywhere.
Oh, so it's okay if it's not a must?
But I don't think it's a problem if it's there.
I don't think it's a problem if it's there.
How is the atmosphere in the city?
Well, it's not much different from Japan.
Everyone wears a mask where people gather.
On the contrary,
everyone doesn't wear a mask
where there is a certain sense of distance.
Oh, you're already taking it off.
It's kind of strange from a Japanese perspective,
but I think it's more troublesome to take it off.
Well, it's better to leave it on.
So of course there are people who wear it all the time.
So it feels like it depends on the person.
Yes, it feels like it's left to the individual.
Are you staying in an airbnb or a hotel this time?
No, there's a hotel I prepared at the company.
Everyone stays in the same place.
I have the image that hotel business is also very difficult.
Is the hotel comfortable without any problems?
It's very comfortable.
It's an apartment type.
It's a type of hotel that has a kitchen and a washing machine.
It's a hotel with two rooms and a bathroom.
It's a pretty big hotel.
So it's a type of hotel where you sleep and spend the rest of the day.
That's right.
I was having breakfast at the hotel this morning,
and there was a person in charge of social media on the marketing team in the US.
It looks like he just got on a flight yesterday.
We happened to have breakfast together this morning,
and we were talking,
and he said he was very interested in this Debrel Radio
and wanted me to teach him later.
I'm planning to develop it later.
I'm doing this in Japan.
Oh, thank you.
Even though it's a podcast, there's an archive on YouTube, right?
So I think the cross-caption will be automatically used.
He said he thought he could see it from overseas.
He said it was a great idea.
Oh, really?
That's very kind of you.
By the way, are there any people who couldn't enter the country this time?
It's not a matter of visa or passport.
For example, India or other countries.
People who couldn't come?
Is there anyone who couldn't come?
People who couldn't come...
In our Debrel team,
there's a guy from India.
You know him, right? Yash Raju.
In his case, he didn't make it on time for his visa.
Oh, I see.
He couldn't fly.
It's a bit of a shame.
If you make it on time for your visa,
do you think you'll be able to go there now?
That's probably the purpose.
What are you going to do?
And this time,
I thought it was different from before Corona.
I went to the UK this time.
You know, you stop in the UK for a while.
So whether you enter the UK or Portugal,
there's a PLF, a passenger locator form.
You submit it in advance.
And then, you know,
there's the one that I used to write in my hand.
You know, the one that was issued by immigration.
It's like an immigration application.
It's like an electronic version of that.
In that,
I write about my corona vaccine situation.
I think that's probably how it's been judged to some extent.
Oh, you know,
there's an app for vaccination certificates, right?
Yes, yes, yes.
Did you use that?
Oh, I used it.
Oh, good, good.
When you get on a plane in Haneda,
please show me your vaccination certificate in advance.
If I ask you if the app is okay,
you can show me the screen of your smartphone,
and it's okay.
Don't you use it in Heathrow or Lisbon?
I didn't use it this time,
but there was a notice for the UK in advance.
Vaccination certificate and PCR test result certificate.
Please upload these two to the form designated by the UK.
That's what the guide says.
So, you can scan the copy of the document in advance.
Upload it and review it in advance.
If there is no problem, there is no problem.
You'll get a notification by email.
Oh, I see. It's a pre-approval type.
Yes, that's the UK.
In Portugal, the Japanese Vaccination Certificate is not allowed,
so it doesn't make sense to bring it with you.
On the contrary, if you change the way you say it,
it's okay with just the PCR test result certificate.
It's okay with just the vaccination certificate.
Oh, I see.
You also receive a PCR test in advance, right?
Yes, that's right.
By the way, the UK was out of the EU,
but did it seem to have an impact?
After all, this time, the two-time immigration...
Oh, but in the UK, it's just transit.
Yes, that's right.
I see.
So this time it doesn't really matter, does it?
That's right.
I just moved the terminal of the international line, so it's Heathrow.
I see.
It looks like it's definitely going to have an impact.
