Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast
So I decided to sell my iPad oh
The which one the mini one the mini one. Oh, there isn't new one that I got. Yeah
Why because I have this MacBook Air
Okay, and I just this this was enough. Uh-huh. Yeah
That wasn't the iPad mini wasn't enough for you. It was
well, I mean if I
Am okay with carrying this. Mm-hmm, then I'd have no
use for
Using an iPad. I know it's all
Now my main laptop is compact like portable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there was no point of
Yeah, so this is actually like light enough for you. Yeah, this was okay. This was a light enough. Yeah
Got it right here
Baby oh, yeah, I'm gonna ship it today. Oh
You know
It's packed. Yeah, it's packed and ready to go and oh
That's right. That's another side. There's another side kind of right. Yeah. Yeah, lovely song
But it had to be it had to be done though
right the old lover still there still there my
Metal rack. Yeah, I fucked up battery
He's still there. Okay, and uh, you know, she's gotta go. Oh, yeah, so you still keep that old
Yeah, that's right, but the recent one it's got no
Still got a resale value. It's gotta go
Yeah, the the battery fucked up one and it doesn't even have a resale value anymore, yeah anybody so yeah, yeah
Yeah, it's gonna stick with me yeah, I can keep it yeah in your heart yeah in your memory, that's right
Yeah, but now you're with this yeah, that's right MacBook. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah
Yeah, you're happy with that's this
You're pretty light. It does everything it has to how do you feel like you're feeling changed?
Since you start living this with this this MacBook air. Yeah
I mean, you know it very useful, you know, it does everything, you know, you know how iPads has limits, right? Yes
it doesn't have like a
Readjustable window sizes so I can only up you can only do a multitask of like three windows and stuff, right? It's just it's
The file management is different. Yeah, right. That's that's the big one. It's too big right and you know
It's just you can't it can't it's not compatible with like a lot of things like, you know
You can't use like USB accessories or USB C accessories and stuff like that or like you can't install some weird shit
Yeah, true. All right
No, right. Well, it's got to go and the connection. Yeah the connection wasn't
Yeah, like stable the key. Oh, oh keyboard connection was okay. Oh, it was pretty good. Okay. Yeah, so connection wasn't that bad
Commission was not bad. No, it was okay. Yeah, okay, so
You know, hmm, all right, it's kind of sad but it's got to go yeah gotta go I mean it's it's it's
Sometimes you have to you know, right, right say goodbye to
And you know welcome somebody. Yeah
New right, right. That's right. Yeah, just had a similar conversation about that, right?
Behind cameras
Yeah, yeah, but um
Do you have any any any like thing that you don't like about this? I
Don't like about the air. Mm-hmm
Well, I mean, I don't really have anything. Mm-hmm. I can't really ask for much. Mm-hmm
It's pretty good. Yeah, I mean, it's got great battery life. Mm-hmm. It's capable of doing shit. Mm-hmm
I like it. Mm-hmm. I like it
Stableness state stableness stableness stability stability. Yeah, it's one of the biggest
One of I mean the biggest elements. Yeah
When you when you think about like having time together, yeah, that's right. You know, you know, that's right. That's right
Don't have to worry about anything, right? Yeah gather. Yeah, don't have to feel worried, you know, right about anything. Mm-hmm
Putting your mind at ease, right? Right. It's really important
Yeah, if somebody like gone 100% like and then like gone 10, yeah
110 that's oh
Maybe it's fun. It's fun to have just have like two days together great shigeki. Yeah, right
But is that a life partner? Yeah. Well, I don't know. Mm-hmm. It's great point. Yeah, great point
You got like proper bodily is got progress, right stable stable partner
Right, I can see the future. Yeah, right. I know when to charge
Like she'll tell me
What she needs to charge like beforehand. I mean, that's really important. Yeah, like in two hours
I have to yeah do a recharge Kevin. So can you like of course?
Course we can recharge. Let's go. Let's get you a USB see right now
I mean honestly, that's the key. Yeah open for the like those conversations. Yeah, I need rest
That's right. Yeah, that's right
You guys are open
Transparent conversation, you know
That's right, no matter of fact she's at
Right now 33% Oh, well, you don't need a little battery in a few hours, right? Let's get you some battery. Okay
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah you found found a very good partner I didn't find a good partner didn't I
Just gonna say an official goodbye to yeah this one. Mm-hmm. Thank you for Vienna
All me we spent about a month and a half together
Okay. Yeah, okay. Thank you. It's a part of both of your lives. That's right. You're right now
She's gonna be a handed down to another person. Mm-hmm. I'm Eric. Ari. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Well my end. Oh
That's actually no bad good deal. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah
Yes, yes, yeah
All right, so there you go, thanks for sitting guys, thank you