The News Agents

The News Agents

Global 750 Episodes

Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host an award-winning daily news podcast: The News Agents.

They’re not just here to tell you what's happening, but why. Expect astute analysis and explanation of the day's news – and a healthy dose of scepticism and the ability to laugh at it all when needed.

Episodes are available every weekday afternoon. You can listen to The News Agents on Alexa, just say "Alexa ask Global Player to play The News Agents"

The News Agents is a Global Player Original podcast.

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Truss v Starmer: the first showdown

Truss v Starmer: the first showdown

Sep 8, 2022 31:58

Liz Truss faces Keir Starmer in Parliament for the first time, and there’s a notable shift in tone at Prime Minister's Questions. Gone is the bluff and bluster of the Johnson era - arguments over policy and ideology are back. We analyse that, and discuss diversity on the Tory frontbench.And we need to talk Donald Trump again - classified details of foreign nuclear weapons have been found in the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago. Producer: Gabriel RadusPlanning: Melissa TutesigensiSound Engineer: Ioana BarbuDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino SofosFor exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.Clip Credits: Pienaar’s Politics, BBCUniversity Challenge BBC

Liz Truss in Downing Street

Liz Truss in Downing Street

Sep 7, 2022 28:30

A drought ends in a downpour, and Prime Minister Truss emerges outside Number 10 to deliver a dry economic message. Lewis is in Downing Street, and we discuss her early pledges and what we know of her so far.Producer: Gabriel RadusPlanning: Melissa TutesigensiSound Engineer: Ioana BarbuDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino SofosFor exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Can Liz Truss keep the country warm?

Can Liz Truss keep the country warm?

Sep 6, 2022 33:58

Liz Truss becomes UK Prime Minister with just 81,326 votes of Conservative party members. Has any leader ever come to power with such an array of problems? What will her first government look like? And can she solve Britain’s energy crisis? We’re joined by the former Tory Chancellor and "frenemy" of Boris Johnson, George Osborne, who knows Liz Truss well. He also has some thoughts on what the former PM might do next.Producer: Gabriel RadusPlanning: Melissa TutesigensiSound Engineer: Ioana BarbuDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino SofosFor exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The Energy Crisis: Who's to blame?

The Energy Crisis: Who's to blame?

Sep 3, 2022 28:23

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has plunged millions into a profound energy crisis. But Russia's war was just the catalyst. What has led us here is a much longer, and more complex story of political failure in Britain and Europe. Today, we dig deeper into why we are where we are. And The News Agents speak to businesses in the North-West, about how that failure is already costing us, leading to business closure and job losses.Producers: Ellie Clifford and Gabriel RadusPlanning: Melissa TutesigensiDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino SofosFor exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The Tories - Live at Wembley

The Tories - Live at Wembley

Sep 2, 2022 27:18

It’s the final showdown between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak. We’re back stage at Wembley for the final Tory leadership hustings, hosted by LBC as this interminable contest finally comes to an end. But what, if anything, have we learnt? When the whole country is worried about paying their bills, can the Tory party really justify the time and money spent on this level of introspection? Producer: Gabriel Radus Planning: Melissa TutesigensiSound Engineer: Ioana BarbuDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino Sofos For exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: The News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Our next PM’s nightmare inheritance

Our next PM’s nightmare inheritance

Sep 1, 2022 35:20

When Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak cross the Downing Street threshold, Britain’s most senior civil servant will take them into the cabinet room to brief them on nuclear codes, critical national security threats and vital economic data. Gus O’Donnell was that civil servant and oversaw the transition from Blair to Brown, and Brown to Cameron. Lord O’Donnell has some candid advice for the next PM on how to rebuild trust with the British people.And following his death, can a line be drawn from Mikhail Gorbachev and what is happening in Ukraine today? We speak to the journalists Allan Little and Anne Applebaum.Producer: Gabriel RadusPlanning: Melissa TutesigensiDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino SofosFor exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Trump: Prison or President?

Trump: Prison or President?