Oh, there's another one now.
It's the route to Brighton that had an impact.
Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Oda.
Thank you for your hard work.
By the way, there's a story about Russia and Ukraine.
Did the flight route have an impact this time, Mr. Taiji?
Well, when I usually go to the UK,
I go through the north a little bit,
and then go straight to the west to London.
If you look at it from Japan, I think it's going to go west,
but apparently that route doesn't work.
It's a little bit down there,
and it's a route that goes to East America once and then U-turns
and comes back to London,
so it took about 15 and a half to 16 hours.
No, that's...
To the UK?
15 hours in the UK?
That's a long way to go.
Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to go.
That's true.
It passes through the sky, right?
The plane that goes to Heathrow just happens to be.
I see.
So that's what happens when you avoid it.
By the way, this time it was Haneda.
How about Haneda?
The third terminal is only overseas,
but how was it?
Well, it was empty.
In that sense, there weren't many people.
There were almost no queues at the time of boarding.
Even in economy class seats,
most seats are next to each other.
There are usually three rows.
Two seats are usually empty.
So it feels like everyone can use it one by one.
Isn't that great?
You can lie down.
That's true.
In that sense, it's a positive.
It's a good place.
Is the airfare expensive now?
It doesn't change.
I don't think so.
The place I used was JAL.
Really? I want to go.
I really want to go.
Well, maybe a little more.
It's a business, or a reason.
To enter the country.
The reason is, you know,
as long as you have it, right?
Talk to Don and say,
Oh, Don says he has a meeting.
Talk to Mashu and say,
Mashu is calling for something.
Yeah, that's true.
If you come to the UK, it's like this.
Well, I have an acquaintance in some country,
so if I forcibly tell that person,
he says he'll take me on a tour of GitHub.
Oh, that's nice.
Well, it's been a little over two years.
Well, I said this the other day,
I said I forgot how to live abroad.
It's really nice.
I'm envious.
That's true, how to live abroad.
Well, those of you who are listening to this,
first of all, I'd like you to check your passport.
Including yourself.
No, it's true.
I've completely forgotten about my visa.
I've forgotten how to get an AirBnB.
What was it? Uber?
The thing you have to be careful of is...
I'm sorry, the thing you have to be careful of is...
Before COVID-19,
I think there were a lot of countries in Japan
that didn't need a visa application
even if they didn't have a program like ESTA or something like that.
There are quite a few countries that have been temporarily lifted due to COVID-19,
so it's better to check in advance.
If you're going to go from now on.
It was said that Japanese passports were the strongest, but...
Yeah, well, it's not just Japan.
It's a situation like this, so it depends on the country.
There are countries that have once removed such a contract.
Portugal was actually the same.
It's been a little different since March.
I'm glad I was able to come here with a little peace of mind.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I see. That's nice.
Yes, thank you.
Mr. Janiman also commented,
I'm forgetting how to go overseas.
No, it really is.
I've even forgotten how to get out of the house.
Oh, well, actually,
Mr. Oda is like that,
I've even forgotten how to get to the Yamanote Line and how to get to the Yamanote Line.
Oh, I see. I forgot how to get on the train normally.
I forgot.
It's a sober construction, and the entrance has changed.
It's a mess.
That's true.
In Shibuya, construction is still going on.
Where was it the other day?
I got lost on my way home from Kichijoji.
I got lost like a normal country bumpkin.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
I think it's the best to have legs.
It's the easiest to ride a bike when it's sunny.
That's right.
Especially now, isn't it?
I'm sure the coming season is the best.
Yeah, I think so.
It's getting cooler and cooler, so if you have legs,
I think it's a good idea to enjoy it.
That's true.
Well, I sent the URL to the private chat earlier,
so it's a news story.
I'd like you two to take a look at it now.
I'm a little curious.
It's from ZDNet.
It's an article about Microsoft Azure's side of AWS.
Mr. Oda is here too.
It's from ZDNet.
Is it Flexara's cloud report?
There's something like this.
The sales of Azure may be behind AWS,
but there seems to be a part of Azure that outperforms AWS.
That's what it says in the article.
About 80% of the companies using Azure
fell from 79% to 77% in the same period.
If you listen to this,
I wonder if there are more people using only a part of Azure.
Azure is too broad.
Is Teams Azure?
Teams is a Microsoft 365 family product,
so it's different from Azure.
However, in the Azure service,
there is a service called Oreore Teams.
For example,
we provide services such as embedding Teams on the web screen,
but we don't call it Teams.
Then what is the most popular service?
It's difficult.
There are more than 270 services.
To be honest, I don't know any of them.
I don't know anything about Azure.
But it's often used in the community.
It's called AI or Cognitive.
It looks good, so it's often used in demos.
I think AWS is relatively strong.
Azure is also used a lot.
I've heard that there are more companies moving to Perth from there.
Mr. Kabukawa said,
isn't it Azure AD?
It's true.
It's a pretty strong field.
I've heard a lot about Azure AD.
By the way,
since it's Azure,
if it's remote work,
you can use it remotely, right?
I think there are some environments where you can connect,
but if you prepare those,
I think you can do it at home or in a remote environment.
That's right.
After all, remote work has been going on for about two years,
so it's a lot of work without a cloud for authentication.
I think so.
It's true.
I usually access the network in the company,
so I'm not very conscious of it.
I think there are times when I can't connect
unless I do something like a VPA announcement on purpose.
I think AD is very useful at times like this.
That's right.
By the way, in the same way,
Mr. Kizawa said that Azure has a strong impression of Perth.
Excuse me.
What is the representative Perth?
That's a very difficult question.
There are so many.
As I said earlier,
sometimes I use it for demos.
I use it for custom vision.
App service.
App service.
That's right.
It's probably the most used.
Is it like The Perth?
Yes, it's The Perth.
I have the impression that it is used a lot.
There are also communities that explain in detail about app services.
I actually do demos.
I have the impression that it is spreading more and more.
In the same way, Mr. Kizawa said
that there is a payment method for domestic collectors.
Well, this is that.
AWS is based on credit card payment.
You have to use a partner to pay for the application.
That's right.
It's better to pay for the application.
That's true.
There are so many payment methods.
Sometimes I think it's annoying.
But it's easy.
You can make a contract with a credit card.
It's easy to start.
It also supports the payment method as a company
when you use it for EnPla.
I see.
Mr. Taiji, is there any news that interests you?
I was just looking at that.
You said that you started publishing when you were in your 30s.
Yes, this article by Keita.
When I started publishing in my late 30s,
my life changed.
Personally, this is my ideal.
It's a story that I want everyone to be like this.
I feel like this is the origin of our work.
It's like we're purely communicating technology to the outside world.
What this person is doing is,
first of all, he joined the community,
and then he founded a community called ServerlessLT for beginners.
Then, in 2020, he won the Best Speaker Award in Kansai
and published a series of articles in software design.
It's Kojima-san, right?
From Densokreate.
Actually, what I'm talking about here is that
I've been supporting this person for about a year or two.
I've been communicating with him since I became interested in the community.
I told him what to do and what not to do,
and this article got a lot of attention.
Oh, I see.
You were working behind the scenes.
Actually, I was secretly working.
Originally, this person was a member of a user group called JSSUG,
which is an SQL server.
There's another community out there, too.
I was talking to another Densokreate creator I knew there,
and he introduced me to the online community.
He said he wanted to create a community called ServerlessLT.
He said he wanted to build a serverless community in Japan
with Yoshida-san from Section 9.
He said he wanted to do something exciting together,
and I was very happy to hear that.
So I set up a community,
and I supported the opening of the meeting.
I've been supporting a lot of other things, too.
By the way, did you start this community after COVID-19?
Yes, I started it after COVID-19.
I really support it.
If you look at the community page, it's really at the bottom,
but it says,
thank you for supporting Oda-san.
Oh, that's true.