Aug 31, 2022 32:11

Donald Trump is being investigated by the FBI over a cache of secret documents he squirrelled away at his private residence in Mar-a-Lago. He says he’s cooperating but last night senior Republican Lindsey Graham warned there will be riots on the streets if Trump is charged. So could Trump really go to jail? And if he’s not convicted, could that relaunch him as America’s most likely next President?On our first episode of The News Agents, we hear from two people who know Donald Trump inside out - his former acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, and his former Director of Communications, Anthony Scaramucci.You can get in touch with us via our social platforms. Just search The News Agents.The News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.Producers: Gabriel Radus and Melissa TutesigensiSound Engineer: Ioana BarbuDeputy Editor: Tom HughesExecutive Producer: Dino Sofos

The Emily Maitlis MacTaggart Lecture

The Emily Maitlis MacTaggart Lecture

Aug 25, 2022 51:33

We’re launching for real on Tuesday 30th, but for now listen to Emily’s keynote lecture at the Edinburgh TV Festival, with some post-match analysis from Emily and Jon. The speech looks at the challenges and solutions for good journalism in the age of populism.Speech Copyright: The Edinburgh International Television Festival

Introducing...The News Agents

Introducing...The News Agents

Aug 22, 2022 06:48

A sneak peek of what's to come on The News Agents. See you next Tuesday!

The News Agents - The Trailer

The News Agents - The Trailer

Aug 22, 2022 01:18

Welcome to The News Agents - a new daily podcast beginning August 30th hosted by journalists Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel & Lewis Goodall.



ポッドキャストプラットフォーム「LISTEN」や、GPSトラッキングサービス「IBUKI」、物件メディア「物件ファン」、京都の宿とコワーキング施設「UNKNOWN KYOTO」を運営する近藤淳也(jkondo)が、朝の散歩をしたりしながら、日々の出来事や考えたことを語ります。



台湾人の伶伶と日本人の朋(TOMO)で、脚本無しの台日お喋りラジオをPodcastやSpotifyにて配信中! 【毎週月曜と木曜の朝7時に更新中!】 【每週一和週四早上6點更新中!】 【日本語】 ・自然な中国語(台湾華語)と日本語の会話を聞いて発音や単語、文法が勉強できる! ・主に日本と台湾の文化の違いや歴史について話してます。 ・リスニングや聞き流しの言語学習にピッタリ! ・教科書に載ってない自然な言葉を勉強したい方向けです! ・特に中級者や上級者の方におすすめです。 【中文】 ・日本人和台灣人沒有腳本沒有大綱的日常對話台日Radio! ・用日文和中文(台灣華語)聊聊日本和台灣的文化差異和有趣的小歷史 ・透過日常閒聊學習語言、單字、文法、練習聽力(和吐槽) ・學習課本沒有教的自然語! ・特別推薦給中級、上級的學習者! 【English】 ・No draft, no script, just a casual chat with Japanese and Taiwanese ・The culture difference and some fun history talk ・Let's learn those slangs just like natives! ・Language exchange between Japanese and Taiwanese. === LINK === ❤️【朋さんへの差し入れリスト / Tomo-san's Wishlist】 ❤️【伶伶さんへの差し入れリスト / Ling-ling's Wishlist】 🎬 YouTube (字幕有り) 爽語NEWSのYoutube言語交換Ch. 💰月額支援FANBOX ❤️インスタ/IG 爽語NEWS ❤️Twitter 爽語NEWS 朋(TOMO) 📮お問い合わせ(合作・聯繫) ⭐️みんなも聞きたいテーマがあったらコメント欄に書いてね! チャンネル登録、高評価を押してくれると嬉しいです! 有想聽的主題歡迎留言給我們,也請給我們5顆星星! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom




London Tech Talk

London Tech Talk

ロンドン在住の Ken と Kaz で提供する、海外テック系 Podcast です。最新の技術ネタや海外でのキャリアの築き方から、子育て・教育など、ヨーロッパでの現地生活について喋ります。