That's true. That's great.
I was talking to him, and I felt a lot of potential,
and he was very motivated, and he had a lot of output,
and he was very ambitious about updating,
and he wanted to keep updating,
so I thought, oh, this is the kind of person he is.
As a result, I ended up supporting him.
By the way, what made you start it?
There was another person named Yamada-san
who was participating in the JSSUG community.
It was just before COVID-19.
There was a study group, and I met him there.
Yamada-san introduced me to him,
and we talked about what we were going to do.
We're still talking in the chat group.
I wonder what it was.
Kojima-san, what made you want to output?
Oh, that one.
Was there something?
Well, I've known him since I started joining the community,
so I was already motivated at the time.
He was probably part of the community,
so I think he was motivated by the fact that
there were people like me who were outputting,
and he wanted to try it out.
That's great.
It would be great if more people like Kojima-san
were to be born.
That's exactly one of the things we're aiming for.
Well, it's not a successful example,
but I think it's our mission to increase the number of people like this.
That's right.
I wonder what it is.
I'd like you to talk about it at the DevRel Meetup, Kojima-san.
Let's call him.
Why did you want to output in the first place,
and why did you want to start a community?
In addition, why did you want to output in the community in the first place?
It's a success story, or simply an experience.
I think it would be really interesting if you could talk about it.
That's right. I'd like to prepare a meeting like that.
He himself is a very skilled developer,
but he has the motivation to be able to support not only his company,
but also people who are beginners in a broader sense.
If you look at his blog,
you can see that he's a beginner.
He said that he wants to do that regularly.
I wonder if there's some kind of motivation that I don't know about.
By the way, I don't know anything about DensoCreate,
so I don't know anything about it.
Is it similar to SI?
Well, until the business content,
there are individual connections, so I haven't talked about it in detail.
It's a company in Nagoya.
I think he's probably doing something like SI for his parent company.
Kojima-san himself is like C-Sharpa.
There was a time when there was a talk that he wanted to launch the SI world.
In Japan, there are a lot of engineers that we know and contact,
and there are probably a lot of engineers who are not SI.
I think we have to touch on that as well,
but the reality is that we can't touch on it.
They don't come to the community,
they don't send it out,
and they're having a hard time.
They're suffering, aren't they?
If you tell me what made a person like Kojima-san
change to an output type,
Taiji-san and Oda-sho-san were originally on the SI side,
so you two were there, weren't you?
There are probably more people who aren't, in the company.
But there aren't many people who are doing SI
and are flowing towards external evangelists.
In Japan, people who have an engineering background
are usually involved in some kind of SI business.
From there, they generate technical information
and participate in the community.
If you go back in time,
I think everyone was involved in some kind of SI.
Well, there are some people,
but I think only about 0.1% of people go to that side.
That's it.
I talked a little bit about it at the event the other day,
but for those who are relatively new to technology,
about 25% of people are involved in the community or study.
For those who are not doing technology,
I think it was about 11%.
It's pretty small.
So, about 75% or 90% of people are still out there
and get output,
absorb information from there,
or cycle around.
It's like they're not doing that.
That's right.
But if you can get those people to participate,
even if you can improve it by 1%,
I think it's pretty powerful.
There's a comment from Mr. Akizawa.
There are a lot of engineers who don't go out.
They are engaged in business activities,
such as events and blogs in the company,
but it sounds like a part of it.
It's really naked.
That's right.
But it's like a book that the community publishes,
or software design,
like Kojima's software design.
70-80% of people are reading it.
So, I think it's good to have a community,
or to use books like that,
or some kind of internet information.
I think it's better to take the form of spreading
more and more information about the community
and encourage participation even a little bit.
I've been doing that a lot lately.
Come out to the community.
So, there is an information source
that they can easily access, right?
Yes, there is.
That's right.
It's the other one.
The rest is up to you.
It's a matter of motivation.
Whether you want to go out or not.
I think it's about others.
I think it's just like a distant world.
I think so, too.
Everyone is watching TV,
but you are on the other side of the monitor.
You can see the times.
There are only a few percent of people who want to go.
It's like, it doesn't matter to me anyway.
But it's interesting, so I'll watch it.
If it's a book, I'll read it.
I think it's like that.
I think it's close to that.
That's right.
In that sense,
if someone close to you sends it to me,
it's easy to feel close to you.
It may be easy for you to do it yourself.
That's right.
I can do it myself.
Then I'll try it.
It may be a little trigger.
In that sense, I think it's precious to have someone like Mr. Kojima.
I want to feature him.
I want to find more and more people with the same motivation.
I'd like you to participate in that kind of thing.
That's right.
Mr. Abukawa, who is watching here today,
is an SI or SES type person.
Mr. Abukawa, would you like to talk to Mr. Kojima?
Sounds good.
Sounds good.
Let's set up a meeting.
Next, Mr. Oda, is there any article you're interested in?
I felt like there was one on Twitter earlier,
but it seems that the specifications are almost the same.
The one about the tab?
That's right.
Which one was the Twitter tab?
I don't know.
The one where the tab is invalid.
Ah, the iOS app's home, latest tweets,
and tab switching are all invalid.
Ah, this one.
Yes, yes, yes.
I was personally interested in this one.
Well, on Twitter,
there's a culture of trying a lot of things and failing a lot of things.
That's right.
What do you guys do?
Do you look at the home?
Do you look at the recommended tweets?
Or do you look at the latest tweets?
Lately, I've only been looking at the community.
Ah, I see, I see.
I don't really...
Ah, that's right.
Do you select the home and follow it?
Not really.
Then, isn't the content kind of cluttered?
Yes, yes, yes.
So, I'm looking at the latest tweets.
For the latest tweets,
until yesterday, the space wasn't displayed,
or it was only displayed in the home.
Of course, it's welcome to challenge it,
but I thought the current version was a little too easy to use.
For about a week.
Ah, yes, yes.
It's been less than a week.
That means it's changed now, right?
Ah, that's right.
You can now select the iOS app.
Yes, yes, yes.
By the way, there are a lot of comments from everyone.
For example, Jun from Sapporo said it was the latest tweet.
Journeyman also said it was the latest.
Ah, that's good.
Kabukawa-san is also always looking at the latest tweets.
If you're curious, go straight to see it.
You go straight to see it.
Ah, I see, I see.
Isn't it annoying?
Eh, really?
No, if you click the icon normally,
you'll see a list of tweets from that person.
I see, I see.
I thought it would be nice to have an interesting tweet,
so I followed it up a bit.
I see.
Well, that story sounds interesting too.
It's like how everyone is doing worship.
Ah, I see.
I've also created a space.
Recently, I've been testing it on an account that I don't use often.
I'm testing it to see if it can be used for events
or if it can be used as a back-end channel.
Ah, as a back-end channel?
Well, yeah.
It does sound like a back-end channel,
but I don't use it often.
Isn't that what you mean by a back-end channel?
I don't really get it.
Yeah, yeah.
I don't really talk about it much,
but on an account that I only use at work,
I create a space and get a lot of people.
I don't really have anything to talk about,
but I thought it was a bit lame.
It's like a test.
I'm a bit careful.
It's like I'm doing it without anyone knowing.
In a comment from Kabukawa-san,
if you have 5,000 followers,
you can't follow them individually,
so you can only follow the latest ones.
Well, that's true.
Kabukawa-san also has a lot of followers,
but I don't think I want to follow 5,000 people.
Well, you know,
you're going to step up step by step, right?
Ah, this person is a really interesting person,
or he made an interesting announcement,
or he made an interesting book,
and you follow him.
I think it's going to pile up.
I've had a lot more followers in the last two years.
I feel like I've got four digits.
Oh, I see.
I'm going to miss a lot of them.
Sometimes I have to connect with them
when there's an event,
so I'll connect with them.
But after the event,
if I do it for a while,
I'll be like,
that's it,
and I'll miss a lot of them.
Ah, that's probably true for people who download a lot.
That's true.
Do you not download a lot?
No, I don't.
As long as it's not that bad,
I don't miss a lot of followers.
Well, it's not that bad, but...
Jun from Sapporo is also...
Oh, he's a direct visit type.
He's always typing into the Twitter search window.
Jun is also a principle person, isn't he?
I see.
Well, everyone uses it as they please.
I've been thinking about using Instagram lately,
but I can't take a good picture because I don't leave the house.
I'm facing a fundamental problem.
How about Instagram with DevRel?
Well, it's personal,
it's work,
and so is DevRel.
I wonder if I can use Instagram.
It's pretty much like that, isn't it?
It's a bit of an old-fashioned way to say it on Facebook,
but the age group is fixed at a certain level.
Twitter is a bit of a mess,
but I have the impression that there are quite a few young people on Instagram.
To get more and more people to know me,
I have to use this kind of thing.
I wonder if I can use TikTok, too.
Instagram has an account for DevRel Con Tokyo.
Oh, that's right.
DevRel Con Tokyo has an Instagram account.
I immediately followed it.
I uploaded photos of Japan and Tokyo,
and I tried to get people to know the goodness of Japan from the photos.
I think it's really good.
If I can do that,
I think it's worth doing it with DevRel.
Especially if it's a hardware system,
it looks good.
Software systems are quite difficult, aren't they?
Yeah, that's right.
I wonder if there's a way to make use of it.
Oh, look, look.
I just got a good comment.
From Kizawa-san?
Kizawa-san, yes.
Yes, yes, here it is.
That's it.
When I asked a newcomer in 2020 who taught me,
he said that the SNS he used was only Instagram.
Is he an engineer?
I'm a little curious if he's not an engineer.
But I'm sure there are people who only use Instagram.
We're on the IT engineer side,
so I think it's a little hard to tell where the IT engineer is shining.
But people like Evangelist and Advocate
go on business trips to various places,
go on business trips to various places,
and when they post photos,
they look like they're having fun.
Yes, yes, yes.
In that sense,
depending on how we show our activities,
I think there is a possibility that we can shine.
I think there is.
There's also the Morohana part.
As you said, it looks like they're having fun.
It's different, isn't it?
It's a kind of eye-catching marketing.
It's like putting it on a set when you're chatting.
You have to prevent it from getting stuck on purpose.
By the way, Taiji,
do you post about your stay in Lisbon on Instagram?
I have an account on Instagram,
but I hardly use it.
Oh, so it's not sparkling.
The sparkling judgment is extreme.
I've started using Instagram recently.
Please go ahead.
I use OutSystems officially on Instagram.
Oh, really?
Let's take a look.
I'm curious to see what you're doing.
Basically, I feel like I'm being posted
in an event-driven way.
What was it?
Life of OutSystems?
It's an account name like that.
I don't remember it well.
I'm talking about remembering it.
Life at OutSystems.
I feel like it's going to be a great reference.
It's an online theme,
so it's important to be aware of the appearance
and output it.
Recently, I've been looking at a lot of things
and I've come to understand them.
I'll send you another URL.
Actually, today's main theme was
a gadget I'm glad I bought.
I've been getting a lot of results from everyone
in the survey.
There are six.
I'm surprised.
There were only two earlier,
so I thought it was okay at the end,
but when I opened it, it was six.
I was a little surprised.
Let's do it quickly.
Everyone, thank you for sending it.
The first one is from Debrel Name,
Thank you always.
I'm not a gadget geek myself,
but what I thought was convenient
was Amazon Fire.
I didn't use it much,
but it's very useful in many ways.
I thought it would be nice to have a few
reasonable tablets.
Also, it's been a while since I bought a game.
The latest Dragon Quest game was a good buy.
That's what I've heard.
Was Oda Shou-san a game player?
The latest game console is rolling,
but I don't play it at all.
It's about Ring Fit Adventure.
The game console is rolling,
but the game software is important, right?
Of course.
I don't have time to do it at all.
Oh, really?
That's right.
That's the same for me.
Taiju, do you have a game console?
I have a Nintendo Switch.
Oda Shou-san also has a Switch
for Ring Fit Adventure, right?
I have it.
A lot of people have a Switch.
That's right.
On the other hand, do you need to buy
PS5 or Xbox?
Oda Shou-san, do you need to buy an Xbox?
Actually, I have it.
You have it?
I have it.
I just don't have a key in it.
I put in a flight simulator.
I thought it was great, so I played it once.
You played it once.
That's too bad.
That's right.
I understand.
Next, we have a question from Debrel Name,
Jun-san from Sapporo.
Thank you.
It's not that I bought it recently,
but the number of times I'm glad I bought
a silent violin has increased recently.
When I started taking lessons
at the time I quit my previous job,
I was a pacemaker in my life.
Recently, I've been playing it
while I'm working from home,
and this has become a good time to exercise
instead of taking a walk.
The body of the electric violin is silent,
so I can play it anytime.
I think this is one of the advantages
of living in Sapporo.
What is a silent violin?
What is it?
Is it like listening to music
with headphones?
Well, I guess so.
I guess so.
How should I put it?
Well, I can't make a loud noise,
so I'm trying to make it electronic
to some extent.
I don't know if it's near my ears
or if I can make it smaller,
but I'm controlling it like that.
Certainly, it will be a good exercise
instead of taking a walk.
In the sense of losing concentration.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's a thing called a silent violin.
I've heard a lot of people
start playing music
during this pandemic.
Oh, I see.
It's a new hobby, I guess.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I don't know about instruments.
I can only play the violin and the lute.
Oh, I see.
Well, I guess you can play the lute.
Oh, I see.
That's great.
That's great.
Okay, next.
This is from Ariaki.
Thank you very much.
Anker Soundcore Wave.
It's an exciting gadget
with a watch, speaker,
and smartphone non-contact charging.
I got it as a birthday present,
but it's best to put it by your pillow
and listen to music
and relax
while sleeping
When you're sleeping in the app,
you can turn off the watch display
or choose the ambient sound
and play it.
It's a great digital gadget.
Anker Soundcore Wave.
This looks pretty interesting.
it's kind of like
an all-in-one gadget.
when you think of Anker,
I have a strong image
of a charger.
There's something like this.
That's great.
Okay, next.
This is from Odashiko.
Can you read it, Odashiko?
Yes, I understand.
It's a smart remote control
and a camera.
It's a remote control
that supports infrared.
Some of the controls are still rolling.
And then there's the camera.
It's a smart remote control
that supports infrared
and infrared cameras
and infrared cameras
and infrared cameras
and infrared cameras
The camera is quite heavy,
so be careful not to get too tired.
It's a lot of money.
The latest one
is connected to the Switch,
but you can connect it
directly to the PC,
This smart remote control, is it a voice-controlled device?
Yes, it's a voice-controlled device.
You can connect it to Google Home or Alexa.
You can also connect it to an air conditioner.
There are some old appliances,
so you can connect it to a remote control
that is compatible with infrared.
You can connect it to a smart remote control
and you can use it on your smartphone
to complete all your tasks.
By the way,
what kind of camera do you recommend?
The camera I'm using right now
is a Sony α7Ⅳ
that was just released in December.
This is really good.
I can see that
it's obviously expensive.
It's a standard model
among Sony cameras,
so I think it's about 300,000 yen.
Oh, yes, yes.
That's a good price.
Thank you very much.
It was expensive.
Well, you have to use it, right?
Yes, yes.
I already bought it.
this is from Sumikko.
Thank you very much.
Mike, Blue Yeti.
I like Yeti.
I like it too.
I like the sound of Yeti.
I can't hear you if you're too particular.
I'm curious about Neumann's microphone.
It's a little different
because it's a world of 400,000 or 600,000 yen.
That's true.
this is from Kizawa.
Thank you very much.
Monitors are important.
I'm listening to the specs, but let's start with six.
That's what I'm going to talk about.
That's funny.
It's not a camera.
It's like that.
It's true.
It seems to be.
It's a little funny.
Next, from Mr. Kabukawa.
Thank you very much.
Bone electric headset.
It is very comfortable for long-term meetings
with remote work.
I also bought a bone electric headset.
What was this?
Yes, that's right.
This is good, isn't it?
Is bone electric that good?
It's good.
After all, it doesn't stimulate the eardrum,
so it's good that it doesn't hurt even if you wear it for a long time.
I see.
It's just that the sound is a little loud.
I wonder if I can hear it when I'm on the train.
I see.
You bought a hole-in-one earphone recently, didn't you?
Yes, yes, yes.
How is it?
It's quite convenient.
It's really good.
Well, it's natural to have a hole in it, but you can hear it, and you can hear the music.
Most of the time, you can't hear that kind of thing because it's out of tune,
but it seems to be doing a good job of customizing it.
You can hear it normally, but you can also hear the outside sound.
I see.
Do you need to listen to the sound of life even though you're locked in your house?
Oh, that's it.
So, you know, there's a chime.
Oh, almost every day.
You get a delivery almost every day, right?
With some gadget.
Yes, yes, yes.
That's it.
That's it.
It's a ping-pong sound.
Oh, it's for ping-pong countermeasures.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, I think that's fine, too.
I think it's a good idea for when you don't want to keep using the eardrum for a long time.
By the way, Mr. Kizawa also commented on the previous one.
It's a 27-inch 4K, and it's 125%.
Yes, thank you.
When I hear something like this, I want to buy it.
Oh, when this is over, I want you to go to the site right away.
2, 3, no, not 2, 3, 4, 5.
If you click on it every time.
No, I have two of them now.
It's barely enough.
No, the monitor is good, isn't it?
After all, it's justice to have a large display area, isn't it?
In a sense.
Yeah, that's right.
By the way, from Mr. Abukawa.
It's comfortable even if you use it for a long time because it doesn't block your ears.
When I'm at home, I have to hear the chime when the ping pong ball comes.
Everyone, it's for ping pong balls, isn't it?
It's for ping pong balls, after all.
It's not an exaggeration to say that I bought it just for the ping pong ball.
This is quite an interesting opinion.
By the way, Mr. Taiji, did you buy any interesting gadgets recently?
I haven't bought any gadgets at all.
I just got a comment from Jun from Sapporo.
There's a comment saying he bought a silent violin.
Do you know what a silent violin is?
Oh, I know.
There's a guitar, too.
A silent guitar.
Oh, that's like a headphone.
That's right.
If you connect it to an amp or something, it makes a sound.
It doesn't make a sound on its own.
Electric guitars are originally like that.
Acoustic guitars and classical guitars make a lot of noise.
That's why I can't practice at home.
It's a silent guitar.
It's a guitar that doesn't have a body that makes a sound.
I see.
That's what Jun from Sapporo recommended.
I think it's good for people who like it.
I see.
Well, I'm waiting for your comments.
I'm sorry.
It's been more than 30 minutes.
Today's 53rd episode of DevRel Radio is from Japan and Lisbon.
I'm glad it was an international episode.
That's great.
Well, I'm sure you're all still working.
Taiji-san's place is still around 10 o'clock.
Is it around 11 o'clock?
Is it around noon?
Taiji-san's place.
It's 9.30 in the morning.
It's that early?
Oh, it's that early.
Well, I'm sure Taiji-san is still working.
We're almost done with work, so we'd like to take a break.
The last person who came out was Mark from SocialTanto.
Oh, that's what I was talking about earlier.
Yes, yes.
Please listen and enjoy.
I see.
Well, everyone, it's a little over time, but thank you for joining us.
Thank you for your hard work, Oda Sho and Taiji-san.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Well, good luck with your work, everyone.
See you next time.

